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“@_Adam_Penny: @the_dilsh you not fancy getting Tiote on twitter? Or does he to mad when he's told what to do?” I can't look him in the eye


“@nufc_bryant: @the_dilsh Do you get discount off of sports direct clothing ? Surely Ashley gives you a 10% or more discount card” ha ha



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Samuel Ameobi ‏@Sammy_Ameobi

Footballers are like passing ships, they come and go...It hurts less if you keep friendships light!


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I've thought about this is terms of Sammy before, must be weird leaving everyone behind while they go play for Gateshead and Hartlepool or wherever. I'm sure he'll get over it soon.

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Guest Loven11

Robert Elliot ‏@the_dilsh


“@RooGollan: @the_dilsh Do all the lads find Yohan proper lush too? Or is it just us?”everyone


Robert Elliot ‏@the_dilsh


“@TomNicholson9: @the_dilsh What was your main reason for joining NUFC?” just such a big club and would always regret not coming!!


Robert Elliot ‏@the_dilsh


“@SamMulliner: @the_dilsh best player at Newcastle in your opinion?” tough one colo is pretty good!



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Robert Elliot ‏@the_dilsh


“@andy88collin: @andy88collin @the_dilsh whats the best chat up line you've heared?”are you nicky weaver my reply yes,yes I am

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