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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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the only one i can really see a need to shift is smith because he's useless and on high wages. every other high earner does a job and we need squad players so we can, you know, have a squad.


Nail on head, we have been shit without barton and Tiote for a few games now and we have gone to shit, take them out and replace with ?



It pains me to say this but most of our team at this current moment are irreplaceable and it pains me to type that

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the only one i can really see a need to shift is smith because he's useless and on high wages. every other high earner does a job and we need squad players so we can, you know, have a squad.


Nail on head, we have been shit without barton and Tiote for a few games now and we have gone to shit, take them out and replace with ?



It pains me to say this but most of our team at this current moment are irreplaceable and it pains me to type that


we have a history of too easily letting players go. guthrie for example, i don't think he's great by any stretch if the imagination but to try and peddle him for 1-2m just seems pointless, we need a much bigger squad than we have.

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Guest Heneage

Ashley is quite clearly trying to build a squad, his problem is he's attempting to run before he can walk. IMHO he's looking at something like Arsenal where players are constantly being brought through and either kept or sold on to fund the purchase of the next generation. It's a great model but if it was easy to implement everyone would do it. Often you need to spend in the short term to secure the long term.


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someone on here said just the other day that Barton was off to west ham in january, info apparently from mckay.


seems like golfmag's predictions are coming true one by one.


Golfmag's ITK status is very good and i will always trust what he says now.


But are we suprised that all the pro hughton players will be off.


If we as fans cannot see the future going well for NUFC from the outside, just imagine what i looks like from the inside of the club.

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Guest neesy111

someone on here said just the other day that Barton was off to west ham in january, info apparently from mckay.


seems like golfmag's predictions are coming true one by one.


Golfmag's ITK status is very good and i will always trust what he says now.


But are we suprised that all the pro hughton players will be off.


If we as fans cannot see the future going well for NUFC from the outside, just imagine what i looks like from the inside of the club.




If as a player / team you feel betrayed and don't trust the manager then those players should really be asking for transfers.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

What price would be acceptable assuming he is going?, £3m seems ridiculously low to me. Double it and it begins to sound a bit better.


Not sure he's worth £6m tbh

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What price would be acceptable assuming he is going?, £3m seems ridiculously low to me. Double it and it begins to sound a bit better.


Not sure he's worth £6m tbh


His performances this season should warrant a price of at least £10m.  But because of who he is, he'll be allowed to go for less.

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What price would be acceptable assuming he is going?, £3m seems ridiculously low to me. Double it and it begins to sound a bit better.


Not sure he's worth £6m tbh


His performances this season should warrant a price of at least £10m.  But because of who he is, he'll be allowed to go for less.


Keep smoking.  :lol:

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What price would be acceptable assuming he is going?, £3m seems ridiculously low to me. Double it and it begins to sound a bit better.


Not sure he's worth £6m tbh

ability alone he'd probably go for around £10-12m, but you've got to take personality into account.
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Ahh Mckay, the epitome of class and honesty.


I believe West Ham made an offer, but why would Barton really want to go there, near the bottom, having all the hallmarks of a side already down mentally and a reduced wage from his current deal.


As for 5-6 calls, I'd be amazed if any of those are higher in the league than us, had he not punched MGP I'd agree but that destroyed any credibility he'd built from the start of the season. I don't think he'll go personally I just think with all the events of this week it now appears more believable.


He's 28 & has 18 months left on his contract with us.  If he stays here he's never going to get a new contract matching his existing £60k+ per week wages but a team like West Ham might be persuaded to match or come close to those wages with a 4-5 year contract.  He can either stay here for a few more years but on a severely reduced wage or move on and potentially add another 3-4 years on high wages.

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Alan Pardew's pretty much been brought in with the agreement that certain players will be sold, which I doubt Hughton was willing to agree to. Might very well have been the sticking point. Ashley is finally going to be able to get rid of the high earners, who he was battling with Keegan to get rid off i.e. Barton, Smith, Nolan and Coloccini I would imagine.


