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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest zinaldo1982

Yeah that is the sort of things that happens in france,i am not too sure if they ever made up but did play for france senior team.

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One of those articles I posted said that we'll be paying his wages and it was a condition that Marseille demanded we met before accepting our loan offer in the first place.

I can't see OM accepting a deal where his wages are not being paid. The main point of this deal is to clear his wages so we can add big player.


He played quite well on Saturday btw and set up Samassa's goal very nicely. The only part of the thread title I don't like is the idea of NUFC paying a loan fee. It is like paying rent in that you gain nothing and lose all the funds that you input.

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Mark Douglas (Journal/Sunday Sun) says he's had it confirmed by NUFC sources that our bid has been accepted and:


"Marseille officials to meet #nufc officials tomorrow. Ben Arfa still to agree wages."


Most convinced i've been so far. However it doesn't sound like a loan move at all. Why would Ben arfa agree wages with us? Don't we agree what percentage of his current wage we pay with Marseille?

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Guest zinaldo1982

very true because they not only would love to sell him but they would at least love to get his wages off the club account for a year at least so if we don't agree to his wages then this could well be off.

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The loan fee works out at exactly one fifth of what we apparently offered to buy him outright so it's about right on the basis that if we signed him on a 5 year contract and he played to the end of it we would have paid £800,000 per season plus wages.


Didn't we get something like £500,000 for shola for half a season from stoke?

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Guest zinaldo1982

Because when you want a player this badly that is what you do,if i remember clubs have gone to that extent in the past to get rid of a player by paying their wages even though they are on someone else team.


But really it is because marseille are kinda agreeing to his term in letting him come here so we have to meet those demands to make the deal happen because they could have well forced him to go to a cold country if it meant them getting the £8 millions pounds they were asking.

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Diaby comes across as a bigger knob in that than Ben Arfa, although my French is barely GCSE level so HBA could've called Diaby anything.


'Son of a whore', I believe.


I've been called worse down the local by my mates tbh.


The Cherry Tree?

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Guest zinaldo1982

How i wish we could also bring yannick djalo and had beckford as a striker with his pace,getting to them ben arfa through balls he would score bucket in the league.

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Guest zinaldo1982

So right now it looks like we are going to meet with them to conclude the deal but i wonder if the talks of them wanting £1 millions pounds aren't going to f up this deal,please ashley it is nothing to someone like you who is a millionaire,also with higher we finish the more money you are bound to make.


Win win situation.

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Diaby comes across as a bigger knob in that than Ben Arfa, although my French is barely GCSE level so HBA could've called Diaby anything.


'Son of a whore', I believe.


I've been called worse down the local by my mates tbh.


It's something that the French find particularly hurtful. It comes down to a cultural convention.


Unless Diaby's mother really was a prostitute, of course.

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