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John Terry loses England captaincy, Ferdinand gets it

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Going by the TV advert, it Looks like Terry will be dreading Sunday's 'News of the World'.


The new accusations are all over the internet anyway...


not sure I can post them here though?  :shifty:

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The job's only half done, as far as I'm concerned. I still can't see how Bridge and Terry can be involved in the same squad. After all, the players will be living together for 6 weeks during a World Cup. That's plenty of time for whatever tensions and divisions there may be in the squad to fester.


Well the trick will be not to call up Wayne Bridge.

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The job's only half done, as far as I'm concerned. I still can't see how Bridge and Terry can be involved in the same squad. After all, the players will be living together for 6 weeks during a World Cup. That's plenty of time for whatever tensions and divisions there may be in the squad to fester.


Well the trick will be not to call up Wayne Bridge.

Which goes to show why this isn't just Terry's personal life and nothing to do with the England team. What if Capello wants to call up Bridge? It makes for an uncomfortable situation. There will be people in the England team who are friends of each player and will take sides (although I think most would side with Bridge). Hardly encourages a harmonious atmosphere or team spirit.

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Yet again the press try to destroy england.  When Capello took over after 1 or 2 games they were calling for his head, then they loved him, then they all basically said if you dont sack him we'll lose respect for you.



I hate the media as much as the next man but the players (and this goes for celebrities in general as well) have no one to blame except themselves. The media have been the same for years. We all know what they are like, yet the players continue to feed them tabloid gold.

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Looking at the news stand this morning, it looks like he's given the Sun his own exclusive side of the story, and paid the lady £800K to keep quiet.


If true, the bloke is a disgrace. He should have resigned the captaincy and then taken the rest on the chin.


This won't help his standing with his team mates. I wouldn't have him anywhere near the squad.


No guts. No integrity. No brains.

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I still don't really understand the fuss about this.


Wayne Bridge wasn't seeing her at the time. She was his ex. Does that mean I can't see anyone who's ever had a boyfriend before? Does Wayne Bridge really give as fuck? I'd like to hear if he did.

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Yet again the press try to destroy england.  When Capello took over after 1 or 2 games they were calling for his head, then they loved him, then they all basically said if you dont sack him we'll lose respect for you.



I hate the media as much as the next man but the players (and this goes for celebrities in general as well) have no one to blame except themselves. The media have been the same for years. We all know what they are like, yet the players continue to feed them tabloid gold.

The same people who moan about the papers sticking their noses into their 'private' business always seem happy to sell serialisations of their books and the like to the very same papers.


Some stupid WAG (surname of 'Candy' married to some ex-Chelsea player?) and supposed friend of John Terry was on BBC News this morning defending him be saying "Marriage problems shouldn't be in the press, players are on a lot of money and girls throw themselves at them, etc). It sounded like a licence for her husband to go and shag her best friend. It didn't sound like she'd have a problem with it. She seemed very understanding.

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I still don't really understand the fuss about this.


Wayne Bridge wasn't seeing her at the time. She was his ex. Does that mean I can't see anyone who's ever had a boyfriend before? Does Wayne Bridge really give as fuck? I'd like to hear if he did.


How do we know that he wasn't shagging her when she was still with Bridge? You honestly reckon he doesn't give a fuck that a team mate knocked up the mother of his child on the sly? I think it's abou time Terry was held to account for his actions, the place in the team should be on merit but I think it was spot on to strip him of the captaincy in this instance.

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SSN saying he's been 'sacked' as England captain, guess his P45 is in the post.

SSN also said "John Terry has paid the ultimate price". I thought he'd been killed. Your life is supposed to be "the ultimate price".


Is it weird that I immediately thought of Capello dressed up as Darth Vader standing over the prone body of Terry saying You are in command now, Captain Ferdinand :dontknow:

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I still don't really understand the fuss about this.


Wayne Bridge wasn't seeing her at the time. She was his ex. Does that mean I can't see anyone who's ever had a boyfriend before? Does Wayne Bridge really give as f***? I'd like to hear if he did.


How do we know that he wasn't shagging her when she was still with Bridge? You honestly reckon he doesn't give a f*** that a team mate knocked up the mother of his child on the sly? I think it's abou time Terry was held to account for his actions, the place in the team should be on merit but I think it was spot on to strip him of the captaincy in this instance.


Fair enough. But he will be in the squad anyway, and hopefully in the first team, acting in the same way as he always should - a captain.


