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The other games today - 2009/10


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Jonas goes down easily at times but at the same time he gets a lot of rough treatment from carthorse fullbacks.

S. Taylor is a cunt, aside from that we don't have any other players clever enough to win a foul from a dive.

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Finally got to see the Spurs match. Bit of what Dave and Daws both said really. Ankergren (?) terrific again, Snodgrass would be fantastic if he could do anything AT ALL with his right foot, Becchio looked good and held the ball well but didn't really click with Beckford, Beckford looked good when on the ball but barely got a sniff. Bentley played well but was up against one of Leeds' truly League 1 players. Leeds would be a good Championship side on those performances, challenging for promotion, but no more than that. Reffing team was very generous to Leeds over the two games (they got away with an awful lot of late tackles) but so were the Spurs forwards.


Leeds will play much better football against teams in the Championship next year. They showed it in glimpses over the two games but weren't allowed too much of the ball and got very tired last night. Spurs should have been out of sight by half time in both games.

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West Brom were some of the biggest cheats I have seen ever. The first game they kicked us off the park and were lucky not to have Jara sent off and then went down as if they had been shot whenever anyone went near them, and the second game was just as bad, except they had a referee bent as a nine-bob note to help them out. Even so, whenever we looked like we had a break on one of their lads would go down and pretend he was in agony, all to jump up again as soon as the game had stopped and the ref came over. They really don't need to resort to such tactics when they actually play some decent, attractive football.


Then after the Ipswich game Di Matteo said "Did anybody see a penalty there? I can't be the only one confused. There was nothing to see, it was an ordinary challenge. That was a key moment of the game because out of nothing Ipswich got a goal.


"We had some very good chances and should have gone ahead. When you are playing against the referee as well it is difficult but we kept going and credit to the players for finding an equaliser.


"We were the better team over the 90 minutes and the draw was the least we deserved. Our finishing was the only negative point."


This was 3 days after he said "If you are on the losing side, people might start staying 'referee this and referee that'.


"The referee has a hard job, it is easy to look back and say 'he should have done this or that'.


"He has got to make split-second decisions and he's seen it as he has seen it - it has gone for us and not for them. It happens."


Stupid arsehole.


Then they have had 4 penalties in 4 games. We have had 2 all season. Notice the difference?


Very one eyed post, but heh, its your site, I think you will find you have more divers and cheats than us though if you are honest! :iamatwat:


That's the most one sided post i've ever heard TBH.


So Jonas is a cheat despite the fact that almost every team tries to break his leg in every game. Fair enough he goes down easily but that isn't cheating. Apart from that i don't know anyone who is quick enough to dive in our squad, after all you need to beat a man to dive.


As for Smith, Nolan, Butt etc they are all hard tackling players, if they foul then more often than not they get carded (often on reputation). They can hardly be considered cheats, dirty perhaps but not cheats.


Jonas is the most talented ball carrier in the division, if he could consistently cross a ball he would be in the Champions league, not the Championship, but he is a prolific diver, he goes down quicker than John Terrys girlfriends. As for being the most one sided post ever, I think that is the most innaccurate comment EVER! :snod:

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Jonas is clearly a diver, tbh.


I hadn't got that impression. He falls over a lot, but that's because he tries to run through people.


He does go looking for it like, and the extra rolls he adds into it when he is tackled does win him a lot of free-kicks.

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Jonas is the most talented ball carrier in the division, if he could consistently cross a ball he would be in the Champions league, not the Championship, but he is a prolific diver, he goes down quicker than John Terrys girlfriends. As for being the most one sided post ever, I think that is the most innaccurate comment EVER! :snod:


A combined total of 7 penalties in your last 8 games with 5 being for you, should strike you as a slightly more severe statistic than those of a guy who falls down around the half way line. We get just as many fouls against us as are given. Your penalties (a massively more advantageous decision) arent being balanced out & the imbalance is taking place in much more important areas of the pitch. Ie stopping the opposition scoring unfairly & getting the easiest possible chances to go ahead down the other.


I dont think its the same really. West brom have played better football than us several times this season, both of the league games id say you knocked it about better due to our lack of a central midfield. But you have been very very lucky over the last few games to still be in the title race. The Fa cup also.

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Jonas is the most talented ball carrier in the division, if he could consistently cross a ball he would be in the Champions league, not the Championship, but he is a prolific diver, he goes down quicker than John Terrys girlfriends. As for being the most one sided post ever, I think that is the most innaccurate comment EVER! :snod:


A combined total of 7 penalties in your last 8 games with 5 being for you, should strike you as a slightly more severe statistic than those of a guy who falls down around the half way line. We get just as many fouls against us as are given. Your penalties (a massively more advantageous decision) arent being balanced out & the imbalance is taking place in much more important areas of the pitch. Ie stopping the opposition scoring unfairly & getting the easiest possible chances to go ahead down the other.


I dont think its the same really. West brom have played better football than us several times this season, both of the league games id say you knocked it about better due to our lack of a central midfield. But you have been very very lucky over the last few games to still be in the title race. The Fa cup also.


Its a view, but I would question how lucky we have been, time will tell! :-X

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Racing look terrible, but Xisco's making lots of good runs.


Have a night off man ffs.


What the f*** are you on about?


Saying he was making good runs you just cant stop being chief cheerleader, just let it go man. He was poor in the 1st half & lasted 10 mins of the 2nd not because of his good runs but because he had a bad game.  I would love him to score loads of goals for Racing because that would mean he comes back full of confidence for us or we get a decent fee for him when we sell him. When I am hearing shit like he has been that a sub that has been taken off not once but twice I am hoping the reason is injury & not sub standard form.

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