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Realistic Transfer Targets Summer 2010


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My mate texted me and said he thinks we are getting Reo-Coker and that he thinks its a canny buy, am I missing something here? Reo-Coker, a decent buy? Really?


any reason why he thinks it?


Have texted him back and asked him why, so now waiting.




Reo-Coker is a decent player to be fair but I just think he's too similar to our other midfielders.

If he was bought to replace Butt or Smith it would make sense. He's youngish, proven at Premier League level, wouldn't cost the earth and seems to be a good pro.

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Reo-Coker is a decent player to be fair but I just think he's too similar to our other midfielders.

If he was bought to replace Butt or Smith it would make sense. He's youngish, proven at Premier League level, wouldn't cost the earth and seems to be a good pro.


Hasn't he had problems with his behaviour at West Ham and Villa?  I definitely remember there was a punch-up with him and O'Neill this season or last year.


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Guest toonlass

Got a text back, the lad who told my mate about Harewood coming in on loan has told him Reo-Coker could be coming. He was right about the Harewood loan but tbh I can't see why we would go for Reo-Coker. Puzzled definitely, tbh. I don't really rate him if I am honest.

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My mate texted me and said he thinks we are getting Reo-Coker and that he thinks its a canny buy, am I missing something here? Reo-Coker, a decent buy? Really?


any reason why he thinks it?


Have texted him back and asked him why, so now waiting.




Reo-Coker is a decent player to be fair but I just think he's too similar to our other midfielders.

If he was bought to replace Butt or Smith it would make sense. He's youngish, proven at Premier League level, wouldn't cost the earth and seems to be a good pro.


always thought of reo-coker as a pretty mobile box-to-box player with a good engine, no?  pretty much the antithesis of our current midfield


probably on a par with our shite CM's distribution wise but depends what he'd be brought in for...to do a job getting up and down and hassling oponents i think we could do worse, fee dependent


not seen him for a while, granted

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For where we are at the moment for the right price would he really be that bad a signing? Maybe after we are established in the league we can afford to turn up our noses at such a player but at the moment I am not so sure. He can also play at right back ;)

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Guest Roger Kint

Butt out Bullard in.. would make sense to do it but I bet we don't


It makes no sense whatsoever to sign a man approaching 31(?) who hasnt managed 20 games in almost 3 seasons and is on about £50k a week. Utter madness to think about signing him tbh

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Butt out Bullard in.. would make sense to do it but I bet we don't


It makes no sense whatsoever to sign a man approaching 31(?) who hasnt managed 20 games in almost 3 seasons and is on about £50k a week. Utter madness to think about signing him tbh


That may be true, but he is rather awesome. (Though not in a footballing sense, just as a person.)

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Nigel Reo-Coker like Routledge is someone who I saw a decent amount of because I was in the area when they played for Wimbledon and Crystal Palace respectively, and both emerged on the scene. I promise you that you would all love the guy. There was a lot of sceptism about Routledge and go back and look at what I had to say then, and you will see that I was accurate about him. Routledge has been great and willbe in the premier league also, mark my words.


Anyway lets talk about Reo-Coker ... this again would be a very very shrewd signing, just like Routledge was. mrmojorisin75 is very accurate in his description. Reo-Coker is  a very very strong, dynamic and mobile box to box central midfielder that plays with a ton of drive and determination going forward as well as defensively. The type of player he is, is a Scott Parker / Essien / Palacios type I would say. To get the best out of him you definitely want to give him the freedom to get up and down the pitch. He has sometimes been used as more of a defensive misdfielder, and though he can do a job, he really isn't quite savvy enough on the whole, it is essentially a bit of a waste of his better attributes, which are his drive and power going forward. Of course he isn't a perfect player either, and does have his faults. The thing he isn't as great at are the more technical aspects. His touch can be poor at times, and so he will not always get the ball under control as quickly or as well as he can, and his passing can also be off the mark at times too, whether a 5 yard pass, or a 20 yard one. These two things mean that he will lose the ball at times. The good thing is that it does make him doubly determined to fight to get it back, and he does have the speed and power to try to do so. He also doesn't hide and will generally have the right idea when it comes to receiving  the ball in the right areas and making the right passes and will hit the mark a decent amount of the time. Basically, he won't disappear like a Jenas and just play side to side / back passes all day.


So ... looking at our team setup, and assuming Nolan plays a big role next season, I would say the ideal lineup would feature both in the more advanced positions of a three man midfield, with a devensive/holding midfielder who is good technically, comfortable on the ball and who can distribute it very well - think Carrick, Huddlestone, Obi-Mikel etc. Nolan and Reo-Coker would then essentially play the roles of Lampard and Essien. However, as I mentioned earlier, you could also certainly get away with partnering Nolan with Reo-Coker in a midfield two and have Reo-Coker play a more defensive role, whcih he could certainly do, though in my opinion he isn't as efficient at this.


Character wise Reo-Coker is solid. That West Ham bling brigade rubbish was perpetuated by Ferdinand more than anything.  As I said, I lived in the area when he played for Wimbledon and he is actually related to a friend of mine. Reo-Coker is originally from Sierra Leone and moved here when he was a kid. He is very much a family guy and doesn't typicaly live the footballers lifestyle. Very laid back. Not sure what happened with the O'Neill tussle, but seeing how O'Neill didn't make a big deal out of it I'm pretty sure it wasn't all down to Reo-Coker.


Sorry if I have over done things, but this is a player I know quitye a lot about, similar to Routledge, and so just thought I would have my say.


:aww: :aww: :aww:


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Stoke have some decent central defenders. Anyone of the following on a cheap would be good deal


Robert Huth

Ibrahima Sonko

Ryan Shawcross

Danny Collins

Abdoulaye Faye


Huth or Shawcross would be glorious, but I assume either would take out a large chunk of our supposed £15 million budget.  :sadnod:

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i like reo coker. when he plays as a defensive midfielder i think he's very good - got a good engine, strong, great tackler. not the best passer or most skillful, but if you want someone to cover for Nolan's weaknesses, we could do a lot worse. even though brummie slates him oneill hasnt realy given him a chance recently. couple of years ago he looked very good in that holding role.

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Guest jeffers09

Living in Birmingham ive been to quite a few Villa games the past couple of seasons and would defiantley take Reo-Coker good solid player and would probably only cost a couple of million.

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Reo-Coker would fit the Ashley blueprint (if there even is one!) of buying cheap, paying sensible wages, player with a point to prove, potential to sell on etc.


I know the guy has had his critics at Villa but I wouldn't be against giving him a go in our midfield.


I'd think he'd bring a good engine, an ability to break up play and provide an energy that we don't have now the down sides would be his lack of creativity and he's not going to weigh in with goals.


That said, for the right price (£3m or less) I'd take a punt.



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