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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Played well. So calm and assured in possession. I love the twisty turny things he does, never loses the ball like that.

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So much comes through this guy it's ridiculous. The players seem totally confident in his ability to receive the ball straight back and play it simple. I thought he was class again today other than the silly booking.

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Played well. So calm and assured in possession. I love the twisty turny things he does, never loses the ball like that.

seems to know exactly where the space is, i was worried earlier in the season that players would suss him out and sneak up on his blindside whenever he's in possesion but he still rarely seems to lose the ball
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I think he only slipped over like 3 times but I was getting so irate for some reason :lol: Overall good game, wouldn't say it's as immense as some people are saying. But not bad by any standard.

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