wrightstuff83 Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 02:20, Oasisandtoonfan said: Quote Understand, but again, why would you not? Plus this is getting away from the initial point I was making, was not asking for individuals opinion, rather why would a British football club not respect it! (although is interesting 2hear individuals views!) If the Celtic fans wanted to comemerate 1916 you lot would have a lot would have a problem. If the Celtic fans don't want to support poppy day they don't have to. If you want to support it then do. they DO commemerate the Easter rising, not only annually but in the songs they sing each and every week! Again though, you are missing the entire point of the thread! I am not expecting each and every individual to respect the appeal, what I do expect is every single British club to honour and respect those men and women who died fighting for their country. Do those who are fighting the Irish corner for that Scottish/British club Celtic, not realise how many Celtic fans have died fighting in the wars, from ww1 right up to our current one? PS: apologies admin for text talk last night, it was late, I'd had a beer and was being lazy! You have officially spanked me! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Turnbull2000 Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 If any poppy fascist accused me of not respecting the achievements of our forces, they'll get a swift punch in the face. I was annoyed with Jon Snow at first, but I've now come to realise he had a good point. It's like the South Park Smug Alert! episode, only with plastic flowers instead of hybrid cars. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
madras Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 10:56, Turnbull2000 said: If any poppy fascist accused me of not respecting the achievements of our forces, they'll get a swift punch in the face. I was annoyed with Jon Snow at first, but I've now come to realise he had a good point. It's like the South Park Smug Alert! episode, only with plastic flowers instead of hybrid cars. it's as if the country's attitude changed the night diana died. now you don't have to respect things so long as you show you respect them regardless of what your true feelings are. it makes you a better person to leave flowers or a teddy bear for a stranger cos then you've been seen to care. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
SEMTEX Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 10:56, Turnbull2000 said: If any poppy fascist accused me of not respecting the achievements of our forces, they'll get a swift punch in the face. I was annoyed with Jon Snow at first, but I've now come to realise he had a good point. It's like the South Park Smug Alert! episode, only with plastic flowers instead of hybrid cars. Are you a premiership football club? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueStar Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 09:01, Shadrack said: Some sense on the subject: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2009/nov/05/poppy-appeal-premier-league Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keefaz Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 Anything promoted by the Daily Mail can fuck right off. In fact, that should've been Man Utd's response. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
merlin Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 01:03, The sportsdirect.com@Decky Username said: Quote Quote Celtic have strong Irish connections, are you surprised like? good edit decky! ;-) right from world war 1 there had been a strong link/ number of Irish fighting for the British army, so why would the fact Irish are fighting for the cause deny a respect from a British football club? Are Celtic Irish or Scottish? Even @that, you are bringing politics into it, there are many current and fallen heroes who not only support Celtic but are also "Irish" , hence, hence why would the club(&their supportors) not respect the poppy appeal? Perhaps I am wrong, but it is the bigoted amongst us who would not respect those who have volunteered thenselves 2fight for this nation, it's queen &all it stands for! The Irish fought for the British Army in WW1 under false pretences. Any "Irish" that fought for the Brits since after WW2 dont even consider themselves Irish and I bet they dont support Celtic. Also this stuff about Celtic being a British football club and Scottish is simply hiding from the facts. They ARE both, but they obviously dont see it their club as British and a huge chunk of their fan base is Irish. When you talk about people who fail to respect those who have volunteered themselves to fight for The Queen and Britain, you are failing to look at the other side of the coin. I.e. those who wish to not be part of the Empire. I mean do you expect all people in Northern Ireland for example to respect the Poppy Appeal, given the history here with the British Army? WHAT Empire..! Finished years ago, the UK is now part of one..... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest toonlass Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 10:32, LoveItIfWeBeatU said: Ignoring the poppy stuff, if Celtic are a Scottish club made up of Irish fans they can fuck off if they think they are going to join the ENGLISH premiership one day. Go and join the Irish Premiership. Well said that man. Back on topic. I was pleasantly surprised to see a number of young uns (15 years -17 years I would say) wearing poppies at our game yesterday. Nice to see imo. I don't think that anyone has to wear a poppy if they don't want to, but I do think that its important that the sacrifice that people made in the World Wars and other conflicts is never forgotten, especially as the number of world war vetrans is diminishing. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr.Spaceman Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 Fuck Celtic. They are a bunch of cunts, the lot of them. I hope their entire club emigrates back to fucking Ireland. They should do an American style city switcheroo type thing with Cork or somewhere. That would be funny. Not. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
indi Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 11:02, madras said: Quote If any poppy fascist accused me of not respecting the achievements of our forces, they'll get a swift punch in the face. I was annoyed with Jon Snow at first, but I've now come to realise he had a good point. It's like the South Park Smug Alert! episode, only with plastic flowers instead of hybrid cars. it's as if the country's attitude changed the night diana died. now you don't have to respect things so long as you show you respect them regardless of what your true feelings are. it makes you a better person to leave flowers or a teddy bear for a stranger cos then you've been seen to care. Yeah, I was just going to say: I blame Diana, but you beat me to it. How long before people have to stop taking the piss out of the scousers? The phrase; self-pity city, sounds more and more ironic by the day. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
dustynrg Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 All I can say is reading this thread I hope the day never ever arrives when C*ltic and R*ngers ever appear in this League. All this Celtic is Irish and Rangers is bla bla, christ, let the Scots/Irish/whatever the fuck they are argue it out. In their own league. In Scotland. If they ever soil the Premiership with all this bigotry shite then the Premiership is well and truly fucked. As for the poppy thing I'm scratching my head as to where this football/poppy thing has come from and when. It wasn't around in the Falklands War, it wasn't around in the Gulf War, why now? You can respect or remember the dead without wearing a cheap piece of plastic. Or not as the case may be. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