Fortunately the really indespensable players i.e. Carroll, Enrique and Tiote do not fall under this group. Will likely mean we can then finally bring in some new players, but the club will have to make sure they are good enough. It's a risk as there is no guarantee this will be the case. However, of the ones they intend to move on, only Barton will be the real miss, so as long as they can replace him adequately it should be okay.

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Alan Pardew's pretty much been brought in with the agreement that certain players will be sold, which I doubt Hughton was willing to agree to. Might very well have been the sticking point. Ashley is finally going to be able to get rid of the high earners, who he was battling with Keegan to get rid off i.e. Barton, Smith, Nolan and Coloccini I would imagine.


Fortunately the really indespensable players i.e. Carroll, Enrique and Tiote do not fall under this group. Will likely mean we can then finally bring in some new players, but the club will have to make sure they are good enough. It's a risk as there is no guarantee this will be the case. However, of the ones they intend to move on, only Barton will be the real miss, so as long as they can replace him adequately it should be okay.


Nolan signed after Keegan left!!! JFK brought him here

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The rumours about Hughton being too close to the high earners looks like it could be true. Smith, Nolan, Barton & Colo only have a few weeks left until they are out the door. Along with jose, guti and possibly Carrol 





TBF, only Jose Enrique and Andy Carroll are irreplaceable, the rest of them can go at the right price. Obviously there are some you'd like to keep but for example rumours suggest Liverpool are after Jonas for £8m... :lol:..who wouldn't take that?


Now could be a good time for a fire-sale.



Shake your heed man, we wouldn't be where we are without these players they have got us here not ashley or pardrew.


We have a super thin squad and people are happy to see ?millions feed into ashley and not the squad from outgoing sales



Do you think we will spend 50% of the money we get from sales ?



Same players who took us down as well. They weren't good enough then and aren't now if were honest and why people fear relegation again. Getting Barton off the wage bill isn't top priority for me, like I said Smith needs to be first out of the door, but there are players on our books who's wages don't match their ability, Barton is one of them.


Yeah i agree with that, but to say we religated because of the players is mad (it was part there fault). We got religated because Ashley gambled and it blew up in his face.


Hughton and the very same players got us up with a 102 points, undefeated at home all season. They have taken us on to some great win this season against good sides.


BTW i agree about smith but he aint gong anywhere until his contract is up


Say for a second we buy in to Ashley's dream of running us on the cheap and what the club makes we can spend (no initial outlay) then offers for our highest earners are going to be tempting. Once they are gone the club has more money to operate in the market and the sooner they are gone the more money long term.


Barton isn't irreplaceable imo, Colo out of the high earners is the one where it splits me, but before this season started i'd have taken anything north of £5m for him (and I still think he's a £40k defender at best rather than the £80k we pay him) We have to face facts about what's happening, and really I'd rather see players like Barton, Smith and Nolan sold to balance the books than a big bid for Andy Carroll, a player we can build a team around and represents some hope for a future for us.


I also believe Ashley wont gamble again with relegation. I do think we'll get some funds regardless of sales because by the time this month has ended we'll be right down there with the worst, one or two well placed signings and it changes for us.


No one likes Ashley, no one wants to see the club sell top players or operate a sell to buy policy but right now its happening, and we really just have to hope Pardew and Ashley don't take the easy option in selling Carroll to finance a rebuild, but get the top earners and those not good enough (Perch, Best & Xisco) out of the door first and build around our strengths.


It's a big ask, but its the only hope I've got that we'll see light at the end of all this, and for now I'm gonna stick with it. I've gone through it all this week, I'm sure everyone has, hate, disgust, fear, apathy, let's hope for a bit Ashley does have a plan and it starts now, his job is to get the club fully financially stable and dependant while having a team worthy of the prem on the pitch then someone who has ambition to restore us in full decides to take us off his hands and we can get back to being at the top again.


top post re how replaceable barton is, but disagree with the ashley views man, he definetly will risk relegation and definetly hasnt a great plan we should buy in to.


