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I don't think many (if any) of them can keep up with the pace of the game so they're consistently behind the play.  The same goes for linesmen.  A fast ball played from one end of the pitch to the other with a fast runner on the end of it will see the referee 30-40 yards behind play with only the barest idea of what's going on, like today with the Tevez "penalty".


Without the benefit of replays they're never going to be able to make the correct judgements.  Without replays I think the only way forward is going to be another couple of linesmen on either side and/or a couple of additional referees who can stay in either half.



cant keep up with the play, cos of the weight of the bags of Gold in thier back pockets.




I couldn't say if they were on the take or if they were making simple (and crap) calculations like Tevez is a better player than Williamson therefore that's a foul, or Shola has all the grace of Bambi on ice therefore he probably just fell over.  Judgements based more on their preconceived ideas of what players are like than on what's actually going happening in the game.

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I don't think many (if any) of them can keep up with the pace of the game so they're consistently behind the play.  The same goes for linesmen.  A fast ball played from one end of the pitch to the other with a fast runner on the end of it will see the referee 30-40 yards behind play with only the barest idea of what's going on, like today with the Tevez "penalty".


Without the benefit of replays they're never going to be able to make the correct judgements.  Without replays I think the only way forward is going to be another couple of linesmen on either side and/or a couple of additional referees who can stay in either half.



cant keep up with the play, cos of the weight of the bags of Gold in thier back pockets.




I couldn't say if they were on the take or if they were making simple (and crap) calculations like Tevez is a better player than Williamson therefore that's a foul, or Shola has all the grace of Bambi on ice therefore he probably just fell over.  Judgements based more on their preconceived ideas of what players are like than on what's actually going happening in the game.



ie pandering to reputations- is a disease spreading amongst the.



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Far too many to name. Webb, Stroud, Styles, Atkinson, Andre Marriner are all high up on the cunt list.


Has to be Mike fucking Rilley for me though. That man.


On a serious note though, is it that the standard of refereeing is so bad, or the game has become to fast paced and quick that's it's becomne way more difficult to referee?

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Urgh. They're not corrupt, they're just fucking shit. There's a lot wrong with the sport in this country but that's one thing we can actually hold our heads high about. The definition of 'corrupt' is a bit vague, i suppose, but it's not an adjective i'd ever pin on the Premier League.

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Urgh. They're not corrupt, they're just f***ing s***. There's a lot wrong with the sport in this country but that's one thing we can actually hold our heads high about. The definition of 'corrupt' is a bit vague, i suppose, but it's not an adjective i'd ever pin on the Premier League.


Why not? Because they're English? And the English are incorruptible? Sorry but no-one can be as crap as that ref today. That was the definition of corruption. And if it wasn't corruption he should never ref again. But heyho, no-one will investigate because they think "that doesn't happen in the Premier League", well it happens everywhere else so why not here?


And probably the reason the Championship refs are better is that no-one bothers giving them spondoolies. Easy.

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Urgh. They're not corrupt, they're just f***ing s***. There's a lot wrong with the sport in this country but that's one thing we can actually hold our heads high about. The definition of 'corrupt' is a bit vague, i suppose, but it's not an adjective i'd ever pin on the Premier League.


Why not? Because they're English? And the English are incorruptible? Sorry but no-one can be as crap as that ref today. That was the definition of corruption. And if it wasn't corruption he should never ref again. But heyho, no-one will investigate because they think "that doesn't happen in the Premier League", well it happens everywhere else so why not here?


And probably the reason the Championship refs are better is that no-one bothers giving them spondoolies. Easy.


Nah. There's some proper shite officiating in the Premier League, but there was some serious fucking dross last year. Saw some mindbogglingly shite referees come to SJP last year. It was easier to stomach/miss cos we pissed on all opposition anyway.

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Guest black n white

Are the premier league able to implement a video referral system of their own, or do FIFA have to grant them permission to do it ?


i think FIFA have to give them permission  :no:

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Urgh. They're not corrupt, they're just f***ing s***. There's a lot wrong with the sport in this country but that's one thing we can actually hold our heads high about. The definition of 'corrupt' is a bit vague, i suppose, but it's not an adjective i'd ever pin on the Premier League.

They are corrupt. Everyone is corrupt. Everything is corrupt. The bigger problem is incompetence, but do not think that England is free of the issues that plague the rest of the world.

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Are the premier league able to implement a video referral system of their own, or do FIFA have to grant them permission to do it ?


i think FIFA have to give them permission  :no:


Its so fucking stupid. There is no way to test it in a proper competitive environment to show it works unless FIFA say yes. FIFA won't say yes as the don't think it would work.....

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The FA and PL really need to address the incompetence of referees and their assistants, they try to market their product as the best in the world - it may or may not be - but the people refereeing are spoiling the product and in some cases illustrating a level of incompetence which borders on and must raise suspicions of cheating.

Their case would be helped if players like Cattermole, Henry and de Jong were just banned for life and removed from the game. There can be no place in modern day football for thugs whose role is to follow their managers instructions to go out and hurt key opposition players.

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They're paid thousands to get the big decisions right.  And they're not getting them right.  Sometimes there is a reasonable explanation but yesterday there could be no excuses for Atkinson.

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They're paid thousands to get the big decisions right.  And they're not getting them right.  Sometimes there is a reasonable explanation but yesterday there could be no excuses for Atkinson.



He cheated - End of.


He's bought into the sucking up to Big spending club paradigm.


Football is shit now cos of it.

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Guest firetotheworks

Mike Dean has the odd time when he's absolutely terrible, but is generally good.

Clattenberg is decent, but obviously we never get him and maybe that's why I think he's good.



Atwell still has the crown for me. Absolutely shocking referee.

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I don't think their is one ref in the Premier League that is actually any good, I was dissapointed lat year when a few came down to manage us on occasions.


The standard of refereeing in this country is pretty low to be honest, but not only that but they are backed up by finacial advisors (FA) instead of people who actually know anything about the game or have the passion for it. This is what will be the FA's down fall, because now they don't even have the ability to coach a good standard of referee's for the future.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Atwell still has the crown for me. Absolutely shocking referee.


How he can referee in the so called 'best league in the world' is beyond me. The 'punishment' refs receive for poor games is far too weak. They miss a game. Sometimes they get demoted down a league, but generally a week or two later are back in the thick of things. They are paid good money to do a job they chose to do. They haven't been forced to do this, so they don't have a leg to stand on by bleating about the pressures. They were aware of that when they aimed to become a Top Flight Ref, besides good refs don't get half as much 'pressure' as poor ones.


Refs should be asked to sit and review video footage of games during the week they're not refing games to get an external view point of other refs games. Provide feedback to each other and generally help each other improve. The FA should offer workshops, and speak to other countries (not Italy) to share referee practice.

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