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Alan Pardew


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And now Hughton in his first 21 games last season, a manager not deemed good enough and someone who many feel Pardew is a big upgrade on or has been:


Won 8

Drew 4

Lost 9

For 34

Against 31


28 points


Just to clarify for everyone who unreservedly believes HTT's fibs, Hughton only managed us for 16 league games last season.


Here's his actual record:


16 games

19 points


(Basically identical to our 'terrible current form' under Alan 'cannot cut the mustard' Pardew) :lol:


My bad.




Pardew had 6 more games than Hughton last season and only managed 8 more points than Hughton did.


And as you correctly stated, in Pardew's last 16 games, he has only picked up 19 points, the same return you mock Hughton for. This with better players.


I never 'mocked' Hughton's points return. I didn't even want him to be sacked.


Do I think Pardew's an upgrade? Yes.

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Guest BooBoo

Like Wullie says, its not about pretty football. There's only one team in the league who play pretty football and make a success of it, Spurs. Swansea are in the bottom half and some people go on as if they are Barca. Man city have been involved in some of the most boring games this season and Arsenal have been poor compared to their sides of the past.


What should be asked for is positive football, Pardew got it half right at the start of the season with the pressing he employed. There's something wrong with the link between our midfield and attack. I'm still undecided on whether it is Pardews tactics or an underperforming group of players.


Our midfield is nowhere near as good as some would have you believe.

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Guest neesy111

People just don't seem to realise having a great start means nothing if you are crap for rest of the season.


The reason people are getting on Pardew's back is because they see nothing to suggest our form is going get better with the football we are playing and that style of football is stemming from the way the manager prepare's the team for games.


I gave Pardew a lot of praise for the way we started the season (which he lapped up), so he needs to take criticism which the fans are going to give him.


To say there's nothing to suggest we're going to improve is ignoring that in the last two games we've at times looked dangerous. Second half we battered Sunderland and the first half at Arsenal we went toe to toe with a very good side. Yep, I've been unimpressed at times over the last two months, but since HBA has been given a chance, we've looked a much more attacking unit. You can say our second half at Arsenal was disappointing but for me, it was a good home side relentlessly forcing us onto the back foot as much as ourselves shooting our own foot through tactics.


We are looking more dangerous but we are not creating clear cut chances which you need if your going to score more goals.

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Like Wullie says, its not about pretty football. There's only one team in the league who play pretty football and make a success of it, Spurs. Swansea are in the bottom half and some people go on as if they are Barca. Man city have been involved in some of the most boring games this season and Arsenal have been poor compared to their sides of the past.


What should be asked for is positive football, Pardew got it half right at the start of the season with the pressing he employed. There's something wrong with the link between our midfield and attack. I'm still undecided on whether it is Pardews tactics or an underperforming group of players.


Another very fair and sensible post. :thup:


On the latter point, certainly quotes like the ones from Carver about 4 days with Pardew defending, 1 day with him attacking do nothing to inspire my confidence that we're working on the right things.


Although I know nothing about football coaching, it seems to me an odd way to coach anyway - it's a team game and one that often requires defence turning into attack very quickly. It shouldn't be a case of "when you have the ball, do this, and when you don't, do the other", I think that's overly simplistic and not really reflective of how a game flows.


I think this could be a reason, for example that there cannot possibly be a worse team on the counter attack than us, we never even look like starting one, never mind being in a position to finish one off.

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Like Wullie says, its not about pretty football. There's only one team in the league who play pretty football and make a success of it, Spurs. Swansea are in the bottom half and some people go on as if they are Barca. Man city have been involved in some of the most boring games this season and Arsenal have been poor compared to their sides of the past.


What should be asked for is positive football, Pardew got it half right at the start of the season with the pressing he employed. There's something wrong with the link between our midfield and attack. I'm still undecided on whether it is Pardews tactics or an underperforming group of players.


Bit of both.


It will come together from now until the end of the season. I also think its a confidence thing.


One good win will see us up and running and playing better football.


Agree with you both, really all that's causing the argument is a bit of a disjointed approach that has got worse over recent weeks. Hopefully we can pick up a good win against Norwich and some confidence will come back.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Having said that, HTT, i dont hate AP like you do, not even close, i think he does care about the club and we ARE moving forward. We are 6th! 6th whilsts playing s**** with a talented 1st team of players. Do you not think we will improve? I do. Developing a good brand of football takes time, ability and understanding between players not to mention a consistent starting 11.


