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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Just go away Barton, take your plague of locusts and your river of blood and go fuck up another team's PR set up. I liked you when you played, I liked you when you were funny. I hated you when you were an idiot and I hate you when you don't shut up

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A lot of what he says is spot on but it won't help or change a thing. The player comments are distatesful at best and he just needs to let it go.


His "doing it for the Geordie faithful" has fooled a lot of people though, anyone thinking he isn't all about himself are as deluded as those who think Ashley is ambitious.


fwiw, i dont buy the geordie nation stuff either. just think he's not doing anything that the board aren't doing themselves to a much higher degree in terms of unsettling players


Don't disagree with that, which is why with the board we have we don't need a player who apparently cares sticking his oar in too.


they've made us pretty vulnerable then eh? depressing. if only the supporters were willing or able enough to stick their own oars in.


I think people have gotten the impression I am sticking up for the board? I really, really am not :lol: They are a bunch of c***s and I want them gone as much as anyone.


My problem isn't because Joey is slagging off my precious board, it's because he is putting the CLUB in a bad light and stirring s***. He is also having digs at new players which goes against everything he claims about loving the club, fans etc..



I find it baffling that some can't distinguish between that, and defending the board. Seems there's a mentality of "if you're not with us, then you're against us" on here these days, and anyone not spewing vitriol at Ashley 24/7 is tarred with the "apologist" brush.


Ridiculosity  :joker:

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A lot of what he says is spot on but it won't help or change a thing. The player comments are distatesful at best and he just needs to let it go.


His "doing it for the Geordie faithful" has fooled a lot of people though, anyone thinking he isn't all about himself are as deluded as those who think Ashley is ambitious.


fwiw, i dont buy the geordie nation stuff either. just think he's not doing anything that the board aren't doing themselves to a much higher degree in terms of unsettling players


Don't disagree with that, which is why with the board we have we don't need a player who apparently cares sticking his oar in too.


they've made us pretty vulnerable then eh? depressing. if only the supporters were willing or able enough to stick their own oars in.


I think people have gotten the impression I am sticking up for the board? I really, really am not :lol: They are a bunch of cunts and I want them gone as much as anyone.


My problem isn't because Joey is slagging off my precious board, it's because he is putting the CLUB in a bad light and stirring shit. He is also having digs at new players which goes against everything he claims about loving the club, fans etc..


What he is doing has a small chance of doing some harm but no chance of doing anything good. The board have their "plan" and an ex player slagging them off in the press won't change that. They have been through much worse and persisted so he just needs to get over his bitterness.


If for one minute I genuinely believed his rants were an attempt to do something for the Geordie Nation I would probably still feel they were a stupid idea but would appreciate the sentiment. Fact is though, I don't think it's anything about us, it's just a useful excuse to get us on his side and help his bitter crusade.


So basically, he needs to just shut up and show some respect for the fans of the club he is currently at, I would imagine the majority probably find it a little amsuing at the moment however I would be surprised if a few don't think "Hey Joey, what about us, huh?" and if he continues I would imagine this numbers grows.


Let's not forget "man of the people" Joey Barton wouldn't come here until we paid his loyalty bonus that Man City decided he wasn't owed due to him assaulting one of their players. He got a bloody good wage here and is getting an even better one there (paid more than the likes of Modric etc isn't he?) so as much as he is probably more down to earth than most players he isn't the salt of the earth, just wants to play football bloke he portrays.


i was a bit worried when i typed that out that you'd think it was a dig at you, it really wasnt. i was merely saying it's a shame there's seemingly nothing we can bring ourselves to do that will get rid of a board who are so shit that some things joey barton tweets will make us vulnerable as a team.


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I can see him kicking off down there tbh, Newcastle being a one club city and him being a popular player grief was probably at a minimum.


Down there with a lot of clubs in the same area, him being "Joey Barton" it wouldn't surprise me if someone goes too far with the banter.

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Guest icemanblue

I can see him kicking off down there tbh, Newcastle being a one club city and him being a popular player grief was probably at a minimum.


