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"Clint is a player we've enquired about, it is as simple as that," said Rodgers.


"Ian Ayre, our managing director, has spoken with the club to see what the position is. That is where we're at.


"He's a very talented player but we don't like to talk about other clubs' players."



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"Clint is a player we've enquired about, it is as simple as that," said Rodgers.


"Ian Ayre, our managing director, has spoken with the club to see what the position is. That is where we're at.


"He's a very talented player but we don't like to talk about other clubs' players."




"The first rule about not talking about other clubs players is to talk about other clubs players"

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"There has been a lot written and spoken about him but first and foremost Andy is a Liverpool player," said the boss.


"To consider a loan period for someone the club spent £35million on isn't something we're looking to do at this moment in time.


"Andy will be the same as every other player - if there's ever an offer that comes in we'd look at it as a club and see if it's going to be worthwhile for the club and the team as a whole.


"The club invested £35million in him. People talk about whether he can fit into my style or not, but if you're a club and you spend £35million on a player you'd like to think he can fit into whatever style the team plays.


"He's a good player. He'll join the rest of the group next week and we'll take it from there."



Sounds like the Americans have given him his first bollicking.. :lol:

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"There has been a lot written and spoken about him but first and foremost Andy is a Liverpool player," said the boss.


"To consider a loan period for someone the club spent £35million on isn't something we're looking to do at this moment in time.


"Andy will be the same as every other player - if there's ever an offer that comes in we'd look at it as a club and see if it's going to be worthwhile for the club and the team as a whole.


"The club invested £35million in him. People talk about whether he can fit into my style or not, but if you're a club and you spend £35million on a player you'd like to think he can fit into whatever style the team plays.


"He's a good player. He'll join the rest of the group next week and we'll take it from there."



Sounds like the Americans have given him his first bollicking.. :lol:

ah so they realised that the previous attitude made their position very very very weak, well done it only took 10 days to figure that out

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"There has been a lot written and spoken about him but first and foremost Andy is a Liverpool player," said the boss.


"To consider a loan period for someone the club spent £35million on isn't something we're looking to do at this moment in time.


"Andy will be the same as every other player - if there's ever an offer that comes in we'd look at it as a club and see if it's going to be worthwhile for the club and the team as a whole.


"The club invested £35million in him. People talk about whether he can fit into my style or not, but if you're a club and you spend £35million on a player you'd like to think he can fit into whatever style the team plays.


"He's a good player. He'll join the rest of the group next week and we'll take it from there."



Sounds like the Americans have given him his first bollicking.. :lol:


Well and truly slapped down innit. :lol:

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Guest bimpy474

#askenrique I tipped you to be Spain's next Leftback, on a scale of 1 to Joey Barton..How mental am I?



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I see he's publicly tapping up Joe Allen now as well.


"I have a great relationship with Swansea but if there is a market for any of the players, I would like to be in that market.


"They respect that. He is a very talented player, which everyone knows but there is nothing more at the moment. When players come to a club such as Liverpool, it's never straightforward."

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Guest firetotheworks

They won't loan out Andy Carroll, but they might loan him out.


Rodgers doesn't want to talk about other team's players, apart from Clint Dempsey and Joe Allen.

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Guest reefatoon

The man's cracking under pressure already. Hope they crash and burn this upcoming season.


It's far too much of a step up for him, it's going to be a disaster for both him and that wank club.  Fantastic watching!

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The man's cracking under pressure already. Hope they crash and burn this upcoming season.


It's far too much of a step up for him, it's going to be a disaster for both him and that w*** club.  Fantastic watching!


Michael Jackson Gif at the ready as soon as the season gets underway. If they start badly, they're going to be in the shit

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The man's cracking under pressure already. Hope they crash and burn this upcoming season.


How's he cracking under pressure already exactly?


Not sure if serious, but I'll oblige anyway. He's alienated his new club's biggest investment, made himself look like a fool in public by making completely contradictory statements (probably because he's been pulled up by his superiors behing the scenes), gone after players from his old club despite a supposed gentlemen's agreement (and still claims he respects Swansea and they respect him) showing no imagination to implement his ideas on a higher level (I know), and finally he's talking about other club's players whilst claiming in the same breath he's not the type to do such things. In short, he behaves like a walking, talking PR disataster for his club. Not bad for a month's work I would say.

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The man's cracking under pressure already. Hope they crash and burn this upcoming season.


How's he cracking under pressure already exactly?


By backtracking constantly?


Think we are slightly over reacting to the situation to be honest.

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