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Arsenals 2nd Today.

Crumpy Gunt

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Highlighted the rank amateurism that is rife at the Club.



Why the fuck was Taylor taken off to be substituted 5 seconds later?


I can't think of any club in a similar situation that would have allowed that situation to develop as it did.



But, thats why we are going down.

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Lack of leadership on & off the pitch.


Whilst Taylor was off the pitch why didn't our captain direct Beye to cover the centre whilst R Taylor dropped to right back?  Why Didn't Butt take it on himself to fill that gap?

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madras is correct i think. he was at the side getting treatment. they managed to get through the middle due to the gap created by taylor not being on the pitch


Im sure this exact same thing has happened to us before.  I am pissed so cant recall when but im sure it happened.

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madras is correct i think. he was at the side getting treatment. they managed to get through the middle due to the gap created by taylor not being on the pitch


Im sure this exact same thing has happened to us before.  I am pissed so cant recall when but im sure it happened.


Man Utd, 1st game of the season

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The club seems to have a recurring 'things will be alright' theme running through it. From top to bottom, they're all just expecting things to happen on their own.


They expect the fans to turn up even when we're shit, they expect a rubbish manager to have us challenging for everything, they expect a coach to be able to cover for said rubbish manager, they expect to stay up with a limited, imbalanced squad, they expect Championship players to compete in the Premier League, they expect us to cope against a passing side with one of our best players (on the day) off the pitch. They just expect everything to be fine. :thup:

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madras is correct i think. he was at the side getting treatment. they managed to get through the middle due to the gap created by taylor not being on the pitch


Im sure this exact same thing has happened to us before.  I am pissed so cant recall when but im sure it happened.


Man Utd away I believe?

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If Taylor insisted on coming back on despite being his ankle being fucked then he needs a rocket. If he knew he was fucked then he should have said so straight away and he could have been subbed and maybe we wouldn't have conceded that killer 2nd.


At least Taylor got his round of applause when he eventually went off though. That's the main thing. 

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The club seems to have a recurring 'things will be alright' theme running through it. From top to bottom, they're all just expecting things to happen on their own.


They expect the fans to turn up even when we're s***, they expect a rubbish manager to have us challenging for everything, they expect a coach to be able to cover for said rubbish manager, they expect to stay up with a limited, imbalanced squad, they expect Championship players to compete in the Premier League, they expect us to cope against a passing side with one of our best players (on the day) off the pitch. They just expect everything to be fine. :thup:


YES!, Ive been saying this today to the lads at the match, Ashley, Kinnear, Hughton et al, are just hoping its all going to turn out ok cause they believe Newcastle is too big to go down.


You only have to read the back page of the Chronicle today to realise this.

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If Taylor insisted on coming back on despite being his ankle being f***ed then he needs a rocket. If he knew he was f***ed then he should have said so straight away and he could have been subbed and maybe we wouldn't have conceded that killer 2nd.


At least Taylor got his round of applause when he eventually went off though. That's the main thing.  


hadn't considered that, but wouldn't surprise me at all. The lad's all heart and no head sadly

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If Taylor insisted on coming back on despite being his ankle being f***ed then he needs a rocket.


Oh aye, Old Man Houghton will give him what-for. Bet Taylor'd be quaking in his size 10s over that prospect.


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so the fact that a player was getting treatment when they scored means we are a bunch of amateurs ?


agree with midds, the player should have known better but even then it;s unlikely we'd have got someone warmed up and found a break in play to get him on before they scored.



theres enough to have a go at before jumping on picky points like this.

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If Taylor insisted on coming back on despite being his ankle being f***ed then he needs a rocket. If he knew he was f***ed then he should have said so straight away and he could have been subbed and maybe we wouldn't have conceded that killer 2nd.


At least Taylor got his round of applause when he eventually went off though. That's the main thing.  


hadn't considered that, but wouldn't surprise me at all. The lad's all heart and no head sadly


He looked pretty badly injured initially when he went down. Generally players know when they're unable to continue and most just accept it and signal to the bench to be subbed.


Not sure if Taylor thought he was strong enough to run it off but I do know that we conceded whilst he was getting his ankle strapped on the sidelines. When he did come back on he couldn't even jog and lasted a few seconds before he was subbed. By then the damage as already done. 

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Fucking hell, i don't like Taylor but that's just simply finding stuff to spite him with. Aye he's all heart and no head, but we often whinge about the players not putting the effort in.


You can't blame him for wanting to help the team. If he had a fucking manager with any sort of fucking clue, then he wouldn't have allowed him to continue. That's kinda what managers are there for.

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The club seems to have a recurring 'things will be alright' theme running through it. From top to bottom, they're all just expecting things to happen on their own.


They expect the fans to turn up even when we're shit, they expect a rubbish manager to have us challenging for everything, they expect a coach to be able to cover for said rubbish manager, they expect to stay up with a limited, imbalanced squad, they expect Championship players to compete in the Premier League, they expect us to cope against a passing side with one of our best players (on the day) off the pitch. They just expect everything to be fine. :thup:


I really think today is the first time it really has dawned on the mangagement we might go down. All  this dithering with two coaches rinstead of getting a proper firefighter in reeks of complacency.

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Houghton was waiting for the medical staff to give the nod that Tayls had to come off, they wee gesturing 1 min, NOT GOOD ENOUGH, you do not take risks with CB's BUT there should have some organization so a player drops back and fills the gap at the back until the player returns or the change is made. Its basic football, you lose a man in midfield a striker drops  off to fill the gap, you lose a defender a midfield player drops back into defence and a striker drops off to fill the gap in midfield, you can afford 1 striker until you get back to 11 men. Not conceding is what you look to sort out if you go a man short, surley they talk about and practise this?


Oh and the 1st was Ryan Taylors fault, 2 fkn stupid no need completely fkn mental fouls, was lucky not to be booked, drop the cunt for that alone, never mind his poor set pieces.

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Beye had already Gone to CB and R taylor to RB when they scored their 2nd and third. This happened because Beye alowed too much space in the middle and our non-existant defensive midfielders Nolan and Butt are both hacks that coudn't track Diaby.

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Guest KeithKettleborough

Have to agree that it was ridiculous taping Taylor up when from his reaction, it was obviously a bad injury.

However the part played by Lovenkrands should also be taken into account. While Taylor was off he also got injured. Instead of staying down, maybe getting treatment and therefore gaining more time for Taylor to "recover", he was out of the game and hobbling badly. In effect we were down to 9 men. Then Beye, who had gone into the middle with R Taylor at full back, drifted out to the right and was slow to get back into the middle. A mixture of incompetents which lost us the game but of course, by far the biggest clanger was taping Taylor up.

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Plenty players 'hobble' about for a while after getting a knock to see if they can run it off.


While we can all find fault with our players positioning, I thought the goal itself was excellent, a clever pass to a player who saw a gap and took it well. Shame we don't have anyone in midfield to do that.


Was more pissed off with us giving away a stupid free-kick and the resultant marking for their first.

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