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What would happen if Gateshead were promoted to the Football League

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If Gateshead were to be promoted to League 2 in a few seasons to come how would they cope?


Would they be able to maintain the fan base to make it a viable professional football club? Could they obtain a fanbase to allow revenue to make it possible for them to be promoted in the first place with everyone already having a strong allegiance to an existing club?

Would it be good for us? To send players on loan, having a smaller feeder club etc etc etc?



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I am from Gateshead and would certainly try to attend as many games as possible when NUFC aren't playing. I have been to 3 games this year , York Away , Luton Away and Oxford Away and it's been great banter every game. Great set of fans who follow the club all over.


I really do hope they manage to maintain themselves in the league there in now for a couple of years , then hopefully push for the FL. New stadium is on the horizon , and a new influx of money from a very proud Graham Wood.

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On a serious note. I think a lot of it would depend on them getting their new ground as its piss poor to watch football at the International but if they came up i see no reason why they could be like an Accrington type club and survive on small crowds and local players. (In mind that Accrington is sandwiched between B'burn & Burnley). Be useful for us to send some our young lads out for a bit of 'real' football rather than in the stiffs.

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What are their hardcore fans attitude towards Newcastle? I'm from Berwick and there are loads of fans who support Berwick and Newcastle or Berwick and Sunderland, but there's also an element of Berwicks support who hate Newcastle and how fans travel from Berwick to go and watch us. Do any Gateshead fans get pissed off with their townsfolk ignoring their team and just following Newcastle?

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What are their hardcore fans attitude towards Newcastle? I'm from Berwick and there are loads of fans who support Berwick and Newcastle or Berwick and Sunderland, but there's also an element of Berwicks support who hate Newcastle and how fans travel from Berwick to go and watch us. Do any Gateshead fans get pissed off with their townsfolk ignoring their team and just following Newcastle?

most of the gateshead fans i know (3 of them) are all newcastle fans who just fell out of love with greedy bastard football.
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Attendances do rise after promotions, even at the lower levels. However if the success stops the crowds will disappear again. Down at Hampton (Graham Wood's former club) we had a great spell where we got promoted from Ryman 1, reached the playoff final of Ryman Prem, won the Ryman Prem, finished 3rd in Conf South losing in the PO final then finished 2nd in Conf South losing in the PO final again in consecutive seasons. Average attendance went up from 300 to nearly 700 but one bad season (flirting with relegation before eventually finishing mid-table) has seen the newcomers leave and crowds drop back to around 400.

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I've been along to a few games this season and was there to a few last.  Before that it would never have crossed my mind.  The more exposure they get and the better results they get can only mean one thing.  Should be interesting with this new stadium as well.  I reckon that in itself will draw a few extra even if it is only for a few games.

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Would love to see it happen. Given the size of Tyneside I'm sure they could draw a pretty decent support aslong as their home games were scheduled for when Newcastle are away. The exposure would bring in many more people. I'm sure of it.


I would like the clubs to work really closely with each other like we send a lot of our young talent there on loan and things like that.


Plus, Gateshead being in the FL would stop people throwing the 'one club one city' thing at us when trying to dismiss our good support.


Hope it happens.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Would love to see it happen. Given the size of Tyneside I'm sure they could draw a pretty decent support aslong as their home games were scheduled for when Newcastle are away. The exposure would bring in many more people. I'm sure of it.


It'd be tough to balance Toon/Heed/Scum, if Heed get more fans, police wise. Toon Scum already alternate home/away, not sure what would happen with a third team in the mix, probably Monday Night home games for someone.

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Would love to see it happen. Given the size of Tyneside I'm sure they could draw a pretty decent support aslong as their home games were scheduled for when Newcastle are away. The exposure would bring in many more people. I'm sure of it.


It'd be tough to balance Toon/Heed/Scum, if Heed get more fans, police wise. Toon Scum already alternate home/away, not sure what would happen with a third team in the mix, probably Monday Night home games for someone.


I thought about this but surely Northumbria Police should be able to cope with the Scum and Gateshead playing on the same day? If not then they could draft in officers from Cleveland Police or somewhere.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Not sure, was just putting out there into the mix. They've probably got an assigned Match Day policing unit or something.

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