I don't hate Pardew but I won't deny that I dislike him. We are moving forwards in terms of our scouting, buying, our finances and yes our league position, but the key component in all this - the performances - show we are moving backwards. The more you perform badly the less points you will pick up and that's exactly what's happened. We are 6th but we will not finish there and even if we do this season, it will only be this one season so long as Pardew is our manager. As a club we are moving forwards but from a footballing perspective, we belong in the 80s or early Premiership days. Our football is as bad as anything we've served up in any of our Premiership years. 6th is blinding people. If we were 10th or whatever, there would be Pardew out threads on this very forum and widespread discontent on the stands, especially giving the players we have. Already fans are turning and that's because they can see with their own two eyes how pathetic we are on the ball and as a footballing side.


To asnwer your question, no I do not believe we will improve. The fact he would rather see Ryan Taylor in the side ahead of Ben Arfa is one big fuck off alarm bell ringing. Worse still, he actually thought Obertan could do a job in a withdrawn striker role, AGAINST ARSENAL. The man is fucking clueless. He's a League 2 manager at a Premier League club and is slowly but surely being found out.


We have not been blessed in the latter what with injuries, suspensions and international commitments. We have time and ability to forge the understanding within the group.


We've played poor for the vast majority of the season regardless of injuries and international commitments. It isn't the personel that's the problem, its the manager.


I think AP does want us to play attacking football but its a building process. This season was always going to be a building job, its just so happened that we have got to 6th whilst being relatively poor.


He's had over a year in charge and we have not imrpoved our game despite the fact we have improved our side in terms of players. We are sixth because of our decent start and the goals of Ba and the heroics of Krul and Colo in the main, that and those who would normally be up there having poor seasons. It is no coincidence however that as soon as Arsenal start playing they steamroller past us, and Liverpool, as awful as they have been, are only a few points off us. Ba not scoring means we struggle to win games and that's because there is nothing else to our game to win us matches if he doesn't score.


Fwiw i think some good football will break out in the last 10 games and see us into europe. That in itself will bring in better players to fill in those weak positions and in turn hopefully encourage even better football next season. Exposure to european football will also help us develop a better brand of football.


Its not the players man. Yes Simposn isn't the best and nor is Williamson but Tiote and Cabaye are certainly good enough yet why are they hoofing it or dropping deep and generally looking shit? Its the tactics man, the instructions, its fucking Pardew. I doubt we'll suddenly start seeing some better football either and if I was a betting man I'd bet against us securing European football.


People want too much too soon in my opinion. We are 6th ffs.


Ha, the old 6th chesnut and the expectations cliche :lol:


LOOK AT OUR PERFORMANCES MAN. They are not and never will be good enough or acceptable. We'll learn that the hard way when Ba decides he's had enough of getting a stiff neck every game looking to the skies constantly for a team who passes it to his feet. Providing the board don't decide to cash in on him first that is...

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Guest Howaythetoon


And now Hughton in his first 21 games last season, a manager not deemed good enough and someone who many feel Pardew is a big upgrade on or has been:


Won 8

Drew 4

Lost 9

For 34

Against 31


28 points


Just to clarify for everyone who unreservedly believes HTT's fibs, Hughton only managed us for 16 league games last season.


Here's his actual record:


16 games

19 points


(Basically identical to our 'terrible current form' under Alan 'cannot cut the mustard' Pardew) :lol:


My bad.




Pardew had 6 more games than Hughton last season and only managed 8 more points than Hughton did.


And as you correctly stated, in Pardew's last 16 games, he has only picked up 19 points, the same return you mock Hughton for. This with better players.


I never 'mocked' Hughton's points return. I didn't even want him to be sacked.


Do I think Pardew's an upgrade? Yes.


Maybe not so much mock but pour scorn on. Fair enough if you think Pardew is an upgrade. Our position in the table would certainly back you up but for me, he's not an upgrade and although the past is the past, I believe we would have finished last season better than we did under Pardew had Hughton not got the boot and with the players we have now, I think we'd be doing much better in terms of our football and thus would have a better chance of progressing. Pardew will take us backwards next season and could even do so from where we sit now. I for one doubt we'll finish 6th now.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Like Wullie says, its not about pretty football. There's only one team in the league who play pretty football and make a success of it, Spurs. Swansea are in the bottom half and some people go on as if they are Barca. Man city have been involved in some of the most boring games this season and Arsenal have been poor compared to their sides of the past.


