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That 'NEWCASTLE UNITED' sign has been there for pretty much my entire life (or as much of it as I can remember). And it's on pretty much every picture of St James Park, as well as all of the television highlights and live games.


He's ruining an iconic image of our club and our city. And it'll never be the same again, even after he's eventually sold up and left.


I couldn't care less if we were getting £100m out of it. It f***ing sickens me what he's doing.


Agree. There's no defense of it. It's iconic; leave it the fuck alone.

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I'm sure that's because our £5m a year deal with Northern Rock turned into a £2m a year deal.


And let's also note that none of this hideous advertising was there in the first place, so we're not exactly 'losing' any money, or that he's decreased our revenue. We haven't replaced a sponsor with Sports Direct. There wasn't a sponsor for those things in the first place.


The NR money was still the same during the accounts mentioned although it was spent on Owen during year 1 of the deal.  As for not replacing anybody with Sports Direct, they are just about the only advert on the screens around the pitch and they are all over the ground where we did previously have advertising.

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It would be a f***ing disgrace if this is all true, he's already ruined the Gallowgate End but getting rid of the "Newcastle United" sign would actually be sacrilegious.

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NO. It's the only thing that would tell someone who didn't know who's stadium SJP is. It's the only thing that represents NUFC in the stadium because we don't have black and white seats or the badge in the seats.

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Sports Direct money isn't his though is it? PLC and all that jazz?


Yeah, he owns about 70% of Sports Direct, I doubt he can just use it like a private bank account.


If he's got anything over a 50% stake in the company he's pretty much in complete control. Obviously he'll have to abide by any rules and regulations every other PLC has to, but no one in the company can oppose any decision he makes.

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Speechless by this tbh. With things like this it isnt even a case of "if it's true", because I wouldnt put it past Ashley after what he did to the Gallowgate end.

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Guest LJA0210

has anyone mentioned that SD and NUFC are now one company and down as MASH Holdings?


sorry if its been posted already and i missed it

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He will also know that there's a point where the exposure of his brand at SJP becomes a bit too much and starts to hinder rather than help him. This will be especially true if he messed with the Newcastle United lettering, which is rightly thought of as iconic.


Fingers crossed anyway.

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Guest Haris Vuckic


He's going to have to take them all down for the Olympics anyway so what would be the point?

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has anyone mentioned that SD and NUFC are now one company and down as MASH Holdings?


sorry if its been posted already and i missed it

NO, MASH Holdings is the ultimate parent company at the head of the group that inlcudes a multitude of different SD companies and a also a multitude of different NUFC companies as well as loads of different brands owned by Ashley such as Dunlop, Karrimor etc.
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