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Cattermole Seriously Injures Another Player.

Crumpy Gunt

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I think that the use of video technology to enable judgements on this sort of thing is well overdue.


For once NE5, I actually agree with you.


Same here.




if it isn't the next change in the game, then it should be. Along with sin bins in conjunction with a yellow card.





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I don't agree about a sin bin.


penalises them in the actual game where they pick up a booking ?


Gives them time to cool off ?


Instant punishment ?


Thats basically why. They also should get longer bans when they are banned. I remember when Derek Dougan [Wolves] and a centre half [can't remember who] both got an 8 game ban for being sent off. What happened to that ? Why did it revert back to a couple of games ?



see october 29th






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Sin bin is the future IMO. Especially for dissent, next time John Terry has a hissy fit put the fucker on the bench that will learn him...


I think you would get loads at the start of the season and then players will learn, if they want refs to have respect this is the quickest albeit artificial way to do it.


PS Cattermole is a cunt

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10 minute sin bins would be a good idea IMO.


But I'd keep the yellow cards the way they are, and introuduce the sin-bin as the next step of punishment. Reserved for the more cynical/dangerous yellow card offenses. I'd not like to see a guy sin-binned for some of the things you can get booked for these days, but when you see guys commit cynical little trips to stop a dangerous counter-attack and happily take the booking then that's the type of thing that warrants an extra punishment.


It'd be much fairer punishment as well for instance in those cases where a player who is last man makes a genuine attempt to win the ball but gets the man and gives away a penalty, especially keepers. Penalty and a red card pretty much kills the game off if it happens early, but at least a 10 minute sin bin gives you a chance to weather the storm and get back in the game.

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I definitely agree with NE5 and others, the sin bin would be a good thing to bring in. Also, clubs should be able to cite players after the game like they do in Rugby for things that the ref has missed.

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I definitely agree with NE5 and others, the sin bin would be a good thing to bring in. Also, clubs should be able to cite players after the game like they do in Rugby for things that the ref has missed.


But could you put a keeper in the sin bin?

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I definitely agree with NE5 and others, the sin bin would be a good thing to bring in. Also, clubs should be able to cite players after the game like they do in Rugby for things that the ref has missed.


But could you put a keeper in the sin bin?


There's a similar issue in Rugby with props and the like, they get around it by bringing on a replacement for period of the sin bin to cover that "essential" position which means that they have to chose someone else to go off instead for that period of time. I don't think that the actual player who was binned can remain on the pitch though, not sure what happens if there is no replacement. It's not such a big deal in football as a non-specialist isn't likely to get injured playing in such a specialised position as in goal, whereas they probably would if they had to play prop, perhaps someone who's already on the pitch would have to go in goal for the period of the bin?

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I definitely agree with NE5 and others, the sin bin would be a good thing to bring in. Also, clubs should be able to cite players after the game like they do in Rugby for things that the ref has missed.


But could you put a keeper in the sin bin?


We've Steven Taylor anyway, so we'd be covered in the meantime.


It's a fair point though, I could envisage teams being allowed sacrifice someone else in the event that the keeper is sin binned. Or maybe the other team could pick which player has to go off so they get a real advantage.

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I definitely agree with NE5 and others, the sin bin would be a good thing to bring in. Also, clubs should be able to cite players after the game like they do in Rugby for things that the ref has missed.


it would slow the game down far too much i think, players would find someway of using it to their advantage


But could you put a keeper in the sin bin?


There's a similar issue in Rugby with props and the like, they get around it by bringing on a replacement for period of the sin bin to cover that "essential" position which means that they have to chose someone else to go off for that period of time.

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It would be difficult to implement for tackles and such but it could be a massive deterrant for dissent. The sin bin would clean people like John  Terry up fairly quickly. Or it can be used for persistant time wasting.


On another point;


The 10 yard rule was good apart from the attacking team should have the choice of a further 10 yards or stay where you are that way a free kick taker like Beckham who is probably in his comfort zone and 25-20 yards out doesn't get penalised by HAVING to move forward.

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Its at times like these you wish Vinnie Jones was still playing and would f*** Cattermole for life.

to be fair to cattermole he seems to do his damage in 50-50's....something jones didn't do.he'd rather catch someone when they already had the ball and werent prepared or were already on the deck (a more cowardly twat of a footballer i've rarely seen)
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