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Guest Rey Mysterio

Must admit when watching it live, straight away thought it sounded like it was the players. Guess we will probably never know.

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I actually used to like KKK even after his s**** reign with us. Never understood failure here,thought he was a good manager and came across as a good guy. I now think he{s one of the biggest shames of our game now. He needs out for everyone{s sake. Didn{t necessarily expect better of Suarez, but I did of him.




God, just saw his SS interview. What a massive pathetic twat

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I think any semblence of sympathy people have for Liverpool and Dagleish after Hillsborough will be gone. My sympathy now is only for the families and those who were at the actual game.


I agree with Grant in that I thought Dagleish would have been above this.

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  A scouser with common sense!  Of course he's immediately ripped apart and accused of basically disrespecting the memory of Hillsborough by not toeing the party line.


No individual is bigger than Liverpool Football Club. Not kenny and not luis.


    If Luis put the club first then he should have shook Evra's hand. Because he must have known that to refuse to shake it would send the wrong message and as has happened would lead to huge negative publicity for the club. He has embarrassed the club and Kenny.


    Life is unfair sometimes - its not fair on Luis but sometimes you have to do things for the good of the club.


    This will be Luis last season at the club. I reckon he will be sold - hes a great player but is damaged goods.


What the fuck ... So what's YNWA and the Justice campaign all about then ... some things are more important than football ... Damaged goods ... Really supportive that!

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Dalglish is out of his depth with this issue. He's talking about the handshake as though it was not his concern.


If Ferguson had been in his position, he'd have ordered Suarez to shake hands and there's no way that Suarez would have done otherwise. Dalglish is identifying too much with the player, and not enough with the welfare of the club, or the game as a whole.

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Dalglish is out of his depth with this issue. He's talking about the handshake as though it was not his concern.


If Ferguson had been in his position, he'd have ordered Suarez to shake hands and there's no way that Suarez would have done otherwise. Dalglish is identifying too much with the player, and not enough with the welfare of the club, or the game as a whole.


Spot on.

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Throughout this whole sorry episode Dalglish has been pathetic. Instead of being professional and manning up, he has let the mob run the asylum.  His own conduct in interviews and press conferences is embarrasing, with him getting a strop on with every interview. He's prehistoric.

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I think Dalglish and Suarez are both pretty miserable now. They've made no friends in football and will find it hard to make up for it. Suarez will endure a horrible time in England and should probably leave for his own sake. Dalglish has cornered himself in a way that will make things difficult for him on many levels.

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I can remember one of our players - I think it was Dabizas - saying that Dalglish was too close to many of the players during his time here. He didn't keep the appropriate distance as a manager.


Dalglish went seamlessly at Liverpool from being a player, to player-manager to manager. That may not have been the best apprenticeship.

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