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The low Moment: where does this rank

Guest dazzanufc1892

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I think what makes this the lowest of the low for me is that previously we've always had hope.


Hope that a woodgate or cole sale would be followed up by a big name replacement.


That Souness would sort out a rowdy dressing room. Hope that SBR would be replaced by somebody to move us on a stage.


Hope that Joe Fucking Kinnear was a temporary blip from a naive newcomer Owner.


Hope that CH could grow into the role and turn into our Moyes or similar.


No, this decision ends all hope under an Ashley regime. The excuses that were worthy of contemplation before are now no more and we all know what we're left with is a callous, fraudulant regime with nothing but their own interests at heart and thats what makes it the bottom of the pile for me.


Closest to my feelings really, we've just seen the final confirmation that we have no chance under Ashley and no prospect of him leaving.


We have been confirmed to the general public as a club run by a thoughtless cunt.


Having the thought process of how this club is run put on public display like this is sickening.


And laying bare the true motivations of Mike Ashley and knowing that a sale is so, so unlikely at this stage - with our eventual relegation making it even that much more difficult - seeing the formless void that is our future...yeah, it's the low point.

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It's not that low for me at all. I think anyone who says it's very low for them is simply extrapolating to a level that I am not willing to go to. We've sacked a decent manager after a few poor results and replaced him another rather nondescript, average British manager. We still have the same players and a potential to do well. If we can continue consolidating our position this season and incrementally improving the squad, I will be able to live with this. As always with Ashley, it's unfortunate how he's chosen to go about it, but I am alright with the actual events that occurred.

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It's not that low for me at all. I think anyone who says it's very low for them is simply extrapolating to a level that I am not willing to go to. We've sacked a decent manager after a few poor results and replaced him another rather nondescript, average British manager. We still have the same players and a potential to do well. If we can continue consolidating our position this season and incrementally improving the squad, I will be able to live with this. As always with Ashley, it's unfortunate how he's chosen to go about it, but I am alright with the actual events that occurred.


We've pissed all over a good bloke and brought in a twat (who also happens to be a shit manager), almost certainly ruining the previously good team spirit in the process and paving the way for relegation.


It's pretty low tbh...

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I think this has to be called the lowest becuase there is noone (or almost noone?) that supports this decision, when souness came in, kinnear etc, there were a couple atleast that did, even in the media everyone is scratching their heads...

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this is the lowest. because for a moment i thought we'd turned a corner and morphed into a stable, normal club. it took the players and hughton months and months of effort and dedication to get out of the championship and stabilise us, so far, in mid-table. just feels like that accomplishment has been pissed on and once again we're watching a slow motion train wreck.

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The present moment is probably the lowest I can remember feeling.


The terrifying thing is that it's likely to be surpassed repeatedly in the near future, as in the next couple of transfer windows we see the sales of Carroll, Tiote, Enrique, Barton, Nolan and Coloccini, coupled with the arrival of Hayden Mullins and Emile Heskey. :suicide:

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this is the lowest. because for a moment i thought we'd turned a corner and morphed into a stable, normal club. it took the players and hughton months and months of effort and dedication to get out of the championship and stabilise us, so far, in mid-table. just feels like that accomplishment has been pissed on and once again we're watching a slow motion train wreck.



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It's so rare that a manager gets fired when all the fans are behind him, it's bizarre.


Even with SBR, some people thought we were looking likely to decline.


Yup, it was only the timing of that sacking that pissed me off. I don't know anyone that thought Hughton should go, not one.

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this is the lowest. because for a moment i thought we'd turned a corner and morphed into a stable, normal club. it took the players and hughton months and months of effort and dedication to get out of the championship and stabilise us, so far, in mid-table. just feels like that accomplishment has been pissed on and once again we're watching a slow motion train wreck.


I tried to explain it but I'm terrible at it. This is perfect. It's not who we've brought in as such, it's that it's confirmation we're going nowhere. We've started getting our hopes up that Ashley had turned a corner and we were becoming a respectable club again.


I for one said we've been unsurprisingly looking over our shoulders, what with Ashley's past. But I don't think anyone could foresee (bar Golfmag!) exactly the extent he was going to destroy us over these past 3 days. It just confirms we're going to get nowhere, and if anything, go downwards whilst he's here.


There was always hope, we could always say 'well if we get rid of so and so, potentially bring on so and so, change this, change that'. There's none of that now. When we ditch Pardew, we'll only get another shite name who's buddies with the chuckle brothers up top. Because then they don't have to worry about a manager getting 'too big for his boots'. Which is clearly what happend with Hughton.


