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Don't let our club down by going overboard like we did with the keegan sacking!

Guest Brazilianbob

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fuck off. We've been let down by the idiots than run the club and fans have every right to protest. Just when the club seemed to be on an upward curve they sack a man of great integrity as we go through our first 'real' rough patch this season. It stinks and unless the new man is someone significantly better (which it won't be) then the fans should be fucking outraged.

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Pretty pathetic some of the comments here tbh. People have a right to be angry no matter who the next manager we appoint is. Chris Hughton did a lot for this club under ridiculous restrictions and our owner has treated him like a piece of trash. My patience with the man has ran out, what would he have to do to warrant a protest from you Bob? Shit on your carpet and wipe his arse with your curtains perhaps?  :lol:





Its nowt to do with people having the right to be angry or not, its about thinking about the consequences before you act on that anger.  Everyone here is angry (well 99%) and everyone here would probably feel much better after they protested against that fat twat.  But making ourselves feel better isn't the most important thing.  If I thought for a second that a protest would remove Ashley I'd do it, but we all know it won't.  What probably will happen is Ashley putting the club up for sale and in limbo with a temporary manager like Kinnear for the rest of the season which would seal our relegation.  Someone tell me how a protests helps NUFC and I'll join you.


We should give a big show of support for Hughton, NOT a direct protest against Ashley or the club in general.



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I wouldn't be against a protest, just not one during a match. Whether that's facing the other direction, colossal anti-Ashley banners, or simply not turning up - it doens't do anyone any good. Just go and support the team, then vent outside the Milburn reception post-game.

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If I was a player who liked Hughton and thought his sacking was completely unjust, I'd expect the supporters to share my feelings and voice their disgust at the people responsible to the world for me. If they didn't bother, I'd think they agreed with the decision and have nothing but contempt for them.


A show of support for Hughton achieves the same thing without the fallout afterwards.


Fallout afterwards my arse. Ashley will do what he wants regardless of a protest. You're an idiot if you think the minor and brief protests after Keegan are what prompted him to announce the club was for sale the first time or prompted any of his actions thereafter, and the meek acceptance and lack of protests upon relegation certainly didn't stop him from putting club up for sale the second time. Short lived protests wont get Ashley out or affect what he does in any way, but they at least show to the world that we as supporters are not complicit in his crassness.


Besides you're living on another planet if you think you can realistically have a show of support for Hughton without any criticism of Ashley.

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Listen, nothing that happened was the fault of the fans.


Aye, if we had sat back and not said anything, Ashley might not have reacted so extremely... but that's his failing, not ours.


All he has done is proved how inept he is time after time. Even when I thought he had learned his lesson he fucks up again even worse than before.


TBF it could be the best move he's made since he arrived. I don't know and neither do you.

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The point of a campaign should be to weaken Fat Fred's position before the next approach from Belgravia or suchlike.


There should be banners and chants, things people will notice on television, stuff commentators and reporters will have to mention, so that the next time even someone as shameless as he is can't chunder on about "the people of Tyneside" or the importance of having someone "who understands the club". We will have made it very clear what he's supposed to "understand".


Declining attendances would also concentrate his mind wonderfully.


But think about the consequences!!11!!!

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We'll know better after the appointment Crumpy but I think we're all 95% sure what's coming. :(


I have zero faith in Ashley - but I had little or none in Hughton either. He'll have to break the habit of his NUFC tenure and get it right for once.

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The point of a campaign should be to weaken Fat Fred's position before the next approach from Belgravia or suchlike.


There should be banners and chants, things people will notice on television, stuff commentators and reporters will have to mention, so that the next time even someone as shameless as he is can't chunder on about "the people of Tyneside" or the importance of having someone "who understands the club". We will have made it very clear what he's supposed to "understand".


Declining attendances would also concentrate his mind wonderfully.


But think about the consequences!!11!!!



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Listen, nothing that happened was the fault of the fans.


Aye, if we had sat back and not said anything, Ashley might not have reacted so extremely... but that's his failing, not ours.


All he has done is proved how inept he is time after time. Even when I thought he had learned his lesson he f***s up again even worse than before.


TBF it could be the best move he's made since he arrived. I don't know and neither do you.


Does it matter who the manager is when you have a paper thin squad like ours?  The best manager in the world would be struggling with both centre halves out, both centre midfielders out and our winger breaking a leg as soon as we get him.


Once you get these injuries, its plain we dont have a squad at all, and that is something which everyone was saying for the last 2 years!!

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The point of a campaign should be to weaken Fat Fred's position before the next approach from Belgravia or suchlike.


There should be banners and chants, things people will notice on television, stuff commentators and reporters will have to mention, so that the next time even someone as shameless as he is can't chunder on about "the people of Tyneside" or the importance of having someone "who understands the club". We will have made it very clear what he's supposed to "understand".


