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The Liverpool Thread


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How much did they spend on that Firmino kid again? 30 million? For someone who makes next to no impact in half a season? Yikes.

no point writing him off after 6 months though, all foreign signings should be given at least a season before proper judgement's are made

I see where you are coming from but I disagree when you're paying that much. I've absolutely not written him off yet but when you sign a winger/forward for 30 odd million you're going to want to see more than one goal in 23 appearances for a club like Liverpool.


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Guest Howaythetoon

Klopp has a huge job on his hands there, they have a very average squad. Benteke looks totally out of place there as well. Surely the next big money player they peddle. I wouldn't mind him here actually, he would be exactly what we need.

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Winj would walk into that midfield.

tbf you could say that of all bar maybe 3 or 4 clubs in europe. (AmI going OTT about this lad ?)


I don't think so. IMO he's a couple of seasons away from being the complete midfielder. He's already very good.

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