Down there with a lot of clubs in the same area, him being "Joey Barton" it wouldn't surprise me if someone goes too far with the banter.


But you won't be taking an interest, of course. :lol:

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only ever liked or dis-liked him for what he did on the pitch tbh


If I'm honest I'd agree despite the fact I don't particularly like him as a person, that's never been a major concern of mine. Dyer was a shitbag but I loved having him in our side because he would rape teams on the break. Barton for me is simply not good enough for an ambitious side. He's technically very good but needs too much time if he's played in the centre and gets dispossessed easily as a result. Out wide he's too slow. So the only thing he really offers are a load of gobshite opinions on twitter. I honestly think we will do fine without him.

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I can see him kicking off down there tbh, Newcastle being a one club city and him being a popular player grief was probably at a minimum.


Down there with a lot of clubs in the same area, him being "Joey Barton" it wouldn't surprise me if someone goes too far with the banter.


But you won't be taking an interest, of course. :lol:


Why not? that makes no sense.

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What Barton says about the 4 players is probably true, people should be more concerned about that than who is saying it.


We are concerned. What difference does it make if he says it, not like it's something we don't know.

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Be interesting to see the reaction if QPR finish above us.


There would be a number revelling in the "I told you so" anyway. If they finish above us we have fucked up massively because our squad is far better than theirs.



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Here are my comments:


- That article is from the Jarrow and Hebburn Gazette, a random local paper which I've never heard of until today. Must be a slow news day for them. (Thank you Newsnow more than likely).


- Barton has been out of order commenting on our players (and how they're going to be sold) but our lads will more than likely take no notice of it. They know what Barton's like and just think "he's on a Twitter rampage again lol". Joey's saying what we're kinda all thinking tbh, the problem is he's highlighting it to the world.


- His comments on Santon in full:


u keep believing that sh*t mate. I have no reason to lie. Feel sorry for the club, Newcastle good side at the min but they'll keep selling their assets and replacing with cheaper gambles. Santon?? 16 games since 2008, in a poor Italian league, hardly proven PL quality........I could be wrong. Also, Language, cultural differences between Milan and North East


Whilst Barton does say that Santon is a gamble in the PL (which is a valid point at this moment in time), he goes on to add that he could be wrong and that Santon might very well end up being a success.


Barton is talking from his experience at the club after working with the fools from above. He's just bitter and being an attention seeking child. Best thing to do is to take no notice, I read his tweets and just brush them aside. The media however are giving him the attention he wants.


FWIW, I do actually like Barton.....

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Guest Haris Vuckic


Santon will adapt to the prem - with his pace and strength better than Barton would adapt to Serie a.



It's the Championship that Joey has to worry about.


Aye :lol:

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GMack1995 Gregor Mackintosh

@Joey7Barton I'd pay good money to punch you in the face, stupid cunt!


Joseph Barton

@Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

@GMack1995 how much? I'd let u if it was for a good cause. Just don't complain if u hurt ur hand tough guy....






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GMack1995 Gregor Mackintosh

@Joey7Barton I'd pay good money to punch you in the face, stupid c***!


Joseph Barton

@Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

@GMack1995 how much? I'd let u if it was for a good cause. Just don't complain if u hurt ur hand tough guy....








:lol: :lol:

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Santon will adapt to the prem - with his pace and strength better than Barton would adapt to Serie a.



It's the Championship that Joey has to worry about.


He likes talking about unfinished business...he has unfinished business in that league so will get the chance to put that right soon.

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GMack1995 Gregor Mackintosh

@Joey7Barton I'd pay good money to punch you in the face, stupid c***!


Joseph Barton

@Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

@GMack1995 how much? I'd let u if it was for a good cause. Just don't complain if u hurt ur hand tough guy....







:spit:  :clap: :clap:

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GMack1995 Gregor Mackintosh

@Joey7Barton I'd pay good money to punch you in the face, stupid c***!


Joseph Barton

@Joey7Barton Joseph Barton

@GMack1995 how much? I'd let u if it was for a good cause. Just don't complain if u hurt ur hand tough guy....







:lol: :lol: :lol:

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