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The other games today - 2010/11


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Spurs are pretty good, man. That's a lot of currency to be burning. :lol: Once you finish in the top half, that betting against yourself thing needs to stop.


Inclined to :nods: this.


What about the CL games? You have to play those straight, I figure.


Canadians put a curse on Hargreaves.

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Every time something like this happens (and it happens a lot) I question the preparation players receive. Hargreaves has been in training since September IIRC, how can he not be physically fit? Surely he's been playing reserve games? Alright the standard isn't as high etc but you're doing all the same movements, acceleration, turning etc. There's no reason why he shouldn't be pretty close to full match fitness.


Players often come back from long term injuries and get injured straight away. Why?


Have we seen him at all competitively though? You have to ask why Fergie would throw him straight into a PL game without any sub appearances.

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