Declining attendances would also concentrate his mind wonderfully.


But think about the consequences!!11!!!


Beyond belief

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Ashley is a very astute buisness man and will have learned a lot from his previous mistakes at NUFC.  The hughton thing is disappointing but, was he the right man long term? I don't think so.  I think that unlike before, Ashley will have his man in the bag already, possibly Jol, I hope so.

Jol did a fantastic job at Spurs and their football was a pleasure to watch. What knackered that was the DOF bringing in players who Jol didn't want.


You may hate Ashley but he is no ones fool, he has a lot of money invested at NUFC and he is not going to risk another relegation

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Ashley is a very astute buisness man and will have learned a lot from his previous mistakes at NUFC.  The hughton thing is disappointing but, was he the right man long term? I don't think so.  I think that unlike before, Ashley will have his man in the bag already, possibly Jol, I hope so.

Jol did a fantastic job at Spurs and their football was a pleasure to watch. What knackered that was the DOF bringing in players who Jol didn't want.


You may hate Ashley but he is no ones fool, he has a lot of money invested at NUFC and he is not going to risk another relegation


You can't be serious.

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Ashley is a very astute buisness man and will have learned a lot from his previous mistakes at NUFC.  The hughton thing is disappointing but, was he the right man long term? I don't think so.  I think that unlike before, Ashley will have his man in the bag already, possibly Jol, I hope so.

Jol did a fantastic job at Spurs and their football was a pleasure to watch. What knackered that was the DOF bringing in players who Jol didn't want.


You may hate Ashley but he is no ones fool, he has a lot of money invested at NUFC and he is not going to risk another relegation



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Ashley is a very astute buisness man and will have learned a lot from his previous mistakes at NUFC.  The hughton thing is disappointing but, was he the right man long term? I don't think so.  I think that unlike before, Ashley will have his man in the bag already, possibly Jol, I hope so.

Jol did a fantastic job at Spurs and their football was a pleasure to watch. What knackered that was the DOF bringing in players who Jol didn't want.


You may hate Ashley but he is no ones fool, he has a lot of money invested at NUFC and he is not going to risk another relegation


Dear God.

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I'm not even holding my breath for any gilmmer of hope because it's clearly going to be a case of jobs for the lads. Until he sells the club to someone capable, it's looking increasingly likely we're facing a long dark chapter in the club's history.

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The point of a campaign should be to weaken Fat Fred's position before the next approach from Belgravia or suchlike.


There should be banners and chants, things people will notice on television, stuff commentators and reporters will have to mention, so that the next time even someone as shameless as he is can't chunder on about "the people of Tyneside" or the importance of having someone "who understands the club". We will have made it very clear what he's supposed to "understand".


Declining attendances would also concentrate his mind wonderfully.


But think about the consequences!!11!!!


Didn't need to be Golfmag to predict you'd dig that one up again for the 37th time.


Difference between Ashley and Shepherd: the latter was vulnerable to attacks on his finances. Hell, one chant of "sack the board" and he'd run off and blow loads of money we didn't have on a Luque or Owen. Protest, as you correctly pointed out earlier, is unlikely to affect Ashley's actions in any way whatsoever.


Not THAT hard to understand, is it? :lol:

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The point of a campaign should be to weaken Fat Fred's position before the next approach from Belgravia or suchlike.


There should be banners and chants, things people will notice on television, stuff commentators and reporters will have to mention, so that the next time even someone as shameless as he is can't chunder on about "the people of Tyneside" or the importance of having someone "who understands the club". We will have made it very clear what he's supposed to "understand".


Declining attendances would also concentrate his mind wonderfully.


But think about the consequences!!11!!!


Didn't need to be Golfmag to predict you'd dig that one up again for the 37th time.


Difference between Ashley and Shepherd: the latter was vulnerable to attacks on his finances. Hell, one chant of "sack the board" and he'd run off and blow loads of money we didn't have on a Luque or Owen. Protest, as you correctly pointed out earlier, is unlikely to affect Ashley's actions in any way whatsoever.


Not THAT hard to understand, is it? :lol:


I'll dig it up every time I see you hypocritically telling people they shouldn't protest because protesting is bad and will have dire consequences.


You encouraged protesting against Shepherd during games or boycotting games altogether despite acknowledging any reduction in income would directly affect the club negatively.

You thought exposing FIFA corruption before the WC vote was the right thing to do in spite of the threat of losing votes.

But you don't think anyone should air their anger at Ashley for sacking "a great young manager" - your words last month - for fear of the consequences despite acknowledging any reduction in income will have little effect on how he runs the club or any decision to sell?




That's pretty hard to understand. It's almost as if you just don't want people to protest against Ashley and are using a false argument you don't believe to try and scare or guilt people out of it as you know you're not going to get anywhere arguing against protesting on any other grounds.

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