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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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Ironic that our most loyal players of recent have been foreign, Colo/Enrique/Jonas etc. Would like to see Ben Arfa and Tiote to follow suit.


Fair play to Barton and Nolan too mind, not that anyone would have wanted them ;)

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We can't sell any more of our best players tbh. The little attraction this club has will continue to shrink if we show how little ambition we have by selling them.


Yes but we will buy new players for cheap prices. I mean we got tiote and Ben Arfa for only 8 Million comined. I'm sure we could get more like that plus the deal came in very late on the deadine day, as others have pointed out, NOT buying a player may have helped prevent us from a panic buying like Luque.

We sold one player 4 35 Mil bloody hell, its not like we're selling anybody for just any old bid. The only player who has gone for less than he should have was Given. Trust me Tiote won't go for less than 15 mil and the Carroll bid may actually be good news as clubs will realise that we will only acceept big offers for our big players.


So what are you getting at? It's not like we have an abundance of class players. Selling the few we have basically is hopeless.



Yes but we got HBA and tiote for 8 MIL COMBINED. That is a bloody good deal. The only reason we didn't but anyone new for Carroll is cause it was like 6 hours before the deadline. Bloody good as well cause our history of panic buys (as people have mentioned before) is pretty s***. Just wait till the summer as we'll get some new good young cheap players in. Plus selling players who were FREE/COST NOTHING, for over fifteen million isn't stupidity. It's brains/


Yep - still doesn't help sell our best players.

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We can't sell any more of our best players tbh. The little attraction this club has will continue to shrink if we show how little ambition we have by selling them.


Yes but we will buy new players for cheap prices. I mean we got tiote and Ben Arfa for only 8 Million comined. I'm sure we could get more like that plus the deal came in very late on the deadine day, as others have pointed out, NOT buying a player may have helped prevent us from a panic buying like Luque.

We sold one player 4 35 Mil bloody hell, its not like we're selling anybody for just any old bid. The only player who has gone for less than he should have was Given. Trust me Tiote won't go for less than 15 mil and the Carroll bid may actually be good news as clubs will realise that we will only acceept big offers for our big players.


So what are you getting at? It's not like we have an abundance of class players. Selling the few we have basically is hopeless.



Yes but we got HBA and tiote for 8 MIL COMBINED. That is a bloody good deal. The only reason we didn't but anyone new for Carroll is cause it was like 6 hours before the deadline. Bloody good as well cause our history of panic buys (as people have mentioned before) is pretty s***. Just wait till the summer as we'll get some new good young cheap players in. Plus selling players who were FREE/COST NOTHING, for over fifteen million isn't stupidity. It's brains/

I liked sibierski!


I had have Sibbers up front now TBH, would love Barton's crossing.

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I'd hope Tiote and Enrique would give us one more chance - let us spend this £35m and see what we can build. If we don't qualify for Europe next season then, reluctantly, you can leave. Would be a horrible day though. Would say £15m for Enrique and £22m for Tiote.


Agree with the valuations, but do we wan't to become a selling club, simply becoming a conveyor belt for talent.


No doubt, that is Ashley's plan.

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I just think we need to enjoy our good players rather than constantly talking about them leaving.


Maybe they will, maybe they won't, f*** knows.


Exactly !


Every set of fans think they have special players who can walk into any top team and there'll be a bidding war over, e.g. Henderson,Adam, Brunt, S.Parker, Cahill etc, and a gushing media just crank up the hype.

Tiote seems like a very decent person and I'm sure he will appreciate what our club and fans have done for him and he is intelligent enough to know that he may well develop best in a team like ours.

He has mates in London and it's easier to get to Abidjan from there but Newcastle remains an attractive proposition for players in terms of lifestyle,facilities and playing in a packed home stadium.

Only a small handful of clubs would be progress for him (if we stay up) and they will be looking all over the world for improvements not just at our best players.

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I'd hope Tiote and Enrique would give us one more chance - let us spend this £35m and see what we can build. If we don't qualify for Europe next season then, reluctantly, you can leave. Would be a horrible day though. Would say £15m for Enrique and £22m for Tiote.


Agree with the valuations, but do we wan't to become a selling club, simply becoming a conveyor belt for talent.


No doubt, that is Ashley's plan.


I hate to sound like one of Ashley's PR men but Arsenal could be considered a "conveyor belt". The difference is that their quality coming through completely eclipses ours.


It's stating the obvious but we won't be over this until Ashley leaves.

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I fear if a bid of £15m comes in for Tiote, he will be sold.


And is that such a bad deal


To replace him would be likely to cost around the £15mil mark, and even then a replacement could flop. You mentioned the Barfa and Tiote signings, but we could just as easily end up with another James Perch or Leon Best if we're looking to replace Tiote with another bargain buy.

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I must say that I just logged onto Skysports and Cheick has said that scoring his goal was the greatest moment of his career. I actually think he may like us.



Damn you Andy Carroll making us geordies think that all our players just want money.

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I'd hope Tiote and Enrique would give us one more chance - let us spend this £35m and see what we can build. If we don't qualify for Europe next season then, reluctantly, you can leave. Would be a horrible day though. Would say £15m for Enrique and £22m for Tiote.


Agree with the valuations, but do we wan't to become a selling club, simply becoming a conveyor belt for talent.


No doubt, that is Ashley's plan.


Your jaundiced views are well documented and may well be justified regarding Ashley's PR approach, crazy appointments etc, but to imply we are a "selling club" simply doesn't hold up - unless of course any club who ever sell a player (and that's all of them) falls into that category.

In my decades of supporting  the club we've actually felt less like a selling club over the last couple of years than at any other time I can remember, even taking into account last week's extraordinary events.

We buy and sell players like everyone else, agents will continue to make contracts worth no more than toilet paper whoever you are, but if anything we're starting to look like a club with a very serious attitude to transfers and the subject of this thread is evidence of that.

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On Tioté

"I am hoping there are no bids, ­otherwise we will have a problem," said Pardew.


Why go out with this in the media? So resigned that he might as well prepare the fans?



New owner - now.


Benwell Lad won't agree. This manager reeks of resignation (and not in the handing your notice sense of the word).

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I don't get the panic.. there will be bids for him no doubt from home & abroad.. Pardew knows how good he is knows how much he wants him/needs him to stay

As a player hearing your Gaffa say he hopes no one bids for you would make you feel wanted loved and appreciated.

I cannot see what he said wrong.

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