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Alan Pardew


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I think Pardew will eventually come up short, and is showing a fair few signs of ineptitude. But right now, he's got us to 6th in the league, an thus he deserves a whole f***ing host of slack. Even if there are worrying signs.


I think today was the clearest evidence yet that we've got to this position down to the players rather than any management nous from Pardew. He's a good cheerleader though so I suppose he can take some credit for that.


not only has the rest of the prem managers have sussed him out,  i think our own players have aswell and thats dangerous to have in a dressing room.


If he's really been sussed out, and our form is dire for the rest of the season, then we can question whether he's the right guy to take us forward. Right now we're 6th, and if we stay there, he deserves a medal, and I don't give a shit if he's just 'a good cheerleader'.

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I think we've finally broken through though, and dare I say it, the hoofball is over.

Which game did you watch today?


The second half.

But the first.... :scared:


Yeah, it was awful. Maybe I'm being naive, but there's no way Pardew hasn't learned his lesson after that.

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If he deserves criticism for the awful first half (or first 35 mins), then he also deserves praise from the way he put it right in the 2nd half. I thought we were tremendous from the first whistle of the 2nd half. All the subs made an impact, and on another day we would have won.


All in all a mixed day for AP, but he's done far more right this season than he's done wrong. He just needs to lose this negative approach at the start of games.


What about the negative approach in the second half of games? See Wolves last week.

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can we stop talking about what he does in the second half when we play shit.


pardew having to correct his own mistakes time after the time is nothing to lauded at.


more often or not its too little and too late.




100% correct. Just start your best players and let them play football. That's 90% of the job done.

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Got the tactics completely wrong in the first half. There were simply too many long balls in the first half and that really restricted our play - it gave our front two and our midfield no chance to get into the game and this worked in the mackems' favour. Really negative thinking and this led to an atrocious showing from the team.


However, he did make the right changes in the second half, most notably changing our style of play to a passing and moving game - this troubled the mackems from the off and could have arguably won us the game. Ben Arfa being brought on definitely changed things for the better for us (it can be argued that his presence helped us to play a passing game, almost as if the lad was dictating our play). Thus, there is that feeling that starting him from the beginning could have probably given us a different result. It's one of those "what ifs", isn't it? Pardew seems to have since acknowledged his mistake in this instance (not starting Ben Arfa) so that could be a sign of some forward thinking.


Hopefully Pardew will learn from today (I know this has pretty much been said every time things have gone wrong but I still have confidence in Pardew to do the right thing). I really hope he's turned the corner today in terms of his tactics. He should really be learning new things game by game (that is the hope anyway). Live and learn.

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Guest andrew

That old ESPN interview from when he was first appointed is ringing true... a con man who paints the pciture of dominant, fluid football when the reality is turgid long balls. Really losing confidence in him purely for his inability to learn (strikes me as a stubborn character). Needs to start playing better football, we have th eplayers ffs, surely it takes more effort to change the way our majority of the team plays (naturally we are very technical, take away Simpson and Williamson). Sort it out.

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Not playing Ben Arfa and not staying calm were his biggest mistakes today. Needs to calm the fuck down at times. Disgusting behaviour at our penalty, should be really ashamed.

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Not playing Ben Arfa and not staying calm were his biggest mistakes today. Needs to calm the f*** down at times. Disgusting behaviour at our penalty, should be really ashamed.


What a load of nonsense.

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Got the tactics completely wrong in the first half. There were simply too many long balls in the first half and that really restricted our play - it gave our front two and our midfield no chance to get into the game and this worked in the mackems' favour. Really negative thinking and this led to an atrocious showing from the team.


However, he did make the right changes in the second half, most notably changing our style of play to a passing and moving game - this troubled the mackems from the off and could have arguably won us the game. Ben Arfa being brought on definitely changed things for the better for us (it can be argued that his presence helped us to play a passing game, almost as if the lad was dictating our play). Thus, there is that feeling that starting him from the beginning could have probably given us a different result. It's one of those "what ifs", isn't it? Pardew seems to have since acknowledged his mistake in this instance (not starting Ben Arfa) so that could be a sign of some forward thinking.


Hopefully Pardew will learn from today (I know this has pretty much been said every time things have gone wrong but I still have confidence in Pardew to do the right thing). I really hope he's turned the corner today in terms of his tactics. He should really be learning new things game by game (that is the hope anyway). Live and learn.


Absolutely no faith in him learning from anything he does from now till the end of his career. He'll not improve, if he does then great, but expect the world to end to compensate.



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