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Alan Pardew


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Guest BooBoo

I'm beginning to think the reason why we are seeing these kind of repostes to good analysis and questioning is because like our manager, they don't understand the finer points of the game tactically or simply refuse to in light of our 6th place in the table. Its the equiverlent of sticking fingers in ears and signing lalalalalala.


That's simply the most pompous post on here in quite some time. Just because you coach a kids team doesn't make you Mourinho you know?

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Guest neesy111

I'm beginning to think the reason why we are seeing these kind of repostes to good analysis and questioning is because like our manager, they don't understand the finer points of the game tactically or simply refuse to in light of our 6th place in the table. Its the equiverlent of sticking fingers in ears and signing lalalalalala.


It's a number of factors.


Some people just think results are a judgement of a manager (if that was the case then Allardyce for starters would never deserved to be sacked).

Some people find it fickle to criticise when we are doing well (which I do understand but how much was our good start down to the players and not the manager....).


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Guest Chubby Jason

I'm beginning to think the reason why we are seeing these kind of repostes to good analysis and questioning is because like our manager, they don't understand the finer points of the game tactically or simply refuse to in light of our 6th place in the table. Its the equiverlent of sticking fingers in ears and signing lalalalalala.


That's simply the most pompous post on here in quite some time. Just because you coach a kids team doesn't make you Mourinho you know?

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Guest Howaythetoon

By the way, if Pardew deserves criticism for the way we play, the coaches do too. I don't want to harp on about the Jonas-Cabaye left flank thing but surely someone whould have had a word with Pardew? If not prior to deciding to go with that then during the game itself? I know Jonas was having words with Cabaye and so too was Colo all throughout the game.


On the Jonas at LB thing, this is a quote from Jonas yesterday:


"I try to do my best for the team, and we tried to attack from the back so that was why I played in that position," he explained to nufc.co.uk from inside the home dressing room at the Sports Direct Arena St. James' Park.


"I've played at right-back before, for Argentina, but not on the left. But it's no different if you play on the right or the left; it's the same. I don't care really.


"If the manager needs me in that position, then I will try to do my best."



Now, I'm not defending Pardew's (second half) tactics yesterday btw but it seems to me that Pardew (at first anyway) wanted to go for it so maybe that's why he opted for such an attacking lineup yesterday? I guess it could also the case that Jonas has a better track record for assists from the left so maybe that's the reason why Santon was on the bench?


I'm not picking at his decision to deploy Jonas at left-back who I actually thought had a very good game at both ends. My criticism is with his decision to deploy Cabaye narrow on the left which gave Jonas little cover nor much support in attack. These things can have adverse knock on effects elsewhere on the pitch and that happened a few times as Colo had to leave the centre to help Jonas defend against his man or to help recover possession down that flank. Can you imagine the damage someone like Holt could have done in the centre up againts Williamson with Colo away from that area?


More worryingly is despite Norwich getting some joy down that side, Cabaye continued in that narrow position. Pardew either didn't spot it, did and thought nowt of it or simply had no tactical answer to it. What gets me is both Jonas and Colo himself had words with Cabaye during the game.


I must say, I feel a tad concerned with his form and role in the side. He played well in parts against Norwich especially when we were on the ball and playing it around but there was clear insutructions at one point to ping it long quarter-back style and Cabaye looked frustrated.

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By the way, if Pardew deserves criticism for the way we play, the coaches do too. I don't want to harp on about the Jonas-Cabaye left flank thing but surely someone whould have had a word with Pardew? If not prior to deciding to go with that then during the game itself? I know Jonas was having words with Cabaye and so too was Colo all throughout the game.


On the Jonas at LB thing, this is a quote from Jonas yesterday:


"I try to do my best for the team, and we tried to attack from the back so that was why I played in that position," he explained to nufc.co.uk from inside the home dressing room at the Sports Direct Arena St. James' Park.


"I've played at right-back before, for Argentina, but not on the left. But it's no different if you play on the right or the left; it's the same. I don't care really.


"If the manager needs me in that position, then I will try to do my best."



Now, I'm not defending Pardew's (second half) tactics yesterday btw but it seems to me that Pardew (at first anyway) wanted to go for it so maybe that's why he opted for such an attacking lineup yesterday? I guess it could also the case that Jonas has a better track record for assists from the left so maybe that's the reason why Santon was on the bench?


I'm not picking at his decision to deploy Jonas at left-back who I actually thought had a very good game at both ends. My criticism is with his decision to deploy Cabaye narrow on the left which gave Jonas little cover nor much support in attack. These things can have adverse knock on effects elsewhere on the pitch and that happened a few times as Colo had to leave the centre to help Jonas defend against his man or to help recover possession down that flank. Can you imagine the damage someone like Holt could have done in the centre up againts Williamson with Colo away from that area?


