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Ah leave Shola alone FFS.

I believe he is going to be more use in the Chumponionship than most of you would believe (or Shola himself for that)


He was terrible in the  Championship for Stoke.


He'll be next to no use for us in any league for the simple reason that he can't string more than 2-3 good performances together without breaking down with an injury for X amount of weeks or months. 

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AM lovin these photo updates like, as long this gets them closer as a team then I am all for this kind of pre season fun.


Same. :blush: :D


They will get real close, then we will sell 3/4 of the club and new players will come in and we are back further than when we started. That said the new player pictures are always the best ;)


I'm liking the pulled up white socks approach. Although i'd guess the players are obligated to do that by Adidas. I could see shola in Dwayne Dibley mode though, we usually do on the pitch.

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United arrived in Dublin on Sunday afternoon and, as Nicky explains, one of the players thought they were a little further afield than the Emerald Isle.


"When we got here Danny Guthrie asked what the time difference was," he laughed.


"I have to say it's probably been the highlight of my trip so far!"


What a spacker. :lol:


If that players comment says one thing it says just why we went down last year, doesn't it ?


Yeah. Being shit at geography is a sure-fire way to get yourself relegated.

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They dont actually seem to be doing any training looking at all these pictures.


If you read the caption you'll see that they've done three sessions a day up until this golf thing, which was when they got the afternoon off.

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