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This new formation of ours...


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Really think we might have stumbled upon something here, the players we've got are pretty much perfect for it.


It actually reminds me quite a bit of the way we played under Keegan when he played with Owen in the hole behind Viduka and Martins, more of a 4-3-1-2 than a 4-4-2.


Tiote is just an absolute boss in the centre of midfield, there's not really much to be said about it.


Then either side of him you've got Barton and Jonas who provide the legs for us. Barton looks better playing as more of a box to box partial-winger type as his biggest issue is that his short range passing can be a bit to erratic at times for him to be in a more static CM role. Playing a bit wider allows him to play in space a bit more, and it would appear that he's thriving in it. He's got the quality to put in a cracking ball or two as well, as we've seen. Jonas has never been a tremendous threat as an out and out winger, but one thing he's always been great at is providing a ballcarrier for the team, and he's not afraid to get stuck in at all centrally. Between those three, we've got enough to stand up to most teams in a physical battle.


Then there's Nolan, who looks a completely different player with two strikers to play off instead of one. The fact that he generally doesn't do a whole lot in open play isn't so much of an issue in his role at the moment, as he's got Tiote to win the ball in CM, Barton and Jonas doing a lot of the work in our build up play and two big strikers up there for us to play off.


This allows Nolan to do what he does best, lurk just off the front and find space in the box and get on the end of chances. And as much as I haven't really rated him at all since he's been here, it's hard to argue that he's pretty damn good at that.


With the fact that we don't have any genuine wingers of any sort of quality at the club, this system is surely here to stay, and I think it could serve us very nicely.


A new RB, one who can get forward and overlap Barton, would be something we'd want to add long term, and the fact that we've no replacement for Shola or Carroll in the system is obviously a concern. Hopefully we can add a striker in the January window.


Feeling really good about us right now, bring on Arsenal!  :joker:

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Yer have to say looking good last 2 games more support for Carroll, only potential change maybe is Saylor in at RB always thought he looked useful bombing forward, could be used against so call weaker teams at home. But Simpson is doing well at the moment.

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I think Ameobi has been the big difference. Yes, he will lose the ball and cock up at times, but later in the match he'll get involved in a great piece of build up, and his partnership with Carroll is reminiscent of when he was with Shearer in that the expectation is on the other man and Shola can play his own game.


The other thing about Shola is that he has retained those small things that have been passed onto him by Robson and Shearer like that little tug on the shirt, that little nudge, things that helped us camp in opposing halves under sir Bobby.

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I think Ameobi has been the big difference. Yes, he will lose the ball and cock up at times, but later in the match he'll get involved in a great piece of build up, and his partnership with Carroll is reminiscent of when he was with Shearer in that the expectation is on the other man and Shola can play his own game.


The other thing about Shola is that he has retained those small things that have been passed onto him by Robson and Shearer like that little tug on the shirt, that little nudge, things that helped us camp in opposing halves under sir Bobby.


Ah yes, the needless giving away of free kicks. Still he's (when been fit) been on fantastic form ever since CH took over so CH is definitely getting the best out of him.

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Guest lebowski

I think Ameobi has been the big difference. Yes, he will lose the ball and cock up at times, but later in the match he'll get involved in a great piece of build up, and his partnership with Carroll is reminiscent of when he was with Shearer in that the expectation is on the other man and Shola can play his own game.


The other thing about Shola is that he has retained those small things that have been passed onto him by Robson and Shearer like that little tug on the shirt, that little nudge, things that helped us camp in opposing halves under sir Bobby.

AHH the kiss of death. How many times does that guy win you over and have you start believing in him when he seems to implode. Was it Allardyce or Roeder that played him in more of a midfield type role, I remember a game against the Arse, and thought he was quite impressive, really troubled oppposition defenders.
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Playing the Twin Towers together throws team as most defences are used to playing against 1 striker or Big un little un combo. When we get a corner we send forward: 2 CB, Twin Towers, Nolan & Jonas (I know!!!) it is hard for teams to cover that much size. Likewise we have all that height coming back to defend as well. Only low point with Lil Wayne out we don't leave anyone up front when we are defending a corner.

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I really think that having Carroll and Shola up front with players like Nolan and Barton able to support them must mean that a massive proportion of the opposition's midfield and defence is just worried about stopping them. We suddenly pose a threat that is much harder to deal with.


I like this formation, the only reservations I have are (a) whether Nolan has the ability to play that role against teams with mobile/dynamic midfields, and (b) whether Barton can provide enough width in games when he's also been pulled inside to help out the CMs.


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I think we have the makings of a pretty good team.

I would never have seen Shola and AC as a pairing up front, but Hughton has, it's worked and it looks good.

Sunderland have a decent defence but they simply couldn't deal with those two on Sunday, balls were whipped in early and Nolan had plenty of bits to feed off. I know if I was a central defender I'd be dreading facing those two.

Not wishing to go through the whole side but other individuals complement this formation very well too.


Good thing is we also have a manager and players with enough nous to vary it when needed and I think we'll still use 451 for some games.

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I really think that having Carroll and Shola up front with players like Nolan and Barton able to support them must mean that a massive proportion of the opposition's midfield and defence is just worried about stopping them. We suddenly pose a threat that is much harder to deal with.


I like this formation, the only reservations I have are (a) whether Nolan has the ability to play that role against teams with mobile/dynamic midfields, and (b) whether Barton can provide enough width in games when he's also been pulled inside to help out the CMs.



A good analysis IMO.


I'd still like to see us play with a secondary, creative striker like Bellamy or Beardsley, but as we don't have a player like that, Shola and Carroll look our most effective combination.



