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How come us Brits don't get offended by the term Brit.  :lol: Even on Xbox Live when some US kid starts shouting Limey at me in a high pitched squeal I don't really understand the insult. I had to go research it myself, to understand what he was trying to get at, only to discover it was due to some stupid thing where we sucked on Limes to try and avoid scurvy (which didn't work). I think I prefer it when they just try and insult my Mother.  :lol:




F***ing Yanks man :lol:


I love getting them worked up. How could limey possibly be offensive man! Even considering the historical relevance :lol:


Its not at all offensive.  :lol:

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Has brit ever been used in a derogatory manner though? Apart from tabloid newspapers talking about Brits abroad!!


Not that i've experienced, but when would we realistically experience it unless you have moved abroad?


I've been called a snowfalke before though by some lovely Pakistani's i live next to :lol:

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For the record, I might be less offended by "chink" if I was actually fucking Chinese :lol:


That's the thing with 'paki', the fact that it's used to describe anyone who has slightly tanned skin :lol:


I suppose I have technically been 'racially abused' by my white mates, despite me being white :lol:

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I'm going to be honest here and say that racism in Newcastle is pretty bad too.


I agree. The last time i experienced racism in Newcastle was during the petrol shortages a few years back. The Asian owned garage on West road continued to sell to Asian customers whilst claiming they had ran out when white people tuned up. Absolutely shocking behaviour. Needless to say the authorities turned a blind eye to this which was, in itself, racist.

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If it makes you feel any better you're definitely not any worse than Seoul is, a lot of us are absolute pigs towards Southeast Asians/Black people


Had a couple of personal experience that. Felt like an absolute criminal in one case. Some helpful chaps made up for it though.


Having said that, racial discrimination of some kind exists everywhere, even living in a so-called peaceful multiracial country.

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Guest johnson293

Steve moose has just been on SSN, SSN saying they have a decent run in on paper.. :lol:


On paper, yes.


Ha ha, aye... thats what Wearside was saying on here too when they had 'seven winnable games with a better team on paper'...... that of course was two matches/defeats ago.



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bardsley turner huth warnock

henderson seedorf (capt) brunt nzog

gyan drogba



On that note I fancy us fielding the following team next season:



Alves - Nesta (circa 2001) - Coloccini - Enrique

HBA - Nolan - Tiote - Robben




I have serious doubts about whether Ranger can step up. Not very realistic.

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