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Why are rugby people so sanctimonious/superior ?

Benwell Lad

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Do you have a team Ash are do you just like watching RL?


I have a team, not that I've watched much RL from them over the last couple of seasons. :lol:


Guessing you just like watching or do you follow a team?


I like watching it most of my favorite players come from the great Wigan teams pre-super league. I wish could bet against a try being given every time Stevo says "Its T-R-Y time...100% for me".




He's okay is Stevo, met him a few times and he knows his stuff. He also knows how he comes across on TV but that's his job. Eddie is a lot worse than Stevo in my eyes, he really is clueless.

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Guest Brummiemag

I watched some rugby league this year when Warrington won some cup. Worst skill standard I've seen in a competitive sport. They can't even catch a fucking ball between them. I used to think American Football was shit but then I recognised the athleticism of the players and respected the fact that the great running backs of the game were young kids who learnt their skill by running away from the police; now nobody can catch those suckers. Rugby is a low skill game, shite to watch, it simulates buuggery on the pitch, it's shitter than Americna Football by fae in terms of skill/athleticism, it's fucking dire.


Your talking bollocks and the 'some cup' your referring to is the Challenge Cup. I watch Warrington on an occasional basis and I think the skill level and athleticism is very high.


Its a great game and I would say the  fan base at Rugby League is more working class than at football these days

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I find Phil Clarke one of the best in all sports talking about his sport & explaining stuff.  


Eddie is a v.poor Richard Keys when was the last time Eddie saw a bad game? Before the W/C & the Tri-nations he is giving it fucking big licks about all the good players in Super League then England get battered, does this fella not learn anything ffs.

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rugby is a sport played like thugs by gentlemen


football is a sport played like gentlemen by thugs


(or however that quote goes..) EDIT: oops, didn't read the above posts  :-[


rugby has never been a lower class thing really, mostly played by posh muppets, so they all seem very uppity. I played rugby for years..

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Guest Brummiemag

rugby is a sport played like thugs by gentlemen


football is a sport played like gentlemen by thugs


(or however that quote goes..) EDIT: oops, didn't read the above posts  :-[


rugby has never been a lower class thing really, mostly played by posh muppets, so they all seem very uppity. I played rugby for years..


I assume your referring to English Rugby Union as I dont know of many posh muppets who play Rugby League

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They used to say the difference between Football and Rugby was that:


  • Football is a sport played by gentlemen, watched by hooligans.
  • Rugby is a sport played by hooligans, watched by gentlemen.


These days though, with the likes of Bowyer, Barton, Pennant, Diouf etc I'm not so sure about that anymore.  :undecided: I think these days it's maybe more like:


  • Football is a sport played by hooligans, watched by hooligans.
  • Rugby is a sport played by homosexuals, watched by ex-public school boys.


Got to correct you there. I think the original saying was that rugby was a hooligan's game played by gentlemen, and football was a gentleman's game played by hooligans.


However, since professionalism came into rugby union, it's looked more and more like a hooligan's game played by hooligans.


On the theme of arguing with referees, it seems to be tolerated in football to a far higher degree than in any other sport. It could be so easily cut down if the authorities were to get tough on a consistent basis. A good start would be cutting down on situations like we saw with Pogatetz on Sunday, where he ignored the referee when he wanted to talk to him. If they walk away from the ref like that, give them a red. That would cut it out in no time.


Thanks for correcting my misunderstanding there - you sanctimonious, superior, condescending bastard...  :lol:


...I bet you love rugby.   :pow: :lol:


Delighted to set one of the lower classes straight, old chap.



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rugby is a sport played like thugs by gentlemen


football is a sport played like gentlemen by thugs


(or however that quote goes..) EDIT: oops, didn't read the above posts  :-[


rugby has never been a lower class thing really, mostly played by posh muppets, so they all seem very uppity. I played rugby for years..


I assume your referring to English Rugby Union as I dont know of many posh muppets who play Rugby League


union yeah

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Guest firetotheworks

Its simple isnt it? The reason that they get away with acting like dicks and footballers dont is because football is a far, far more popular sport, and our national sport. If some rugby player puts a blood capsule in his mouth and fakes injury to be taken off it's less likely to make the front page because the general public's reaction would be 'who?'

