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Keegan or Shearer

Guest ObaStar
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Guest Stephen927

I want Ranger.


For Niles sake, let him continue to be a world class player for at least another year before we ask him to be the best manager in the world.

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keegan couldn't win...


(if) he stayed under the d.o.f structure, and we still got relegated, he'd get the blame


if he left (as he did) he's a traitor, and it's his fault we're down, because you can get relegated with 30-odd games to play


I see a third option though, he sucks it up and stays, then we don't get relegated.

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The only way this situation could become more laughable is if KK returned as manager. Sorry scrap that, there's one more thing, that he comes back and quits again which is 95% on to happen if he got the job again.


For all the good KK done for the club he's undone most of it; basically a lot of the reason we find ourself where we are is KK thought of himself and his opinion more highly that what the fans deserve.






There was still more than enough of the season for Ashley to find a replacement. Kinnear was not the answer. Ashley foots most of the blame, it isn't Keegans fault the owner is useless and stuck in the 90s.


KK returned for the fans, but he decided we weren't enough for him to stay, because if we were he'd have battled it out for us.


If he didn't like the set up he could have left well before the start of the season, he knew how it was going, i doubt there's a worse time he could have quit on us, if felt planned.



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keegan couldn't win...


(if) he stayed under the d.o.f structure, and we still got relegated, he'd get the blame


if he left (as he did) he's a traitor, and it's his fault we're down, because you can get relegated with 30-odd games to play


I see a third option though, he sucks it up and stays, then we don't get relegated.


I see that as well. No doubt in my mind we'd still be a prem team if KK hadn't left. No way would we have went down.

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i believe kk would have kept us up last season, but would you really want dennis wise and llambias being your boss?

i believe most managers would have had we got one instead of kinnear/hughton.
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i believe kk would have kept us up last season, but would you really want dennis wise and llambias being your boss?


I'd like to think most people who claim to love the club as much as Keegan assured us he did would see beyond that.


Forget even love. Just have the club's best interests at heart... but I guess it was far more important to have the club as a whole be put in jeopardy over the next years just to be proven right over the spell of a few months.

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Guest hobshobs

Keegan any day of the week, stability or not.


Why do people think that KK would f*** off just like that? The first time he did it because of the restrictions that being a PLC would have placed on him, and he was right. The second, he was undermined by Wise and Llambias, so he had to leave. I was wrong for backing the DoF structure but with clear hindsight, it's pretty obvious what went on - KK was also right to leave.


If we have an owner who trusts KK and tells KK exactly what his role is, then why would Keegan leave? If he knows how much he can spend in each window and there are no unilateral limits (such as age restrictions/contract lengths etc.) placed upon the budget, then I can only seen good things happening for the club.


On the other hand, Shearer is a man living on his reputation as a player. I know it's been said many a time but it's worth repeating: having a success playing career has no correlation with having a successful managerial career. I like the fact that Shearer's honest but his first 8 matches weren't exactly inspiring, were they? The stability argument also doesn't hold if Shearer's s*** because we'd be f***ed if we stuck with a s*** manager just for stability's stake.


We have a choice of a man who lead us thisclose to the Premiership title or a man who has zero experience at this level - or any level, in fact.


Most sensible and articulate post I've read on here for a while.

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Guest Phil K

For Gods sake when will people let this Keegan s*** go


The man has walked out on the club on numerous occasions all because the spoilt childish s*** cannot get his own way.

f*** him id rather have mickey mouse as our manager than that clown

I thank Kev profusely for what he did in the mid-90's.

And there it should have ended.

His tantrum throwing got on my tits too. It did in the 90's as well.

I still think if we'd persevered with Dalglish he WOULD have got it right.

We didn't, and since then has been one cock up after another, bar the good times when Sir Bob was well.

And then he lost it, mainly due to the immature turds like Dyer Jenas and Bellamy.

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The only way this situation could become more laughable is if KK returned as manager. Sorry scrap that, there's one more thing, that he comes back and quits again which is 95% on to happen if he got the job again.


For all the good KK done for the club he's undone most of it; basically a lot of the reason we find ourself where we are is KK thought of himself and his opinion more highly that what the fans deserve.



He deserves a portion of the blame, but a small portion of it.

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The only way this situation could become more laughable is if KK returned as manager. Sorry scrap that, there's one more thing, that he comes back and quits again which is 95% on to happen if he got the job again.


