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Wearing it with pride


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Driving back from Birmingham yesterday i eventually made it to Powburn, just outside Wooler, when i saw something that for the first time over the weekend made me smile.


Walking down the road with his dad was a little kid kicking a football enjoying the evening sunshine. Nowt special... nope. This lad was probably only about 8 or 9 and yet there he was head to toe in his Toon kit. Here's a kid that will never have know us get relegated, and yet the one day you'd imagine he'd think twice about wearing his colours, there he was saying to the world "HERE I AM. I'M STILL A NEWCASTLE FAN". And good on him.


And then i read this today from that lad writing for the Chronicle ... http://www.blogonthetyne.co.uk/2009/05/how-the-real-newcastle-united.html which is spot on again.


The whole country, who've been saying we deserve to be relegated cos we're all obsessed with glory, were so obsessed about us instead of celebrating their own (limited) success. None more so that the mackems with the banners revelling in our demise. From a team who've beaten us once at home in 30 years and last played in a division higher than us 20 years ago. SMB.


So what can we do? Get out there, like that little laddie, and show what we're all about. Wear our colours when playing fives, when on holiday, around the town and especially around the MetroCentre and make a statement to the mackems and the world that we ain't going away.



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I shall be wearing my array of Toon shirts in Zante from Thursday for 2 weeks..can see myself with a permanent V-sign on show but so what..I'm still a proud Newcastle United fan...fuck what anyone thinks.

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I went to play football yesterday and I wore my Newcastle shirt and everyone just looked at me as if I was supposed to get a new team or something because we're not in the prem anymore, f*** that, will always be a Newcastle fan no matter what and I don't plan on hiding it just because we're a league lower.

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This is funny actually.


Wore my 95/96 shirt out and about yesterday and 3 times I was yelled at "Get that shit off" or "What you wearing that for man" etc. Couldn't tell whether they were serious or joking, either way they should fuck off. I'll wear the shirt, and I'll wear it proudly for fucks sake, what do they expect me to suddenly become ashamed of my team and of my area just because we were relegated, fuck off man.


I agree with the original post, wear our colours and wear them with pride. Newcastle are our club no matter how shit we are or what division we are in!

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Oh I forgot to mention, there was some girls football team training a couple of pitches across from me and the coach shouted to one of the girls "do you want to be relegated like Newcastle?" or something along those lines, I didn't quite hear the full thing, felt like saying something but I just got on with my own game.

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I didn't have my Newcastle top on for the match on Sunday, but a few hours afterwards I went home pissed as a fart, went straight to my wardrobe and got my 99/00 toon top out, put it on then got a taxi to wor lasses. The whole house supports Sunderland the bastards. The taxi driver supports us as well so we had a right old rant :lol: Had a BBQ round here as well yesterday and I took some stick but I wasnt going to let the mackem twats get to me. Kept my top on until this morning. Fuck them.

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long time lurker but this my first post.

got my 2 little boys the new toon strip on saturday. they kept them on all sunday - a couple of kiddies birthday parties then at home to watch footie with dad. out on bank holiday monday and they had their purple away tops on - felt proud as f***.

I  work in sunderland and walked into work this morning with my black and white scarf around my neck - complaining bitterly how cold it was in mackemland today. they didnt know what to say - but yews have bayn relegated man! smile and say yeah, so what - thick bastards dont know what to do if u don't bite. they gave up trying by 11am. not had another peep out of them all a day.

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Had a similar experience today, I thought I would leave wearing the Toon stuff out just so it didn't seem like I was doing it for sympathy ro a reaction. However, they tried and tried to provoke and it just didn't work - not one Newcastle fan bit. They didn't know what to say, and similarly gave up at around 11. No doubt it will continue for the next few years - or at least until they're below us once again, but so fuck. Keep the faith.

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long time lurker but this my first post.

got my 2 little boys the new toon strip on saturday. they kept them on all sunday - a couple of kiddies birthday parties then at home to watch footie with dad. out on bank holiday monday and they had their purple away tops on - felt proud as f***.

I  work in sunderland and walked into work this morning with my black and white scarf around my neck - complaining bitterly how cold it was in mackemland today. they didnt know what to say - but yews have bayn relegated man! smile and say yeah, so what - thick bastards dont know what to do if u don't bite. they gave up trying by 11am. not had another peep out of them all a day.


Well done mate. Totally agree with the OP. This is a time for defiance not shame.


Anyway one net result of our relegation is that them and us will have exactly the same ambition next season - to be playing in the PL the following season - but we'll probably have more fun along the way.

If we're no longer capable of challenging at the top for Europe and we're resigned to fighting for survival we may as well take a year out to regroup and move forward.

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Guest Stephen927

Was tons of kids in Team Valley Retail World today with Toon tops on, and the odd one with a s*nderland top.



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I'd wear mine now but it has Owen on the back, so I flat out refuse, gonna get the new one soon. I'll wear a retro one till then.

just stick a "G" in front of the wording you already have.
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I waved a huge black and white flag oot me bedroom window with me cock as the flag pole. The street below was jumpin in no time - even the coppers wanted to join in with their batons but wor lass barricaded the front door.

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I waved a huge black and white flag oot me bedroom window with me cock as the flag pole. The street below was jumpin in no time - even the coppers wanted to join in with their batons but wor lass barricaded the front door.



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I had a curious encounter on Sunday night. As I came home from the pub in my Newcastle top, I was fairly pissed and you'll never guess what I happened upon?!?!?


Yes thats right a fucking Rangers Championship party that had spilled out onto the street. It must of been loads of expat jocks, I swear there was about 12 of them outside, pissed up, Rangers flags hanging from the windows, they were dancing and singing and swinging their scalfs around. They stopped their merriment for a moment and just glared at me with slack jaws and gloating eyes and you could see their joy was cemented by the fact we got relegated.


Anyways they decided against saying anything as I walked past in favour of the thousand yard stare and I just kept walking past them chest puffed out thinking "you bunch of twats, go on celebrate your 10 millionth meaningless title you fuckers, it takes no effort whatsoever to support a club like yours".


We are the mags, we are the mags, we are, we are, we are the mags!!!!!!

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