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At what point do the Liverpool fans take a step back and think 'hang on, he dives all over the place to con referees, he's a racist, he gives the middle finger to away fans, he's served a ban for fucking biting some poor cunt in Holland - maybe Suarez is actually just a little cunt?'


What more will it take for Liverpool fans to dare to question his behaviour? He's fucking idolised by the pricks and, pardon the pun, whiter than white in their eyes. There's loyalty to their player and then there's making yourself look fucking thick because you're excusing his behaviour and glossing over serious incidents. He's representing LFC and dragging the club's name through the mud. Fucking hell man.


I'd dare say this incident, in a perverse way, is just going to be an opportunity for some Liverpool fans to massage their inflated, egotistical perceptions of their club's standing in the game.

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At what point do the Liverpool fans take a step back and think 'hang on, he dives all over the place to con referees, he's a racist, he gives the middle finger to away fans, he's served a ban for f***ing biting some poor c*** in Holland - maybe Suarez is actually just a little c***?'


What more will it take for Liverpool fans to dare to question his behaviour? He's f***ing idolised by the pricks and, pardon the pun, whiter than white in their eyes. There's loyalty to their player and then there's making yourself look f***ing thick because you're excusing his behaviour and glossing over serious incidents. He's representing LFC and dragging the club's name through the mud. f***ing hell man.



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At what point do the Liverpool fans take a step back and think 'hang on, he dives all over the place to con referees, he's a racist, he gives the middle finger to away fans, he's served a ban for f***ing biting some poor c*** in Holland - maybe Suarez is actually just a little c***?'


What more will it take for Liverpool fans to dare to question his behaviour? He's f***ing idolised by the pricks and, pardon the pun, whiter than white in their eyes. There's loyalty to their player and then there's making yourself look f***ing thick because you're excusing his behaviour and glossing over serious incidents. He's representing LFC and dragging the club's name through the mud. f***ing hell man.


He's far from whiter than white but yeah, I love the bastard.


He dives no more than any other player, just because Mr Ferguson says it doesn't make it true.


Bingo. "Don't care how much of a cunt you are, you're good at football so you can behave however you like, I'll still love you"


Fucking sickening man, give your head a shake.


Sure, it's rationalised as "he's a right cunt on the pitch, but he's our cunt". Why are you making such a big deal out of it? Every club's fans do it. And so few of them can take that step back, see what they're doing and transfer that to other fans.


Yeah, Suarez is a cunt. And we'll stick up for him because he's our cunt. And most NUFC fans would do exactly the same if he played for youse because you'd fucking love him, too. Even though he's a cunt.


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Is this serious from Dalglish? Very disturbing if so.


He wrote: "Very disappointed with today's verdict.


"This is the time when @luis16suarez needs our full support. Let's not let him walk alone. KD"


Why still back someone who's been proved racist? Why not condemn it?

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I'm howling at this one :lol:


Either we fight and appeal or just ignore it and say the FA have no authority to ban him. Anyone think we could just play him and indicate we belive the FA is wrong and take it to court. The FA cannot keep someone from working a job can they?"


Yes. Yes they can.

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"Anyone think we could just play him?" :lol: :lol:


"Here, lads. Been thinking about this, I've got a really subtle, complex and witty plot to get one over on those FA wankers."


"Oh yes?"


"OK, OK. Basically, get this - we should actually just play him anyway."



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"Anyone think we could just play him?" :lol: :lol:


"Here, lads. Been thinking about this, I've got a really subtle, complex and witty plot to get one over on those FA wankers."


"Oh yes?"


"OK, OK. Basically, get this - we should actually just play him anyway."




I wish they would. The points deductions would be delicious.

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Is this serious from Dalglish? Very disturbing if so.


He wrote: "Very disappointed with today's verdict.


"This is the time when @luis16suarez needs our full support. Let's not let him walk alone. KD"


Why still back someone who's been proved racist? Why not condemn it?


The Great Leader speaks. :lol:

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Am picturing the scene pitchside


FA suit: Aren't you banned?


Suarez: I refuse to accept your authority. You have no right to stop me doing my job.


FA suit: Alright then, you can play.




:lol: "Well why didn't you say so?! Jeez, you should have said earlier."

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Guest neesy111

Liverpool fans in thinking they are bigger than football itself shocker.  Honestly can't believe anyone can defend Suarez.