What should be asked for is positive football, Pardew got it half right at the start of the season with the pressing he employed. There's something wrong with the link between our midfield and attack. I'm still undecided on whether it is Pardews tactics or an underperforming group of players.


Our midfield is nowhere near as good as some would have you believe.


I think we have the makings of a cracking midfield. Mind, its hard to see when they are constantly bypassed with the long ball.

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Guest neesy111

Like Wullie says, its not about pretty football. There's only one team in the league who play pretty football and make a success of it, Spurs. Swansea are in the bottom half and some people go on as if they are Barca. Man city have been involved in some of the most boring games this season and Arsenal have been poor compared to their sides of the past.


What should be asked for is positive football, Pardew got it half right at the start of the season with the pressing he employed. There's something wrong with the link between our midfield and attack. I'm still undecided on whether it is Pardews tactics or an underperforming group of players.


Our midfield is nowhere near as good as some would have you believe.


I think we have the makings of a cracking midfield. Mind, its hard to see when they are constantly bypassed with the long ball.


One big difference is not having a CM making runs like Nolan was last season.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Like Wullie says, its not about pretty football. There's only one team in the league who play pretty football and make a success of it, Spurs. Swansea are in the bottom half and some people go on as if they are Barca. Man city have been involved in some of the most boring games this season and Arsenal have been poor compared to their sides of the past.


What should be asked for is positive football, Pardew got it half right at the start of the season with the pressing he employed. There's something wrong with the link between our midfield and attack. I'm still undecided on whether it is Pardews tactics or an underperforming group of players.


Our midfield is nowhere near as good as some would have you believe.


I think we have the makings of a cracking midfield. Mind, its hard to see when they are constantly bypassed with the long ball.


One big difference is not having a CM making runs like Nolan was last season.



They are not allowed to make runs. They have to sit, contain and break up play. Its up to the forwards to make the runs, the midfielders are the ones who put the ball in.

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HTT, I don't know which fans you speak to but I've seen very little of the fans turning on Pardew. Infact they were singing his name before the sunderland game. In fact, I don't think I have heard anyone with an opinion anywhere near yours. You are not speaking for the majority IMO.


I'd also like to add that it is far easier to predict failure in football than success. For example if I said 'Pardew will fail at Newcastle', the chances are that I will get that prediction right, seen as most of our managers are sacked within two years. Howere that is not a good indicator of my opinion on him.


He's doing a good job, that's what most Newcastle fans I speak to think but noones going over the top.

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Like Wullie says, its not about pretty football. There's only one team in the league who play pretty football and make a success of it, Spurs. Swansea are in the bottom half and some people go on as if they are Barca. Man city have been involved in some of the most boring games this season and Arsenal have been poor compared to their sides of the past.


What should be asked for is positive football, Pardew got it half right at the start of the season with the pressing he employed. There's something wrong with the link between our midfield and attack. I'm still undecided on whether it is Pardews tactics or an underperforming group of players.


Another very fair and sensible post. :thup:


On the latter point, certainly quotes like the ones from Carver about 4 days with Pardew defending, 1 day with him attacking do nothing to inspire my confidence that we're working on the right things.


Although I know nothing about football coaching, it seems to me an odd way to coach anyway - it's a team game and one that often requires defence turning into attack very quickly. It shouldn't be a case of "when you have the ball, do this, and when you don't, do the other", I think that's overly simplistic and not really reflective of how a game flows.


I think this could be a reason, for example that there cannot possibly be a worse team on the counter attack than us, we never even look like starting one, never mind being in a position to finish one off.


I think, although I am also not a football coach, that it is quite a common way of coaching to tell players where to be in both terms of attacking and defending when the ball is in a certain area.  And I don't just mean your Allardyces etc - I definitely remember reading an article about Arsenal doing something very similar.

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Guest neesy111

HTT, I don't know which fans you speak to but I've seen very little of the fans turning on Pardew. Infact they were singing his name before the sunderland game. In fact, I don't think I have heard anyone with an opinion anywhere near yours. You are not speaking for the majority IMO.


I'd also like to add that it is far easier to predict failure in football than success. For example if I said 'Pardew will fail at Newcastle', the chances are that I will get that prediction right, seen as most of our managers are sacked within two years. Howere that is not a good indicator of my opinion on him.