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Do you play any sports GG?


Croquet, bowls and charades.




No, Cricket, Badminton and Football. Used to play Rugby until everyone grew and it became painful being in the middle of the scrum every week whilst being shit at it.

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I come from Twickenham so baically everything round here is geared towards rugby. I'm not a big rugby fan, I watch a bit on the telly and have been to a few games down at Quins (union and league) but I don't subscribe to the view that it's only popular with the middle/upper classes. I can also appreciate the skill and physicality of the game. Also the tactical side can be just as intricate as anything in football.


Plenty of people play/watch rugby who went to comprehensive/state schools. It's all a matter of what you prefer. Also not all rugby fans are completely anti football. Plenty are but, obviously from the posts on this thread, it cuts both ways. There seems to be a lot of 'i hate rugby because (insert stereotypical resoning) so there'. Just the same as the rugby fans who roll out about football being rubbish because of soft players etc.


I've got two mates who are massive rugby fans. They watch England all over the world and watch Quins play home and away. Neither of them are posh public school boys. One of them likes football and goes to Arsenal if there is no rugby on, the other consistently rolls out about how rubbish football is and how he has no interest in it (although he is still going to watch the world cup in the summer - only because he is a proud englishman though, obvs).


There's no reason for all the hatred between the two sports. I love all sport and will literally watch anything on the box that has a competitive edge to it.



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Anyone see the interview with Martin Johnson after one of the recent international games, where we we absolute garbage?  The interviewer asked him a perfectly reasonable question, given the circumstances, and Johnson acted like a right twat before staring at him as if he was gonna knock him out. I don't mind Rugby players in general (apart from their blatantly homesexual pub-based bum and willy games) but Martin Johnson is a Grade A neandarthal cunt!

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Anyone see the interview with Martin Johnson after one of the recent international games, where we we absolute garbage?  The interviewer asked him a perfectly reasonable question, given the circumstances, and Johnson acted like a right t*** before staring at him as if he was gonna knock him out. I don't mind Rugby players in general (apart from their blatantly homesexual pub-based bum and willy games) but Martin Johnson is a Grade A neandarthal c***!


I jacked it in partly because of the very homosexual initiation stuff you had to do for the uni teams and the overly macho bravado stuff is BS. Used to play with a fair few ra-ra hooray henry types over the years so Union is definitely more of an upper class thing than football. Love johnno though. Class player

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Anyone see the interview with Martin Johnson after one of the recent international games, where we we absolute garbage?  The interviewer asked him a perfectly reasonable question, given the circumstances, and Johnson acted like a right t*** before staring at him as if he was gonna knock him out. I don't mind Rugby players in general (apart from their blatantly homesexual pub-based bum and willy games) but Martin Johnson is a Grade A neandarthal c***!


I jacked it in partly because of the very homosexual initiation stuff you had to do for the uni teams and the overly macho bravado stuff is BS. Used to play with a fair few ra-ra hooray henry types over the years so Union is definitely more of an upper class thing than football. Love johnno though. Class player


Yeah, I lived in Oxford for a while and the amount of Rugby bummery that went on was ridiculous. You could barely find a pub that wasn't full of naked toffs drinking piss and spanking each other.

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I did, Graham Simmons & his inflammtory style are not cut out for post-match interviews. As for the Argentia post match he was attacking Johnson personally and singling out individual players, so of course  MJ is going to be fuming. If I was SKY I would have Simmons at every Man Utd game & when they lose send Simmons to do the post match stuff it would be TV GOLD.

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I did, Graham Simmons & his inflammtory style are not cut out for post-match interviews. As for the Argentia post match he was attacking Johnson personally and singling out individual players, so of course  MJ is going to be fuming. If I was SKY I would have Simmons at every Man Utd game & when they lose send Simmons to do the post match stuff it would be TV GOLD.


:lol: If johnno had sour grapes face's temper i'm sure Simmons would have been dismembered.

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