IMO the ban and fine no where near large enough.  Though with the charge for sticking his finger up due soon, he could be missing most of the 2nd half of the season now. :)

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I'm howling at this one :lol:


Either we fight and appeal or just ignore it and say the FA have no authority to ban him. Anyone think we could just play him and indicate we belive the FA is wrong and take it to court. The FA cannot keep someone from working a job can they?"


Yes. Yes they can.



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At what point do the Liverpool fans take a step back and think 'hang on, he dives all over the place to con referees, he's a racist, he gives the middle finger to away fans, he's served a ban for f***ing biting some poor c*** in Holland - maybe Suarez is actually just a little c***?'


What more will it take for Liverpool fans to dare to question his behaviour? He's f***ing idolised by the pricks and, pardon the pun, whiter than white in their eyes. There's loyalty to their player and then there's making yourself look f***ing thick because you're excusing his behaviour and glossing over serious incidents. He's representing LFC and dragging the club's name through the mud. f***ing hell man.


He's far from whiter than white but yeah, I love the bastard.


He dives no more than any other player, just because Mr Ferguson says it doesn't make it true.


Bingo. "Don't care how much of a cunt you are, you're good at football so you can behave however you like, I'll still love you"


Fucking sickening man, give your head a shake.


Sure, it's rationalised as "he's a right cunt on the pitch, but he's our cunt". Why are you making such a big deal out of it? Every club's fans do it. And so few of them can take that step back, see what they're doing and transfer that to other fans.


Yeah, Suarez is a cunt. And we'll stick up for him because he's our cunt. And most NUFC fans would do exactly the same if he played for youse because you'd fucking love him, too. Even though he's a cunt.


If a Newcastle player was found guilty of racist behaviour then I'd want him out of the club. No way would I back him, there's a limit to what can be excused and defended and the racist stuff is beyond that. Wouldn't matter how good at football he was...

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I sit next to a Uraguayan at work who's astonished it's an issue in the slightest, the culture and usage of the terminology there is completely different. Had a pretty interesting chat with him but he's a Suarez fanboy and blatantly loves a cheeky bit of racism so it was a bit one sided. There's a Tim Vickery piece on the BBC sport that starts off by giving an extremely good insight into the culture of the words, I've linked below.


That's the other side of the coin: beyond what the words Suarez used may mean, there's the question of what's racist, which is *very* dependent on culture. What would be perceived in hyper-sensitive Britain as racist would not be in other cultures less sensitive to racism. And then there's the differing sensitivity to perceived racism against different races: in the UK, people are very sensitive to racism against blacks but not against, say, Albanians because there are a lot of blacks but few Albanians. A few weeks ago, an extremely liberal, pro-immigrant German lass who spends all her time helping kids from immigrant families, who would never dream of saying anything anti-Turkish, told me that "laying an Obama in the White House" is slang for having a shit (there are very few black people in Germany, and most racism is directed against Turks, Arabs and East Europeans).




With regards to the FA's ruling: it's a complete cop-out. They've found him guilty of indecent/abusive behaviour and punished him for racism. An 8 match ban is ridiculous for what they've found him guilty of. FFS, Rooney got a 2-game ban for running up to the TV camera and shouting "fuck off" into it. They should have either given him a punishment typical of the violation they found him guilty of or had the balls to label him a racist along with clearly you've-been-found-guilty-of-racism ban they handed him.


Whilst I agree with the first half of your post that's not necessarily the point. It may well be inoffensive in his culture but there are ramifications beyond that - he's been in Europe for some time by now and as such must realise that it's extremely offensive to refer to people in such a manner. He's not a complete idiot, surely he knew what he was doing and as such theoretically it could still be construed as racist?


I'm just theorising mind, don't know the ins and outs of the case.


Plus it's funny as fuck he's been banned for 8 games.

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It's never them at fault is it? Always someone else who's to blame.


Deny, deny, deny at all costs and point the finger at someone else. Fucking hate Liverpool and their despicable fans who make excuses. Arseholes. 


My thoughts exactly.

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Given the FA's 'Kick it Out' campaign I can't see them reducing it. They've already found him guilty of using racist language and they're not going to suddenly change their minds and decide he's not guilty after all. If anything they should be extending it. 


Ideally Liv will get rawkous and out of line at the appeal and they'll start adding games and fines and bans from european competition. [/justopenedacanofbeer] :lol:

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