wrightstuff83 Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 1. Where in the thread are rangers even mentioned? 2. It is not a matter of sectarianism, it's a matter of respect 3. It is clear to me from this thread that it is infact the Irish who have lost what the poppy rememberance is all about and made it sectarian, and is also clear that many, many English dont give a fook about what our forefathers fought and died for, broken Britain, to right! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coco Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 17:28, wrightstuff83 said: 1. Where in the thread are rangers even mentioned? 2. It is not a matter of sectarianism, it's a matter of respect 3. It is clear to me from this thread that it is infact the Irish who have lost what the poppy rememberance is all about and made it sectarian, and is also clear that many, many English dont give a fook about what our forefathers fought and died for, broken Britain, to right! Mate, you singled out Celtic for criticism, you brought up sectarian bigotry, and started talking about Republicans/Irish players not wanting to respect this appeal. The common sense debate here is whether it's right to try and force this appeal, not whether it's a worthy cause. You seem to think that because a club doesn't make a big show of putting poppys on their shirts or holding a minutes silence, that they are someone disrespecting Britain. Can you not see how ridiculous that is? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
wrightstuff83 Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 I did not single out Celtic man, I mentioned celtic&sunderland as 2clubs who did nothing for the appeal last year, the thread was then shaped by other posters to become a sectarian aspect! My question was why a club would not wish to respect it? IMO it is extremely disrespectful of a club not to respect it! Perhaps I am naive in thinking it is natural to want to, but I cannot understand why people would actively speak out against it! It is for people like dan and his situation that I feel sorry for, and as for this poppy facism, I just find it all to be a mentality I will never understand! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
OzzieMandias Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 It's a bit like the way, in communist societies, people had to display flags and banners in their shops and places of business saying "Workers of the world unite" or whatever was that week's slogan, or the way people in dictatorships have to have an official portrait of their Glorious Leader. If you don't conform, you attract opprobrium. In some societies this would be from the police; in the UK it's from the Daily Mail and its fuckwit readers. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest toonlass Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 17:46, CocoBananas said: Quote 1. Where in the thread are rangers even mentioned? 2. It is not a matter of sectarianism, it's a matter of respect 3. It is clear to me from this thread that it is infact the Irish who have lost what the poppy rememberance is all about and made it sectarian, and is also clear that many, many English dont give a fook about what our forefathers fought and died for, broken Britain, to right! Mate, you singled out Celtic for criticism, you brought up sectarian bigotry, and started talking about Republicans/Irish players not wanting to respect this appeal. The common sense debate here is whether it's right to try and force this appeal, not whether it's a worthy cause. You seem to think that because a club doesn't make a big show of putting poppys on their shirts or holding a minutes silence, that they are someone disrespecting Britain. Can you not see how ridiculous that is? Reading back on it, he didn't actually single out Celtic, cos he mentioned other clubs. Someone else brought spoke about some of the Celtic supporters views on it, and then someone else brought Rangers into this, which really had nowt to do with owt. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponsaelius Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 Celtic fans at the Falkirk game today were absolutely disgraceful like. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 What happened? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fugazi Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 20:40, N.U.T Chris said: What happened? Singing during the minutes silence. It's on Youtube, if you search "JSC Sports 5". Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
ross magoo Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 02:20, Oasisandtoonfan said: Quote Understand, but again, why would you not? Plus this is getting away from the initial point I was making, was not asking for individuals opinion, rather why would a British football club not respect it! (although is interesting 2hear individuals views!) If the Celtic fans wanted to comemerate 1916 you lot would have a lot would have a problem. If the Celtic fans don't want to support poppy day they don't have to. If you want to support it then do. I don't have a problem with them staying out of the ground if they don't wish to participate in the minute's silence. That's fine. But they stood outside the ground screaming songs about Keiran McAnespie being killed by the British Army at the top of their voices when they new fine well it would be heard inside the ground when the silence was taking place. Celtic supporters really do take attention seeking to a whole new level. I don't know if they actually feel oppressed or if it's just an ambition. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 You can see why Celtic & Liverpool fans have a bond...made for each other. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stephen927 Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 What does it matter if they didn't respect the appeal, people will respect what they want to in their own ways. It's like when it comes out that certain footballers didn't donate to a charity, people support different things. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
dustynrg Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 I can't be arsed to argue what Celtic did blabla who mentioned Rangers bla bla. Sectarian bile and bigotry and all that claptrap. All I want to know is -when did footballers start wearing poppies? 2 years ago? 5 years ago? They weren't wearing them 10 years ago, or 20 as far as I remember, so why now? As I said we've had the Falklands, the Gulf War, Iraq and Afghanistan. It's not like war is a NEW thing, so why is the poppy wearing footballer a NEW thing? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 First time I saw it was Man City against us 2-3 seasons ago. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest toonlass Posted November 8, 2009 Share Posted November 8, 2009 On 08/11/2009 at 21:09, Stephen927 said: What does it matter if they didn't respect the appeal, people will respect what they want to in their own ways. It's like when it comes out that certain footballers didn't donate to a charity, people support different things. Does respecting the soldiers who have given their lives for this country include singing republican songs during the minutes silence at the Falkirk game today? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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