For all the good KK done for the club he's undone most of it; basically a lot of the reason we find ourself where we are is KK thought of himself and his opinion more highly that what the fans deserve.



He deserves a portion of the blame, but a small portion of it.


I concur. I also find it interesting that a number of posters who claim they would kill Ashley and Llambias given half a chance also expected KK to work under them despite clearly having been lied to about his position and repeatedly undermined by the two of them.

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i've always thought keegan had little faith in his own coaching abilities. his best stuff for us was without spending comparable to man utd etc. was built on teamwork,pass and move etc. but it seems since then he's needed to outspend the rest to get results.


did fulham or man city ever come close to the nufc of his first couple of years ?

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keegan couldn't win...


(if) he stayed under the d.o.f structure, and we still got relegated, he'd get the blame


if he left (as he did) he's a traitor, and it's his fault we're down, because you can get relegated with 30-odd games to play


I see a third option though, he sucks it up and stays, then we don't get relegated.


I see that as well. No doubt in my mind we'd still be a prem team if KK hadn't left. No way would we have went down.


Me too.


Obviously 'wise and ashley being really annoying bosses' was more important to Keegan than ensuring the club stayed in the Premier League.

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Keegan or Shearer?




I'd rather we got a real manager in, one who knows this division. Shearer is very inexperienced and didn't really pull up many trees (or even show glimpses of any managerial nous) last season, and Keegan is just a man who is famous for his bumbling portrayal of a football manager.

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The only way this situation could become more laughable is if KK returned as manager. Sorry scrap that, there's one more thing, that he comes back and quits again which is 95% on to happen if he got the job again.


For all the good KK done for the club he's undone most of it; basically a lot of the reason we find ourself where we are is KK thought of himself and his opinion more highly that what the fans deserve.



He deserves a portion of the blame, but a small portion of it.



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Guest The Libertine

Quite interesting as well how people like Wenger and Ferguson came out and defended Keegan too.


and how many clubs have offered jobs to keegan and curbishley. interesting indeed.

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Keegan would have us up challenging no doubt about it. Not so sure about Shearer, could get us up could get us relegated.

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keegan couldn't win...


(if) he stayed under the d.o.f structure, and we still got relegated, he'd get the blame


if he left (as he did) he's a traitor, and it's his fault we're down, because you can get relegated with 30-odd games to play


I see a third option though, he sucks it up and stays, then we don't get relegated.


I see that as well. No doubt in my mind we'd still be a prem team if KK hadn't left. No way would we have went down.


Me too.


Obviously 'wise and ashley being really annoying bosses' was more important to Keegan than ensuring the club stayed in the Premier League.


He's not Mother Teresa, man. He has no obligation to the club, especially if the people representing/owning the club undermine him again and again. The fans don't own the club. The fans don't set the budget for each window nor were they the people who hired him, so his responsibility was and always will be to the people who hired him and who run the club. Now, if this same group of people undermine his authority then he's got every right to tell them to fuck off. He doesn't owe the club anything.


The fact that we've been relegated since his departure - because of the incompetency shown by Llambias, Wise and Ashley - shows how valuable KK actually was to the club and how bafflingly idiotic the board is.

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Guest Roger Kint

Keegan or Shearer?




I'd rather we got a real manager in, one who knows this division. Shearer is very inexperienced and didn't really pull up many trees (or even show glimpses of any managerial nous) last season, and Keegan is just a man who is famous for his bumbling portrayal of a football manager.


I would accept that, a manager good at building a team up, getting them up and doing well. Preferably who would stick around to see it happen. The major problem with having KK is the embarassing wankathon if/when we went up as to how we will start an assault on the Champions League. If he came back i would have to stop using the net/buying papers/reading forums as the national pisstaking will be immeasurable

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can't believe that many people still want Keegan. If we appointed him as manager for a third time, the club would look like one of those women on Jeremy Kyle who keep taking their ex back despite him treating her like crap. "This time it WILL be different, because Keegan loves me." It's time to let go!

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Keegan or Shearer?




I'd rather we got a real manager in, one who knows this division. Shearer is very inexperienced and didn't really pull up many trees (or even show glimpses of any managerial nous) last season, and Keegan is just a man who is famous for his bumbling portrayal of a football manager.


You can't expect any bites if you're not going to put any effort in :lol:

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