But again, nail on head with regards barton to me, vastly overrated on here and for the right price would be agood move to sellwhen his stock is high (seriously 1good half season, where he stil managed to randomly punch a player and pick up a suspension which has ultimately aided the dismissal of hughton)

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The rumours about Hughton being too close to the high earners looks like it could be true. Smith, Nolan, Barton & Colo only have a few weeks left until they are out the door. Along with jose, guti and possibly Carrol 





TBF, only Jose Enrique and Andy Carroll are irreplaceable, the rest of them can go at the right price. Obviously there are some you'd like to keep but for example rumours suggest Liverpool are after Jonas for £8m... :lol:..who wouldn't take that?


Now could be a good time for a fire-sale.



Shake your heed man, we wouldn't be where we are without these players they have got us here not ashley or pardrew.


We have a super thin squad and people are happy to see ?millions feed into ashley and not the squad from outgoing sales



Do you think we will spend 50% of the money we get from sales ?



Same players who took us down as well. They weren't good enough then and aren't now if were honest and why people fear relegation again. Getting Barton off the wage bill isn't top priority for me, like I said Smith needs to be first out of the door, but there are players on our books who's wages don't match their ability, Barton is one of them.

Bollocks. Alot of the players WERE good enough. We had better players than most of the teams around us. There are a number of reasons we went down.


1) Barton was injured for most of the season.

2) Colocinni was in his first year of English football and it took him at least half a season to adapt.

3) Him, and Bassong, both capable Premier League defenders werent helped by the fact we had a slow off the pace centre of midfield who couldnt attack and couldn't help the defence.

4) We had a number of players who werent interested enough, but thankfully they left in the summer.

5) The team had no leadership and was a shambles with managers who werent up to the job. Shearer and Kinnear especially.

6) Ashley left us managerless for about 8 of those games through the season.

7) Our squad was totally unbalanced with good players in most areas, but terrible players in the centre of midfield.


If you're trying to say the reason we went down was just because the players werent good enough, then thats wrong. A number of things came together which saw us missing out on staying up by ONE point.

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The rumours about Hughton being too close to the high earners looks like it could be true. Smith, Nolan, Barton & Colo only have a few weeks left until they are out the door. Along with jose, guti and possibly Carrol 





TBF, only Jose Enrique and Andy Carroll are irreplaceable, the rest of them can go at the right price. Obviously there are some you'd like to keep but for example rumours suggest Liverpool are after Jonas for £8m... :lol:..who wouldn't take that?


Now could be a good time for a fire-sale.



Shake your heed man, we wouldn't be where we are without these players they have got us here not ashley or pardrew.


We have a super thin squad and people are happy to see ?millions feed into ashley and not the squad from outgoing sales



Do you think we will spend 50% of the money we get from sales ?



Same players who took us down as well. They weren't good enough then and aren't now if were honest and why people fear relegation again. Getting Barton off the wage bill isn't top priority for me, like I said Smith needs to be first out of the door, but there are players on our books who's wages don't match their ability, Barton is one of them.

Bollocks. Alot of the players WERE good enough. We had better players than most of the teams around us. There are a number of reasons we went down.


1) Barton was injured for most of the season.

2) Colocinni was in his first year of English football and it took him at least half a season to adapt.

3) Him, and Bassong, both capable Premier League defenders werent helped by the fact we had a slow off the pace centre of midfield who couldnt attack and couldn't help the defence.

4) We had a number of players who werent interested enough, but thankfully they left in the summer.

5) The team had no leadership and was a shambles with managers who werent up to the job. Shearer and Kinnear especially.

6) Ashley left us managerless for about 8 of those games through the season.

7) Our squad was totally unbalanced with good players in most areas, but terrible players in the centre of midfield.


If you're trying to say the reason we went down was just because the players werent good enough, then thats wrong. A number of things came together which saw us missing out on staying up by ONE point.


I wasn't. End of conversation.



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