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The forward line up is quite weak as far as the better teams are concerned but I think there's enough there to keep us up. Carroll will get a few, Shola and Lovenkrands have scored in the Premier. We could do with a genuine quality striker but we don't have the money to buy someone who would actually improve us as a team. Personally I think Nile Ranger or Vukic would probably have more impact over a season than a limited player like Boyd.

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I do agree with Ronaldo's assesment of the strikers though.


Everyone should.


No they shouldn't, everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if in your eyes that opinion is wrong.


Are you serious?

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I do agree with Ronaldo's assesment of the strikers though.


Everyone should.


No they shouldn't, everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if in your eyes that opinion is wrong.


Are you serious?



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I don't disagree, I actually said the same. You just seem to really not rate him at all, fairly similar to your dislike of Carroll early last season.


I think Ranger could be a good prospect. But you don't fight with Heavyweights if you're 11 stone, Ranger belongs in the lower leagues right now, if he's good enough he'll show it. Fraser Forster is a good example of this.



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I do agree with Ronaldo's assesment of the strikers though.


Everyone should.


No they shouldn't, everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if in your eyes that opinion is wrong.


Are you serious?




I'm not.

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Lovenkrandz > Shola > Caroll > Ranger > Best


Best to be removed from the equation, Ranger to be loaned out (with option to recall him) and one fairly quality striker to be brought in. Sorted.


Shola has always been a scapegoat and someone fans like to ridicule and moan about. Despite not being terrible he isn't "the" answer. Lovenkrandz has the pace and wit to be dangerous providing he has the right partner and Caroll is slowly but surely getting there - I excpect him to surpass both Peter and Shola this season.

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Guest Roger Kint

Skip all posts and say  Carroll will cause problems, maybe get a few, Loven a few home goals....rest shite!!!!

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Guest Roger Kint

Lovenkrands pretty much failed as a goalscorer in Scotland, it's laughable that you consider him to be better than Boyd.


Ahhhhhhhhh but that's different you see.


I like what you did there :thup:

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Lovenkrands pretty much failed as a goalscorer in Scotland, it's laughable that you consider him to be better than Boyd.


Ahhhhhhhhh but that's different you see.


Not really, unless the SPL was an acronym for Sexy Premier League back in 2005.

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Lovenkrands pretty much failed as a goalscorer in Scotland, it's laughable that you consider him to be better than Boyd.


Ahhhhhhhhh but that's different you see.


Not really, unless the SPL was an acronym for Sexy Premier League back in 2005.


It's totally different. The Scottish league is far better than the English one...

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Shola's proven he cant cut it in the PL, the Championship is his level. He's about 28 now and if he's never been good enough to hold down a first team place. Id get rid if someone offered £3m tbh


I agree, but think Best is worse - I also don't think Lovenkrands will cut it in the Prem. Interesting that some on here defend him, yet question whether Boyd would 'do it' in the Prem. Boyd scored more goals for Rangers than Lovenkrands, so where does THAT logic come from ?


Only Carroll looks to me as if he could be a threat, but even he is still very raw by Prem standards ; he WILL frighten defenders in the air, but needs a really decent striker alongside him to take advantage of this.


Would keep Shola before Best...Shola even has a better scoring record in the Prem than Lovenkrands, who, lets face it, is even older...


Sadly, funds do not allow big buys, and strikers are big buys if they are any good.

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We need to develop other ways of getting goals. At the moment, our only effective weapon will be Carroll at set pieces.


We need a counter-attacking game. It's a long time since we've been able to hit teams on the break, so we need a bit more pace down the middle, both up front and in midfield.


We also need to create more through the midfield, because lumping the ball forward in the hope that someone's going to get on the end of a flick-on won't work in the Premiership. It wasn't that effective in the Championship come to that.


So a CM who can really get forward at pace and a striker who can link with the midfield would really broaden our attacking threat.

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Guest Ice__Mag

Agree with that, keep carroll and loven. Think they could both score goals next year. Loven's movement will be crucial I think. Hope him and jonas can link up like they did at times last year. I'd keep shola too, he's 3rd choice atm though and will be further down the pecking order with new signings (hopefully)

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Guest toonlass

Lovenkrands pretty much failed as a goalscorer in Scotland, it's laughable that you consider him to be better than Boyd.


You what?  :kasper: He was regularly played on the left at Rangers, a position we all know he is no good at. When he was played up front he scored goals.

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In the 2008/2009 season Lovenkrands scored more goals than Owen in less pitch time.


Do people think that Blackpool, West Brom, Wolves, Wigan, West Ham, Bolton, Stoke and Blackburn have strikers that are better than our current striker options? Those teams are the teams we are realistically going to be competing against next season.

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Lovenkrands pretty much failed as a goalscorer in Scotland, it's laughable that you consider him to be better than Boyd.


You what?  :kasper: He was regularly played on the left at Rangers, a position we all know he is no good at. When he was played up front he scored goals.


As many as Boyd? Nearly as many as Boyd?


Let's be honest about Lovenkrands in the prem, he scored against two teams that got relegated and had the ball dropped at his feet against Man U. I don't think he's anywhere near up to Premier league football.

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In the 2008/2009 season Lovenkrands scored more goals than Owen in less pitch time.


Maybe Lovenkrands had a better goals per minutes rate than Owen. But Owen scored 8 goals and Lovenkrands only 3.

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In the 2008/2009 season Lovenkrands scored more goals than Owen in less pitch time.


Maybe Lovenkrands had a better goals per minutes rate than Owen. But Owen scored 8 goals and Lovenkrands only 3.

Memory fade. Must have been the goals per minute I was remembering.

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If he'd said from February onwards he'd have been on the money. Loven got 3 in the time that the useless little cunt got 0.


Yep. Owen's last goal came in February against West Ham iirc. After that he completely disappeared.

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