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The other games today - 2009/10


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Any fan who is prepared to spend their own time making banners like that has their own problems way beyond supporting a struggling football team.

Pathetic really. Its one thing having banter and taking the piss, but that's a whole new level of sad.

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to those cheering on villa


EDIT: michael bloody owen. we'll never hear the end of this


Aye, because if the roles were reversed we'd be in tears at the prospect of relegating Villa.


Stop being fucking childish man.


i honestly wouldnt be bothered, especially if we'd just secured 5th place like they had. concentrate on your own team firstly, at least if it was sunderland i'd understand.

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Guest Heneage



to those cheering on villa


EDIT: michael bloody owen. we'll never hear the end of this


Aye, because if the roles were reversed we'd be in tears at the prospect of relegating Villa.


Stop being f***ing childish man.

Do you reckon we'd have made huge banners though?

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to those cheering on villa


EDIT: michael bloody owen. we'll never hear the end of this


Aye, because if the roles were reversed we'd be in tears at the prospect of relegating Villa.


Stop being fucking childish man.



We have pratically condemmed many teams to relegation and not celebrated over it.

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Guest Kenton Magpie



to those cheering on villa


EDIT: michael bloody owen. we'll never hear the end of this


Aye, because if the roles were reversed we'd be in tears at the prospect of relegating Villa.


Stop being f***ing childish man.

Do you reckon we'd have made huge banners though?


Not a chance as we arent that sad, hence my decision to hope manchester win today, on the whole I wont lose sleep regardless

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It's fucking hilarious how many people give a shit about Villa fans taking the piss when we were relegated. What the fuck do people think we'd've done?


There may not have been banners but we would've ripped the piss just as they did.


I hope Villa murder them... somehow. And cripple that little shithouse.

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to those cheering on villa


EDIT: michael bloody owen. we'll never hear the end of this


Owen's non-performance -where he would have picked up >100k - in that game offends me more than a few wags painting on a bedsheet.

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I can't stand Man U, but I'm pretty used to them winning everything. Seeing Villa win would be pretty painful as for a long time we were better than them, and it would just emphasise how much they have gone in the opposite direction of us over the last few years. But then seeing Owen win something would be a kick in the knackers...





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