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Guest michaelfoster

Mick Martin is a really decent bloke, lives not far from me, used to serve him alot when i worked in the local supermarket and we used to chat about NUFC.


Plus he's living la vida loca.


He likes his wine ;)

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A cool cheers, he just said like :lol:


fkn hate this Moyles type fat cunt Lowes




i simply can not listen to that bloke comentate, he will talk about anything but what is happening on the pitch.

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Guest Spark

How is it the fans fault? Ask the average fan what he expects from Newcastle  United and he won't say we should win the league or cups. We just want a decent side we can be proud of. This is annoying. That bloke saying we "deserve success". What is he on about? Is this what people really think?

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Bloody hell, Clem's approach to this evening: list every NUFC-related cliche in the book and ask people's opinion on it.


Talentless prick, if he lives in this area then his lack of understanding is criminal.

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Guest Spark

How depressing that it seems people are falling over themselves to criticise and take the piss out of fellow fans.


Or maybe they just disagree with what's being said?

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