IMO it was either leave him with the captaincy or chuck him out altogether. Not fanny about in the middle.

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I dunno, the way I see it is that he's essentially Capello's voice on the pitch, his representative in the team. If he isn't comfortable with that the captaincy has to change. It would be madness to drop him mind.

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Guest Geordiesned

The squad should be happy. They don't have to worry about the captain shagging their lass anymore and now he'll be able to fix them up with a good dealer.

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I'm very much an outsider in that I've been observing this story from half a world away, but it seems to me that the people who think this is no big deal aren't looking at the situation from a personal level:


If you've been dating a girl for however many years and have a kid with her, you're going to be pissed off if your best mate knocks boots with her, whether it's before or after you break up. There's a man's code, and that's bro's before ho's (or the more PC mates before dates). Think about it in that perspective, put yourself in Bridge's position, and tell me you wouldn't feel betrayed. Sure, there's resentment for the girl too, but if they've broken up then there's probably a lot of ill feeling there anyway.


Surely all the people sticking up for Terry aren't teenaged virgins? Think about you, your bird and your best mate, and then tell me it's no big deal...


What I've been curious about is: has there been any outcry from the UK "Pro-life" crowd? (Is there any such crowd?) Pulpit thumpers decrying the England captain's procurement of a termination - and the alleged 20k "cheering up" money? Because as deplorable as Terry's treatment of Bridge was, this aspect struck me as particularly grubby.

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What I've been curious about is: has there been any outcry from the UK "Pro-life" crowd? (Is there any such crowd?) Pulpit thumpers decrying the England captain's procurement of a termination - and the alleged 20k "cheering up" money? Because as deplorable as Terry's treatment of Bridge was, this aspect struck me as particularly grubby.

The "Pro-life" crowd don't have much pull in the UK, probably because we don't tend to have many God squad nutters compared to places like the USA. The media probably wouldn't give them the coverage of their opinion.

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What I've been curious about is: has there been any outcry from the UK "Pro-life" crowd? (Is there any such crowd?) Pulpit thumpers decrying the England captain's procurement of a termination - and the alleged 20k "cheering up" money? Because as deplorable as Terry's treatment of Bridge was, this aspect struck me as particularly grubby.

The "Pro-life" crowd don't have much pull in the UK, probably because we don't tend to have many God squad nutters compared to places like the USA. The media probably wouldn't give them the coverage of their opinion.

I bet this changes in the next ten years or so. It's an extremely effective way to dumb down political discussion if you can train enough people to judge a candidate solely on his views on abortion. The tories have been trying to stimulate more and more talk about abortion as they begin to ape their transatlantic counterparts.
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Guest toonlass

What I've been curious about is: has there been any outcry from the UK "Pro-life" crowd? (Is there any such crowd?) Pulpit thumpers decrying the England captain's procurement of a termination - and the alleged 20k "cheering up" money? Because as deplorable as Terry's treatment of Bridge was, this aspect struck me as particularly grubby.

The "Pro-life" crowd don't have much pull in the UK, probably because we don't tend to have many God squad nutters compared to places like the USA. The media probably wouldn't give them the coverage of their opinion.


Yay, more stereotyping!

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What I've been curious about is: has there been any outcry from the UK "Pro-life" crowd? (Is there any such crowd?) Pulpit thumpers decrying the England captain's procurement of a termination - and the alleged 20k "cheering up" money? Because as deplorable as Terry's treatment of Bridge was, this aspect struck me as particularly grubby.

The "Pro-life" crowd don't have much pull in the UK, probably because we don't tend to have many God squad nutters compared to places like the USA. The media probably wouldn't give them the coverage of their opinion.


Yay, more stereotyping!

hows it stereotyping ? you know he doesn't mean your average christian with pro-life views but the very vocal,active and beligerent type which even you would recognise.
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More stereotyping!




Fifa president Sepp Blatter has claimed that in some countries, John Terry would have been applauded rather than sacked as national team captain for having an alleged affair.


Terry was deposed as England captain by Fabio Capello, the England manager, last week following the mountain of negative headlines that have emanated from stories about a supposed affair between the defender and the ex-partner of his former Chelsea team-mate, Wayne Bridge.


Speaking in Vancouver today, Blatter described the response and reaction to Terry as being particularly "Anglo-Saxon" and claimed that in countries such as France, Italy and Spain, it would not be considered a problem.


"Listen, this is a special approach in the Anglo-Saxon countries," he said. "If this had happened in let's say Latin countries then I think he would have been applauded."



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