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World Cup 2010 Pre-Tournament Thread


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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

I really can't think of a World Cup where so many 'Key' players were injured before hand, or injured the week before. Not sure if thats poor memory, better media coverage or if it just simply hasn't happened before.

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Anyone think South Africa will make it out of their group? I initially didn't give them a chance but they're just finding some good form and a few handy results. First game is pivotal though, they desperately need to win it to have a shout.

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Anyone think South Africa will make it out of their group? I initially didn't give them a chance but they're just finding some good form and a few handy results. First game is pivotal though, they desperately need to win it to have a shout.


It will be tough but I really hope they do.

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Anyone think South Africa will make it out of their group? I initially didn't give them a chance but they're just finding some good form and a few handy results. First game is pivotal though, they desperately need to win it to have a shout.


The Mexicans look good, I'd be surprised if SA got anything out of the first game. 

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Guest Geordiesned

It looks like South Africa might make a complete arse of this World Cup. Rioting outside the ground in the Nigeria v North Korea at the moment. Despite there being loads of empty seats the gates were locked with loads of fans outside. Game was stopped but now back on. Lot of ambulances taking injured away after stampede.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

They have the collective footballing ability of a herd of wilderbeest, they will probably finish bottom of the group.


Its a shame, its always nice to see the home nation do well.


Historically they've always managed to get into the Knockout stages, so I guess thats in SA favour. That and their home advantage and they don't have Benni 5 Bellies up front.

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I would've never thought SA could get out of their group at first, but Mexico are a bit too inconsistent and France have been dogshit with Domenech. Like said, they've hit a good run of form, and will obvious have the added advantage of playing at home.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

If SA make a mess of this World Cup, when will Africa get another shot at it? 2050?


Not sure, the only real place you can host one is in South Africa as there's too much 'terrorismists' links in North Africa.

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Arguably as likely as anywhere to get problems related to terrorism. Westerners were gunned down in the desert on their holidays in recent years and a lot of the holiday resorts there don't tend to be geared for integration with the native populace.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi


Internal problems and 'terrorist' threats.


Hmmm... difficult to tell when the next one could be, tbh. 2050 was probably conservative now I think about it.


Spain/Morocco co-host.  First intercontinental World Cup.


That's be canny interesting, and I totally forgot about Morocco.

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Internal problems and 'terrorist' threats.


Hmmm... difficult to tell when the next one could be, tbh. 2050 was probably conservative now I think about it.


Spain/Morocco co-host.  First intercontinental World Cup.


Not a bad idea, tbh. As likely as anything, Africa-wise.

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You're all cunts.


Someone else in it has both Didier Drogba and Humberto Suazo. Both crocked.


I've got:












David Silva






(It was a 'draft' fantasy team, we couldn't have duplicate players)


It's progressing well.

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