He's doing a good job, that's what most Newcastle fans I speak to think but noones going over the top.


I'd say it's 50/50 with my NUFC friends.  Also the fans singing his name before the Sunderland match was hardly the whole stadium singing it mind.  I remember Sam Allardyce's name get sung 2 months before he was sacked. :lol:

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Remember Souness name being sang when beat Olymiakos 4-0, was it?


The point I was making Is that I've seen very little pressure from the terraces. Doesn't mean to say its not out there mind.

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It seems odd to me how much people analyse the number of days spent doing this and that with the manager. Apparently, according to a friend of a relative who plays for the Villa, M'oNg was never seen at the training ground and picked the squad based on other staff. Pardew could be spending any number of days a week on attacking or defending; but all the time filling players heads with shite all week. Or could be more of an observer. He doesn't strike me that way like. We'll never know.

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Guest neesy111

Remember Souness name being sang when beat Olymiakos 4-0, was it?


The point I was making Is that I've seen very little pressure from the terraces. Doesn't mean to say its not out there mind.


It doesn't get visible in the terraces until things start going really badly, but I'd say there are many people still reserved about Pardew. 

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Guest Howaythetoon

HTT, I don't know which fans you speak to but I've seen very little of the fans turning on Pardew. Infact they were singing his name before the sunderland game. In fact, I don't think I have heard anyone with an opinion anywhere near yours. You are not speaking for the majority IMO.


I'd also like to add that it is far easier to predict failure in football than success. For example if I said 'Pardew will fail at Newcastle', the chances are that I will get that prediction right, seen as most of our managers are sacked within two years. Howere that is not a good indicator of my opinion on him.


He's doing a good job, that's what most Newcastle fans I speak to think but noones going over the top.


At the match fans are usually none judgemental but afterwards, in the pubs or even last night at 5-a-side footy for example, fans are becoming unhappy. A good number of the lads at footy last night were questioning him and saying we cannot continue to play like we are. And that's the milder comments. The penny is certainly dropping regarding his limitations and unless he can change his game plan and performances improve, criticism will only increase, regardless of where we are in the table. Don't underestimate how important good performances are valued on and off the stands. Winning is the most important thing of course but a good performance is a very very close second. I do not enjoy enjoy watching us at all. Its boring and repetitive (a bit like myself :D) and worst of all, you know where its heading or ending.

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HTT, I don't know which fans you speak to but I've seen very little of the fans turning on Pardew. Infact they were singing his name before the sunderland game. In fact, I don't think I have heard anyone with an opinion anywhere near yours. You are not speaking for the majority IMO.


I'd also like to add that it is far easier to predict failure in football than success. For example if I said 'Pardew will fail at Newcastle', the chances are that I will get that prediction right, seen as most of our managers are sacked within two years. Howere that is not a good indicator of my opinion on him.


He's doing a good job, that's what most Newcastle fans I speak to think but noones going over the top.


At the match fans are usually none judgemental but afterwards, in the pubs or even last night at 5-a-side footy for example, fans are becoming unhappy. A good number of the lads at footy last night were questioning him and saying we cannot continue to play like we are. And that's the milder comments. The penny is certainly dropping regarding his limitations and unless he can change his game plan and performances improve, criticism will only increase, regardless of where we are in the table. Don't underestimate how important good performances are valued on and off the stands. Winning is the most important thing of course but a good performance is a very very close second. I do not enjoy enjoy watching us at all. Its boring and repetitive (a bit like myself :D) and worst of all, you know where its heading or ending.


Back in Europe. Superb.

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Guest neesy111

For what it is worth I do think we can turn it around in the next 10 games, but it's going to take a mentality change so that we aren't running scared of the opposition like we have for the last month.

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For what it is worth I do think we can turn it around in the next 10 games, but it's going to take a mentality change so that we aren't running scared of the opposition like we have for the last month.


In effect, the likes of Everton & Sunderland have to win 3 more games than us to get in the top 7 ahead of us. Even over the last 8 games where we've not been as consistent, just to put things into perspective of the task the likes of those have to catch us, over the last 8 games, nobody else has picked up more than 2 points more than us in those games other than Man Utd, City & Arsenal.

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I'll be absolutely amazed if we make Europe like.


We won't be there long if we do.


How can we say that at this stage without seeing next season's squad. :lol:


People were tipping us for a struggle in the summer and we're sitting in 6th. Feck knows what will happen in the next 12 months.

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