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Who is guiltily pleased that we're relegated?

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Guest Mani

the tw@t was gettin paid over 2 million quid a year , all he had to do was pick the fooking team,.  what does he do???  he fooks off as usuall.


Ye because we want people at the club to just turn up and pick up their money.  Him having players sold which he didnt want gone, them signing players he never wanted, him being promised players that never came.. unacceptable.


If you cant see that, you just f*** off.


if keegan dont give a fook about the money why is he going through the courts to get his compensation money?

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Ashley+Keegan, two biggest tossers of the season.


f*** off.


He brought it on himself.  Where is he?  Not a f***ing word since. 


Certainly seals it for me. Will never forgive him. Rest of them we knew were c***s almost from the start.


35 games to go when he went.


Again yes BUT.... He's not to blame for our relegation as such, but for abandoning us at a terrible time and throwing us into a terrible situation he knew he cause us harm in the short term.


Even then we've gone down 1 f***ing point. Everyone's actions this season have the same consequence: relegation.


Terrible time after 3 games, where can appoint a new manager and have almost the whole season left to play?


What terrible situation?  The club could appoint a permanent manager who could of worked with that system.  The club could of released some fucking information to say what was going on - 'parted ways citing that could no longer work together' or something.  They inflamed the situation a 100 times over.

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Ashley+Keegan, two biggest tossers of the season.




Keegan is a good manager.


Ashley appointed him but for some reason known only to himself, he didn't back him. Worse, he undermined him. If Ashley had backed Keegan properly, like someone with ambition would do, we wouldn't have been relegated today.


It's a fact that his penny pinching in order to save money has cost him big time.

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Ashley+Keegan, two biggest tossers of the season.


f*** off.


He brought it on himself.  Where is he?  Not a fucking word since. 


Certainly seals it for me. Will never forgive him. Rest of them we knew were cunts almost from the start.


35 games to go when he went.


Again yes BUT.... He's not to blame for our relegation as such, but for abandoning us at a terrible time and throwing us into a terrible situation he knew would cause us harm in the short term.


Even then we've gone down 1 fucking point. Everyone's actions this season have the same consequence: relegation.


Pressure? How was it pressure exactly? Keegan had the most backing any manager has ever had from our fans.


Exactly. Yet I feel his actions basically told us all to shove it. I will never forgive him. Simple as that.


I don't really understand your logic. How did he tell us all to shove it?

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the tw@t was gettin paid over 2 million quid a year , all he had to do was pick the fooking team,.  what does he do???  he fooks off as usuall.


Ye because we want people at the club to just turn up and pick up their money.  Him having players sold which he didnt want gone, them signing players he never wanted, him being promised players that never came.. unacceptable.


If you cant see that, you just f*** off.


if keegan dont give a fook about the money why is he going through the courts to get his compensation money?


Because he wasnt able to do his job, was forced out.


If i was forced out a job and i was entitled even enraged by past events would want compensation .. but ask yourself if he is doing this - he has a fucking case!

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It will only be a blessing in disguise if you don't rip your club to pieces by playing the blame-game all summer. If you sort out any boardroom issues quickly and all unite behind your club, then you'll emerge much stronger next season. If you don't, you won't find the Championship easy and bouncing back won't be as simple as you may think.

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Guest saintscoobz

No way i am pleased about being relegated, i had to leave the house and have a walk round the block to calm down.  But still i am trying to look at it with rose tinted specs

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Absolutely devastated.


The only possible upside I can see out of this right now is that Ashley doesn't get to have some f*cking lavish celebratatory piss up - the "my gamble on staying up whilst investing nothing in the squad and implementing some half arsed continental management structure paid off because I still own a Premiership club" party.


Ashley has to look in the mirror knowing he's a loser and a failure. What the c*nt does now is anybody's guess tbh.

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On the Keegan issue I'd at least like to hear something from him. I feel he owes US that.


However now that we're down I think we need to offer Shearer the job first and if that comes to nothing then we need someone proven in straight away so they're given the time to rebuild a team good enough to get us back up. I think Curbishley or Venables would be worth a gamble if Shearer leaves but it's vital we sort it out asap and end the mis-management once and for all.

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Another upside of relegation:


People on low-incomes who can't afford season tickets being able to pick and choose what games they can go to, at reduced prices.


Wankers in the Milburn - the kind who sat in the bar while Whitley showed off their silverware - taking their expensive tickets and fucking off.

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Guest ovesbar

Todays 2. half actually made the relegation a little, tiny bit easier to take for me. The fact that the team had no fight, no passion and no skill makes me think that it cant get any worse than it already is. If this relegation can help us get out all the deadmeat, and get in players with some ability then it might be a good thing in the long run. And maybe we could win more than 7 games next season.

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Another upside of relegation:


People who can't afford season tickets being able to pick and choose what games they can go to, at reduced prices.


Wankers in the Milburn - the kind who sat in the bar while Whitley showed off their silverware - taking their expensive tickets and fucking off.



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Another upside of relegation:


People who can't afford season tickets being able to pick and choose what games they can go to, at reduced prices.


Wankers in the Milburn - the kind who sat in the bar while Whitley showed off their silverware - taking their expensive tickets and fucking off.




They're not going to sell Blackpool at £25-£30 are they?

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Another upside of relegation:


People who can't afford season tickets being able to pick and choose what games they can go to, at reduced prices.


Wankers in the Milburn - the kind who sat in the bar while Whitley showed off their silverware - taking their expensive tickets and fucking off.




They're not going to sell Blackpool at £25-£30 are they?


Wanna bet?

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Aye, I would tend to agree with Dave.  I don't think Sunderland reduce their prices during their inevitable down-swings (except for bairns and what have you).


Meanwhile - did anyone else see that Blackburn have slashed their season ticket prices. Lowest in the country apparently, according to my Rovers supporting mate at work.

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Guest Darth Toon

Any of you cunts trying to blame Keegan can kiss my big fat hairy sweaty arse  - there's only one place the blame lies for this shite and its with a fat clueless cockney cunt - any time hes dies soon will be too late as far as I'm concerned.

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A part of me wished Villa would have scored a second and third early in the second half to kill us off for sure. The 1-0 scoreline still bothers me because if we had showed some fight, man, that 1 goal is really, really possible.

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Like all fans I'm gutted but I can see the benefits of it as well.


The other thing that occurs to me is how much more exciting the next season is going to be than any of our past 4-5 seasons. Unless you're challenging for the title or the european places the premier league is dull as fuck, and we haven't been anywhere near that level for ages. It'll actually be a nice change to be challenging for something important again next season and to be one of the better teams in the league.


Still shit though!

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