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Interesting performance. Good side but we need tweaking, like, we'll need to find a more solid central midfield pairing against stronger opposition as we really missed disciplined cover. Perhaps Jones could fill that role. 


Rooney out wide is pointless, it's middle or nothing. Roy's going to have to try and boost his confidence, he's too fragile.

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Interesting performance. Good side but we need tweaking, like, we'll need to find a more solid central midfield pairing against stronger opposition as we really missed disciplined cover. Perhaps Jones could fill that role. 


Rooney out wide is pointless, it's middle or nothing. Roy's going to have to try and boost his confidence, he's too fragile.

Or better still. Drop him.

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Rooney needs fucking dropped.

tbh he made our goal but ffs why play him on the left were he is generally so ineffective ,before the game i said keep a high tempo but what happens a slow buildup yawnathon . Our offensive play very good at times but let down by the earlier comment i made ,no lesson learnt and maybe pissed when watching it but as a spectacle one of the poorest games so far sadly .
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I enjoyed the game and thought Rooney was OK. Good assist and some nice switching of play. Had he scored that chance it'd have been considered a very good game for him. People just like to moan, shock horror.


I'd have him in behind the striker but I don't get the impression all the people shouting about it really know what that would even mean (not so much here - general public).

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I enjoyed the game and thought Rooney was OK. Good assist and some nice switching of play. Had he scored that chance it'd have been considered a very good game for him. People just like to moan, shock horror.


I'd have him in behind the striker but I don't get the impression all the people shouting about it really know what that would even mean (not so much here - general public).


The only reason i wouldn't is i would be greatly concerned at the gap between Henderson-Gerrard and the front players if Rooney played in front of them.


Maybe in some games, but not against teams like Italy for me.

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Hart goes berserk almost immediately, the video is 9 seconds long and in that time we see a free kick be taken and the bar being struck, Hart scream, kick an advertising boarding and then swear at a ball boy :lol:


Maybe the angle doesn't show it all but it escalated pretty quickly.

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I'm like that every week at SJP tbf :lol:


Our ball boys are barely out of the womb and can't throw/kick a ball more than 5 yards. Fucking useless.


I remember once this one kid had been awful all game; being deed slow then when Man U were counter attacking he caught it and hoyed it back so quick they nearly scored against our outnumbered defence. Honestly man. No point in them if they're under the age of 10

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I'm like that every week at SJP tbf :lol:


Our ball boys are barely out of the womb and can't throw/kick a ball more than 5 yards. Fucking useless.


I remember once this one kid had been awful all game; being deed slow then when Man U were counter attacking he caught it and hoyed it back so quick they nearly scored against our outnumbered defence. Honestly man. No point in them if they're under the age of 10


I'm with you on that, our ball boys are always hopeless. Half of them can't even climb over the hoardings because they're too small. :lol:

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It'll be a little lad he's shouting and screaming at like that. They most likely won't be able to speak English, but what an ambassador of the English game Hart showed himself to be there.


There's ways of showing passion that don't extend to bawling out a little kid who's most likely having an incredible experience. It's not as though he was going slow either.

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It'll be a little lad he's shouting and screaming at like that. They most likely won't be able to speak English, but what an ambassador of the English game Hart showed himself to be there.


There's ways of showing passion that don't extend to bawling out a little kid who's most likely having an incredible experience. It's not as though he was going slow either.


Hart just seems like a massive twat. Got LAD stamped on his forehead.


That being said, nothing worse than a little shithead ball boy.

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