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Shola Ameobi


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I saw him do the bare minimum you'd expect of a professional footballer up front.


He sauntered around, held it up a few times, and lost it/gave up a lot more times. Incredible he's sustained a career in this league for so long. It's like an episode of 'Faking It' but the production team ran out of money and forgot to tell Shola to return to his normal life of professional apple-loving cyclist.

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There's also the fact he is incapable of lasting more than 20-30 minutes. Yes, he did some decent things in the first half but what happened after that and in the last 20 especially will overshadow his overall 'performance'.


Not surprising the whole team had to give up on the game once he was alone up top.

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As I said, it's the lack of effort that'd irk me.


When I see Louis "oh and it's dragged wide from 18 yards" Saha waste another chance, I'm pissed off but I'll get over it. What doesn't go away so easily is when I see him sauntering about - often not even that - when a simple few seconds of pressing at least would've made an opposition player rush what they were going to do. It's pathetic.

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Guest neesy111

As I said, it's the lack of effort that'd irk me.


When I see Louis "oh and it's dragged wide from 18 yards" Saha waste another chance, I'm pissed off but I'll get over it. What doesn't go away so easily is when I see him sauntering about - often not even that - when a simple few seconds of pressing at least would've made an opposition player rush what they were going to do. It's pathetic.


I'll forgive anyone for being shit as long they give 100% on the pitch.  But when your shit and don't give 100% then that is when they deserve criticism.  If anyone thinks it looks like Shola does give 100% when a pitch then they need their eyes and head checking.

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Not quite sure people are downplaying the ability to hold the ball up well.  It's a skill and not a skill that all players have - so all this talk of it being the bare minimum we should expect is, quite frankly, nonsense.


I could give you plenty of championship and league 1 strikers who can hold up the ball decently.


Go on then.  Then also tell me how many of them have scored goals in the Premiership and how their goalscoring record compares to Shola's in the Championship.


Jon Parkin, Jason Scotland, Marvin Emnes etc


How many premiership goals?  I'd bet they get more than 4 a season which Shola averages (he average's 3.9 a season currently).  Shola has been the luckiest footballer to have ever played in the premiership as I can bet 90% of other teams would have gotten rid and he'd be playing in lower championship which is his level.


That list completely invalidates any point you had.


The point you made in the first was cringeworthy anycase.


Eh?  That I said that holding the ball is a skill?


Or asking you to actually back up your wild assertions about League 1 and Championship strikers being better than Ameobi with actual names?  And then watching you flounder around and name Jon Parkin et al?


Maybe I went a bit OTT on the championship players thing :lol:.


Look at what madras said, holding a ball is only as good if you keep possession after it.  Shola give's it away cheaply most of the time especially last 15 mins yesterday.


Not correct.

FWIW I thought Shola was poor yesterday and did not threaten their back line, but in the 2nd half when he was increasingly isolated up front his hold up play was good and he retained the ball and found a team mate on most occasions, even though at times he had 3 or even 4 opponents going at him.

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Mentioned this yesterday, Shola should be at best an option from the bench. He's proved to me these days that he is useful as a substitute.


But as it stands, it Pardew wants to continue to play the two strikers upfront, we don't have much choice but to play him as there really isn't any alternatives (well there's Lovenkrands but he's quite shite in the PL).

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Honestly, (posted this in the HBA thread in regards to that "lazy run" when trying to get on Best's ball across the box) but I think he is incapable of lasting more than 30-45 minutes unless he's been out for quite some time.  He seems to be carrying either a knock and soldiering through it, or he's just clearly unable to handle playing football for a full match.


His body has clearly changed with age and injuries, the man has hit the weight room a ton, and credit to him he looks like a tank - but don't think his body and footballing skills can adapt to it and he's really not meant to be such a brute force like that.  He's lost all of the pace he had when he was younger; he used to have some decent skills too.  I get frustrated with him too, and just really can't get on board with his "lack of effort" b/c to me, I think he is - I just think that he's unable to get to the postions later in the game b/c he's just either injured or in need of a sub.  AND IF thats the case, then AP needs to haul the man off or use him only as a sub.


He's obviously starting bc we are so thin up front at the moment with Demba at ACON mind you...

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Shola's holdup play has come on leaps and bounds since he first came in though, can't say he really hasn't adapted to it. I think we just need to hire a hypnotist to make Shola think he's either playing Sunderland or Tottenham every game.

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Sholameobi Shola Ameobi

The combined cock length of Newcastles strike force will surely be staggering now like, truly amazing


Sholameobi Shola Ameobi

Jesus christ, driving around looking for Besty. He's gone missing after finding out Cisse was here.


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Don't know how true this is but my uni mate was telling me my other ex flatmates friend works at a hotel in Manchester and when we played Manchester United away he went to get the bill off Ameobi for whatever drinks he'd bought, Ameobi put his card on the receipt and simply went "You can fuck off now". :lol:

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Don't know how true this is but my uni mate was telling me my other ex flatmates friend works at a hotel in Manchester and when we played Manchester United away he went to get the bill off Ameobi for whatever drinks he'd bought, Ameobi put his card on the receipt and simply went "You can f*** off now". :lol:


'You don't see many of these, son'

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