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The other games today - 2009/10


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Arsenal just rubbish at defending.


So many goals conceded from stupid stupid individual lapses.



because none of their back 5 are much good, I don't rate vermailan or gallas much as defenders while clichy and sagna are fairly rubbish defenders too and i don't even need to comment on Almunia

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Best striker in the world strikes again. Get the f*** in!


Maybe at club level but he was totally uninspiring at international level as captain & main striker @ the Afrian Nations


Who do you consider the best striker in the world at international level? Villa is the only one that I can think that pulls similar figures with his nation compared to his club: Ibrahimovic, Torres... all are way less effective at international level. Rooney? He plays well for England but it's not that a great goalscorer for you (yet).


And until this ACN Drogba was brilliant for CIV.


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Vermalen isn't a great defender, great in the opposing area though.

yes that imo that disguised much of his defensive weakness early on but cbs should be good at defending firstly, what arsenal need is a dominant cb like a terry or richard dunne etc

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another year without the league for arsenal.


Does it really matter what happens in these games though? Chelsea dropped two points against Hull the other day.


If Arsenal keep putting away the shit teams they'll be right in there with a chance.

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If Drogba scores a hattrick we might be able to knock a couple million from Cesc's transfer fee.


Would actually like Arsenal to do well in the league though, for all the accusations of La Liga being a two-horse race the PL hasn't been much better these past years.

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another year without the league for arsenal.


Does it really matter what happens in these games though? Chelsea dropped two points against Hull the other day.


If Arsenal keep putting away the shit teams they'll be right in there with a chance.


when the going gets tough in march/april time, they'll drop points. its a shame because if wenger wasnt so stubborn with his transfer policy, they'd have had a good chance this year.

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another year without the league for arsenal.


Does it really matter what happens in these games though? Chelsea dropped two points against Hull the other day.


If Arsenal keep putting away the s*** teams they'll be right in there with a chance.


It's about morale though, particularly when they seem to fail every time they face a strong team. I can see them just giving up.

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