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It'll be a little lad he's shouting and screaming at like that. They most likely won't be able to speak English, but what an ambassador of the English game Hart showed himself to be there.


There's ways of showing passion that don't extend to bawling out a little kid who's most likely having an incredible experience. It's not as though he was going slow either.


Hart just seems like a massive twat. Got LAD stamped on his forehead.


That being said, nothing worse than a little shithead ball boy.


I'd read about the incident but that's the first I saw of the video and that just pissed me off no end. Hope he has his sponsorship deals terminated.

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Aye fuck that like. I want the ball back, and their job is to get it to him immediately. It was after a free kick, no? A ball should have been thrown to Hart as soon as the ball went behind. It's the World Cup, I don't give a shit if I make a child cry. Cry away, shit ballboy, cry away.

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It'll be a little lad he's shouting and screaming at like that. They most likely won't be able to speak English, but what an ambassador of the English game Hart showed himself to be there.


There's ways of showing passion that don't extend to bawling out a little kid who's most likely having an incredible experience. It's not as though he was going slow either.


Hart just seems like a massive t***. Got LAD stamped on his forehead.


That being said, nothing worse than a little shithead ball boy.


:lol: Damn, was going to post the Spurs kid who hoyed the ball into the oppo's nuts, but it's an ITV clip.

Spurs "ball" boy is your friend.


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Aye fuck that like. I want the ball back, and their job is to get it to him immediately. It was after a free kick, no? A ball should have been thrown to Hart as soon as the ball went behind. It's the World Cup, I don't give a shit if I make a child cry. Cry away, shit ballboy, cry away.



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It's a high pressure situation but Hart should act like a professional and remember that he's representing a country. Like I said, you can be fired up without shouting at bairns. It's unfortunate we don't have a better goalkeeper to represent the country.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Passion or no passion there is no reason to go on the way he has done, grow up FFS. What an utter bell end. If I was the FA I'd fine him.

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Passion or no passion there is no reason to go on the way he has done, grow up FFS. What an utter bell end. If I was the FA I'd fine him.


It's crackers, I'm genuinely surprised anyone is justifying what he did.

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Guest Howaythetoon

:lol: It's the world cup. f*** the kid. He has 1 f***ing job, and it was a free kick ffs. The easiest part of his job. Hope he gets stoned.


You are representing your nation at the World Cup, try not to come across as a complete and utter cretin of the highest order. If you are going to scream and rant like that, do it to one of your team-mate's when they fuck up, not some poor bairn on the side who didn't happen to give Hart the ball back quicker than the speed of light. Its prats like Hart who make me apathetic towards England. I don't care if he is our best 'keeper, I'd have him nowhere near the squad the way he goes on, totally embarrassing and stupid.

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??? Nah he wouldn't have. It's a free kick. Normally the kids behind the goal are stood at the hording by the side of the goal ready to immediately throw the ball to the keeper. Kid absolutely failed at his one pathetically easy job. Joe Hart probably saved him from a life of poor performance by calling him out at such a young age.
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Hart goes berserk almost immediately, the video is 9 seconds long and in that time we see a free kick be taken and the bar being struck, Hart scream, kick an advertising boarding and then swear at a ball boy :lol:


Maybe the angle doesn't show it all but it escalated pretty quickly.

He's got form that mind. Kid in my daughters class who's at our academy was a ball boy when we played Man City at the end of the 11/12 season when they pretty much assured they'd won the league and Hart swore at him as well.


He got bollocked off Brian Kidd for it though as the kids mother is friends with Mick Martin who is still in touch with Brian Kidd from his days at Man Utd.



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I'm honestly struggling to see what the kid could have done in the single second it took from the ball hitting the bar to hard man Hart running up to kick an advertising boarding :lol:


Brett Lee would have struggled to return that ball in time.


This is true.

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Maybe don't use kids for the job.


It's cunt behaviour whoever it is towards tbh, no one was purposely trying to waste time for Italy.


Did anyone say that? He just wanted the ball. Fast.

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