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The other games today - 2010/11


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Piss poor that England are playing their home qualifier on a Friday night btw. Bad enough having all the games in London nevermind ensuring that those who don't live there have a massive fuck on getting to them.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Only Londoners are allowed to support England, Disco. Us dirty Northerners bring too much pride and sensibility to the crowd.

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Piss poor that England are playing their home qualifier on a Friday night btw. Bad enough having all the games in London nevermind ensuring that those who don't live there have a massive fuck on getting to them.


London=England.  :dave:


For the most part anyway.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Poor finish = Hart England's #1 Goalkeeper saviour for the next 20 years.  :facepalm:


Poor finish or not, he's still the most promising GK England have had in well over a decade.


Yes, but it doesn't require the commentators to verbally wank him off, raising the hopes of all, leading to the inevitable mistake and fallout from the overhyping.

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Poland 0 - Cameron 3


Nice one lads. The goal difference in our last 4 national games is 0:9  :thup:



I find your regular cynical digs at Polish football funny.



Yea man following Polish sports is great as it´s like an old Polish tradition to lose in everything. Then finally when we find a sport we aren´t completely shit in like Handball (2nd and third place in the last two world cups) our best player loses an eye in a friendly fixture  :thup:

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