More worryingly is despite Norwich getting some joy down that side, Cabaye continued in that narrow position. Pardew either didn't spot it, did and thought nowt of it or simply had no tactical answer to it. What gets me is both Jonas and Colo himself had words with Cabaye during the game.


I must say, I feel a tad concerned with his form and role in the side. He played well in parts against Norwich especially when we were on the ball and playing it around but there was clear insutructions at one point to ping it long quarter-back style and Cabaye looked frustrated.


Pretty thorough. There was me wondering why we didn't just play 4-4-2 and push up the pitch because Norwich wouldn't have the pace to get behind us :lol:



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Guest ToonZA

I see the hyperbole on both sides. But there are some heads being buried in the sand on things regarding Pardew. People must be worried?


I most certainly am, for quite a while now and have voiced my concerns a couple of times on this thread. I am not going to repeat those concerns again except to add that I am not seeing the Pardew positives at all and it does not look like he has the ability to develope or implement a long term strategy that is sustainable, successful and incorporates the possession based football required to get the best out of our current and future players.


Initially I was willing to wait until the end of the season to pass judgement, but the strategy on the pitch has gone from bad to worse to downright painfull.


The only way it can get any worse is if we dont pick up any points.

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Guest Chubby Jason

Pardew needs to dye is hair. Does no one else agree that our respect of the man would go through the roof is he had jet black, slicked back hair? We could get this guy in to mentor him. http://images.wikia.com/simpsons/images/f/f0/Karl.png

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Guest Dontooner

The cramp excuse, 8 key players out, varying policies on workrate. I don't think hes a bad bloke but it a right muddle at times getting a straight answer or response out of him.

I will be very worried if Pardew was my money manager or family doctor, too much sales talk and personal interest vested in his remarks.

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By the way, if Pardew deserves criticism for the way we play, the coaches do too. I don't want to harp on about the Jonas-Cabaye left flank thing but surely someone whould have had a word with Pardew? If not prior to deciding to go with that then during the game itself? I know Jonas was having words with Cabaye and so too was Colo all throughout the game.


On the Jonas at LB thing, this is a quote from Jonas yesterday:


"I try to do my best for the team, and we tried to attack from the back so that was why I played in that position," he explained to nufc.co.uk from inside the home dressing room at the Sports Direct Arena St. James' Park.


"I've played at right-back before, for Argentina, but not on the left. But it's no different if you play on the right or the left; it's the same. I don't care really.


"If the manager needs me in that position, then I will try to do my best."



Now, I'm not defending Pardew's (second half) tactics yesterday btw but it seems to me that Pardew (at first anyway) wanted to go for it so maybe that's why he opted for such an attacking lineup yesterday? I guess it could also the case that Jonas has a better track record for assists from the left so maybe that's the reason why Santon was on the bench?


I'm not picking at his decision to deploy Jonas at left-back who I actually thought had a very good game at both ends. My criticism is with his decision to deploy Cabaye narrow on the left which gave Jonas little cover nor much support in attack. These things can have adverse knock on effects elsewhere on the pitch and that happened a few times as Colo had to leave the centre to help Jonas defend against his man or to help recover possession down that flank. Can you imagine the damage someone like Holt could have done in the centre up againts Williamson with Colo away from that area?


More worryingly is despite Norwich getting some joy down that side, Cabaye continued in that narrow position. Pardew either didn't spot it, did and thought nowt of it or simply had no tactical answer to it. What gets me is both Jonas and Colo himself had words with Cabaye during the game.


I must say, I feel a tad concerned with his form and role in the side. He played well in parts against Norwich especially when we were on the ball and playing it around but there was clear insutructions at one point to ping it long quarter-back style and Cabaye looked frustrated.


I think the reasoning for Cabaye playing in such a position was to give him a bit more freedom to attack. This kinda explains why Jonas was pretty much doing the attacking and defending on his own. From what I saw, for the first 15 minutes or so, it looked as if we were playing 3 in midfield - which is what Yohan was used to last season at Lille so maybe Pardew was trying to replicate that. It is quite clear that Cabaye hasn't been in the best of form recently but yesterday was one of his better games (certainly better than his recent outings) so maybe, Pardew was trying to get Cabaye's confidence back when he decided to put Yohan in a narrow-left role? I know I'm making a lot of assumptions here but I'm trying to explain Pardew's (admittedly bizarre) system/line up yesterday. It worked to an extent but also had quite a few failings (the lack of cover for Jonas as you've pointed out).


Clearly, a bit of work needs to be done.

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Guest Recoba

I think we are having a pretty good season, and he is a good manager.


The people criticising him, would you want him sacked?


I have had enough new managers in my lifetime.  Pardew is one of the better ones.

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I think we are having a pretty good season, and he is a good manager.


The people criticising him, would you want him sacked?


I have had enough new managers in my lifetime.  Pardew is one of the better ones.


Not many are calling for him to sacked like. Just expressing concern. Most of us anyway.

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