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Alan Pardew


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So, it looks like Alan Pardew.


Hardly the expected choice to "take the club forward". But the question is, will he get a fair crack of the whip?


My answer... FUCK NO!!!! I know there will be some people who think you have to support the club no matter what. But there is a difference between supporting the team and supporting the club. I will ALWAYS support the team, no matter what. But the club, NO.


My reason for this is that the club is no longer Newcastle United. Ashley has ripped it apart at the seams. We are a Premier club being run like a part-time pub team.

Who will want to come and play for us? Who will want to still play for us i suppose is a better question. Make no mistake about it, this is only the start. I fully expect departures in January. The team spirit that has covered up flaws in some games must surely have been affected.


This disgraceful "jobs for his mates" attitude of Ashley has never, NEVER brought anything but trouble. The last time we where relegated, has this fuckwitt not learnt anything?


And on to Pardew. If the rumours are correct, a "buddy" of Ashley and Labiarse from the casino. Who, if the reports are right has been in discussions with the two tits for about ten days.

So at least we've got a manager we can be proud of eh? Like a gamble, and doesn't mind trying to get another managers job while he is still in it.


All in all, a complete fucking shambles. Unfortunately i was stupid enough to buy a season ticket, and will still go and support the team. But if this joke of a owner is still in charge next season, this will be my last.



I could go on, but i'm too sick and tired. Maybe that's what Ashley's relying on everybody feeling.

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We've already seen the contempt Pardew can show for fans of his own team, when he starts getting shit I can't see him standing sheepishly on the touchline taking it.  He's too arrogant for that.  Wouldn't surprise me if he literally gives the fans the finger.

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i know people say support the club no matter what. But isn't that what we have continually done we stuck by them when we were relegated even though we weren't sure about Hughton and now that we were happy with Hughton he was just taken away from us anyway so it doesn't seem to matter what we do even if we somehow got behind Pardew and were happy with him (Never going to happen!!) how long before he would then be removed, would be an endless cycle

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TEAMtalk's Mark Holmes believes giving Alan Pardew the Newcastle job will be an even bigger mistake than getting rid of Chris Hughton.


Let's not beat around the bush, Mike Ashley is an idiot.


Almost everything he has done in charge at Newcastle has upset the fans and the one good decision he did make - appointing Chris Hughton as manager - was basically made for him because of Hughton's success as caretaker boss.


Newcastle got back to the Premier League in spite of Ashley rather than because of him and it was only a matter of time before the daft sod messed it all up.


And then came Monday and the announcement that the club had decided to sack Hughton in favour of a manager with "more experience". Mike, Mike, Mike, what have you done? Jon Holmes summed up perfectly what a terrible decision that was in his blog on Monday, but it looks like his next one might be even worse.


Nobody, and I do mean nobody, thought Ashley was right to sack Hughton, but the blow might have been softened had a genuine top-class replacement already been lined up.


And it looked for a day or two as though that might be the case. Martin O'Neill was the first to be made the bookies' favourite and it looked likely Martin Jol would be appointed when he quit his job at Ajax.


But this always happens at Newcastle and the fans must have seen it coming. Big, reputable managers are linked but one by one they rule themselves out of the running - Jol has apparently turned down the job due to Ashley's desire to cut costs - and it soon becomes clear they will end up with someone they don't want.


And that man is Alan Pardew, someone whose Premier League experience totals two seasons - one and a half with West Ham before he was sacked, and half a season with Charlton before they were relegated.


Pardew has enjoyed some success in the Football League, but he's not exactly a proven winner and the only thing he is proven to be is an arrogant, big-mouthed and egotistical. The main thing he has experience in is rocking the boat - and that's exactly what he'll do at Newcastle.


Hughton may not have much experience as a manager, but he had more class in his little toe than Pardew and that's something the Magpies have long neeed from a manager. They were finally started to be taken seriously as a respected Premier League outfit, with realistic ambitions and a likeable manager, but all of that good feeling towards them will soon be replaced by a united desire to see them fail.


Pardew will come out with a load of rubbish about Newcastle being a massive club that deserves better than mid-table, but all his big talk will count for nothing in the dressing room.


The players won't take to him the way they did Hughton and I'm convinced the team will soon start to slide towards the relegation zone. That's not to say Hughton would have kept Newcastle away from danger all season - they are, after all, a newly-promoted side - but at least he had the backing of a united squad.


That counts for a lot when you're battling for survival but Pardew will immediately find himself up against a wall, with a set of players still loyal to Hughton and a supporter base that is dead against him.


But his biggest problem is that he's got no chance of winning anyone over by being Ashley's yes man. Because let's not kid ourselves that Hughton was sacked because of a lack of experience; he was sacked because Ashley wants someone to ship out the top earners and save him some money.


The fool hasn't realised that doing that will probably get the club relegated and lose him a fortune but Ashley and Derek Llambias have been friends with Pardew for a while now - the three are said to have regularly met in a London casino - and they've clearly convinced themselves they can keep the club up on a shoestring.


Jon said in his blog on Monday that Ashley has cast himself in the role of Scrooge - and he'll be joined by a muppet before Christmas. Maybe only Carroll can save them?


Can't argue with any of that.

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Supporting Newcastle is second nature to me, so I could never ever turn away entirely. 


But it's like any relationship - as a supporter, you invest so much time, energy, money, emotion into something hoping to be repaid by success, trophies, sure, but also the feeling of pride that comes with believing in your club and believing that they care about the same things you do.  It can't be measured in financial terms but it's always been a hallmark of the relationship between this club and these supporters.


In this case, with the callous way Ashley has treated supporters, a lot of supporters will be divorcing themselves from Newcastle United Football Club.  And that's entirely justified.  You'll always check the results, you might even go to the matches, but you won't care quite as much because it hurts too much to see how that emotion is ignored and openly scorned.


As much as I disagreed with so much about the way Freddy Shepherd ran the club, at least his mismanagement seemed to be done in the spirit of results and energizing the supporters.  And he seemed to understand the relationship although at times he abused it.  Ashley spits on it. 


I'm just more sad than angry.  I can't even muster up the energy to be angry.

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This is a fucking shambles, I was willing to forgive a little if the stupid prick would have lashed out and got a top class Manager. No the stupid cunt goes and get's this fucking monkey on leash. Sooner this cunt sells the club the better and it can't come soon enough.

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what makes it even worse is that a good manager with all the right ingredients to come here became available just at the right time. ashley fucked up getting rid of hughton but Jol resigning gave him the ultimate get out of jail free card - a massive slice of good fortune to try and create something positive out of a bad mess. i mean you can barely believe such good luck as that, a top manager falling into your lap.


so what does he do?


he appoints a bloke he met down his local. again.

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Southampton Chairman: "I have no regrets over sacking Pardew. There were lots of reason why it came to the sack. With Pardew we were missing all the attributes that Adkins has brought. His humanity has motivated everyone."


Adkins in!

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just spoke to a colleague who knows an employee at reading, apparantley "morale nose-dived when Pardew was there". Nobody liked him, just backs up with what's been said about his time at West Ham and Southampton.


Can't see our squad putting up with him at all.

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