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Agree with pretty much everything the original poster said bar his comments regarding Jonas not being an effective winger. Have we two players called Jonas .......because they must be watching a different player to me week in week out. If he were to be injured we would undoubtably miss him hugely and we have no one to replace him. He's great at carrying the ball out of defence, defending, linking with Enrique, tracking back and pretty much the only player to regularly take opposition players on. OK his end product isn't 100% perfect everytime (whose is?) but it is often good/creative too.


Jonas disagreement aside. Agree Carroll and Shola up front are a real handfull as they are either bigger, stronger and better in the air than most center backs or usually quicker than the few their not. It really puts teams on the back foot as they struggle to cope. We hold the ball up so well now with the twin towers and bring others in to the game very well too. Carroll strugled to do it all on his own. Shola is playing well for the team and shares the responsibility.  The up and coming potentially good Nile Ranger has to be on the bench as the understudy imo, Lovenkrands clearly isn't up to this level from what i've seen thus far.


Barton against all expectations seems to be thriving in his new spacious role on the right and drifts in well, Nolan is suddenly twice the threat and twice the player playing behind two big strikers, Tiote is playing brilliantly, Jonas, Enrique, Colo and Willy as good as ever and thus far even Simpson seems to be doing well as is Krul.   


The talk about getting rid of CH is laughable as what he's achieved thus far is a minor miracle. We could have got a top european manager and its doubtfull they could have got the results CH has thus far. Then again this is NUFC we are talking about so anything is possible.

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It works as the opposition seems to get pulled over to the left to defend Jonas and Jose, leaving Barton the space to pick out his crosses without actually having to take on his man.


Jonas is a bit of a strange one, he gets into so many decent positions, rarely puts a great ball in, but then he wins us so many corners, and with the amount of balls he is putting in now, a few of them are bound to find someone, seeing as we have 3 6ft+ players in the box most of the time.

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I kno what you mean about Jonas, I've always supported his inclusion in the team, but I meant more so in terms of being a threat in terms of assists and putting in good crosses.


Point is I think he'll do well now that he's playing a little bit more of a box-to-box role and not being asked to be as much of a tradiotional winger.


The thing that the system does need though if full backs who can get forward and get in crosses from wide areas. Need to have a great engine for it and a bit of quality to put in crosses when necesssary. Enrique I'm confident can do it, our selection of RB's I'm not so sure about. Simpson did put in a cracking ball against Sunderland, hopefully that can become a habit.

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I would agree with the OP almost word for word, in fact the reason why I reckon we can aim for a top 10 place is solely down to the chemistry of the current first 11. Obviously any injuries would knock that all into a cocked hat, but as it is, it looks mighty effective with almost every man playing a key role. Barton was the major doubt but he has took what should have been a difficult role and made it into his own.

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I'm just worried that a good team maybe able to exploit us down the right, Barton is great going forward from that position but think Simpson would come under a lot of pressure against the better teams.


But against West Ham and Sunderland we have been impressive and along with the Villa game they have been our best games so I see no reason not to have a go at Arsenal with it. Nolan seems to be thriving on it as well as the fact that Carroll has back up for when he wins flick on's and stuff.

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I'm not that arsed about how we fare against the likes of Arsenal, Man United and Chelsea tbh. Just go out there and have a go and see what happens, any points we get are a bonus.


But we need to start beating the lesser teams in the league, and I really think we'll do quite well with this system. It's basically three big lads up top and a very solid 3 man engine room behind them, we'll cause some problems to most sides with that.

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I kno what you mean about Jonas, I've always supported his inclusion in the team, but I meant more so in terms of being a threat in terms of assists and putting in good crosses.


Point is I think he'll do well now that he's playing a little bit more of a box-to-box role and not being asked to be as much of a tradiotional winger.


The thing that the system does need though if full backs who can get forward and get in crosses from wide areas. Need to have a great engine for it and a bit of quality to put in crosses when necesssary. Enrique I'm confident can do it, our selection of RB's I'm not so sure about. Simpson did put in a cracking ball against Sunderland, hopefully that can become a habit.


Agree with pretty much everything you've said bar one small point. I think he's the only player in our first team that can play very well as a traditional winger if needs be. His crossing does let him down at times its true (most wingers crosses aren't perfect all the time), its not as nearly as bad as some on here make out. But he is such a great door opener the way takes the ball out of defence beats a couple of players and puts teams on the back foot. His crossing could be better. Where as if it wasn't for him teams would have found it far easier to pen us in to our half isolating our striker(s).


As it happens this new formation looks the way forward for now and we both seem to be agreed on that and that Jonas should certainly be in it    :thup:

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I'm just worried that a good team maybe able to exploit us down the right, Barton is great going forward from that position but think Simpson would come under a lot of pressure against the better teams.


But against West Ham and Sunderland we have been impressive and along with the Villa game they have been our best games so I see no reason not to have a go at Arsenal with it. Nolan seems to be thriving on it as well as the fact that Carroll has back up for when he wins flick on's and stuff.


Coming into this season we all knew we'd take a few beatings from better teams though so I don't think it's a massive area for concern. As long as we beat the teams around and below us we'll get to 40 points and then anything else is a bonus.




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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Better teams will destroy us if we just give up the flanks. Not entirely convinced it was a 4-3-1-2  Zonalmarking lovefest formation. 4-4-2 with Joey Barton running all over the shop!

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Better teams will destroy us if we just give up the flanks. Not entirely convinced it was a 4-3-1-2  Zonalmarking lovefest formation. 4-4-2 with Joey Barton running all over the shop!


I doubt anyone will ever give us s*** on the left flank. Jose/Jonas know eachother too well.


Rightside, fair point.



Right about it being like the keegan formation.  :smitten:

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