Basically, for the continuing years that Ashley is here, we will be a joke of a football club. There's no getting away from that fact anymore, and it's a depressing situation for what was a once-proud football club and it's fans to be in.

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Sadly enough, apart from initial and very fleeting anger/shock/sadness at the cretinism of our beloved club, I've become rather insensate to it all...


...and the straw that broke that camel's back was the Sporting Lisbon loss. Something about the way we sabotaged ourselves when I thought we were as fully sabotaged as we could be with Souness at the helm - the naivety of youth, I suppose.


I don't think we've ever had a better chance of getting a trophy in recent memory and I don't think we will again in the foreseeable future.

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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle

KK leaving the second time was very low for me as things were just starting to click. Two days ago was the lowest. Today is just a continuation of that.



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I've been lurking on this board since the old days.  I've been a supporter since the early 90's, and with having no connection to the city.  I've stuck it out through some utter dross.  I travelled form the states to see us spank Wednesday and Southampton in Sir Bobby's first season.  I stuck through it when Keegan walked...when Dalglish underwhelmed...when Gullitt soiled St. James Park...when Sourness was appointed...when Roeder was handed the full-time position...when Keegan walked again...when that utter prick Kinnear rose from the dead to make an utter ass of himself...the horror of final day relegation...the disappointment of the board sticking with Hughton...following a Championship side from the states.


Finally, I came around to seeing that Hughton was the best thing to happen to us since Sir Bobby.  He restored hope in this club...in my supporting the club.  In a world of cronyism and utter corruption, he was a top man doing a good job...and under a disgustingly fat Kim Jong Il (if he was a bit more unhinged).


This is certainly the lowest I have felt since I jumped on the train, particularly because it reminds me of working in the corporate world and as a teacher.  Football is meant to be an escape from this.  And even that escape is taken away from us.  The whole f#cking spirit of the game...gone.  Why the f#ck am I stuck with this club when I have no real connection to it?  And yet I know that my dumb ass will be asking the same question in 10 years. 


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I've been lurking on this board since the old days.  I've been a supporter since the early 90's, and with having no connection to the city.  I've stuck it out through some utter dross.  I travelled form the states to see us spank Wednesday and Southampton in Sir Bobby's first season.  I stuck through it when Keegan walked...when Dalglish underwhelmed...when Gullitt soiled St. James Park...when Sourness was appointed...when Roeder was handed the full-time position...when Keegan walked again...when that utter prick Kinnear rose from the dead to make an utter ass of himself...the horror of final day relegation...the disappointment of the board sticking with Hughton...following a Championship side from the states.


Finally, I came around to seeing that Hughton was the best thing to happen to us since Sir Bobby.  He restored hope in this club...in my supporting the club.  In a world of cronyism and utter corruption, he was a top man doing a good job...and under a disgustingly fat Kim Jong Il (if he was a bit more unhinged).


This is certainly the lowest I have felt since I jumped on the train, particularly because it reminds me of working in the corporate world and as a teacher.  Football is meant to be an escape from this.  And even that escape is taken away from us.  The whole f#cking spirit of the game...gone.  Why the f#ck am I stuck with this club when I have no real connection to it?  And yet I know that my dumb ass will be asking the same question in 10 years. 



Welcome!  :)


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When Ashley made this ridiculous and down right wrong decision to sack hughton, all football fans were united in thinking hes a cunt and feeling sorry for hughton. There is no ridicule however like there was when we got relegated. Theres a start.

When we were relegated that hit our pride very hard. This shouldn't affect our pride of this club. Its ashley and ashley alone whos done this.

How is this lower than getting relegated. Maddness


Because I had already accepted relegation at least 2 months before it was finalised so when it came it was all a bit meh.


Judging by the reactions of people on here when we got our "revenge" on villa I think many people weren't so "meh" when they sent us down.

As for two months before- Don't tell me you were "meh we're down" after that boro game..



I still believed we were staying up till the end- well at least till 30mins of that terrible villa game. It didnt even fully sinnk in till half way through the summer.

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At least when we were relegated it seemed that we'd be able to rebuild a side, cutting loose some of the crap that got us into that position.  Ashley was going to either have to sell up or stick around to rebuild with a sane manager.  Our younger players would get a chance to develop.


This though feels worse.  Another relegation seems an absolute certainty, the decent players we have will be the ones who will leave.  We'll be stuck with the high wage earners that no one else wants, players like Smith who hardly get a game for us now but earn 2-3x what better players are on will hang around like a bad smell whilst players like Enrique and Carroll will most likely leave.


With every other low moment the club has tormented us with there has always seemed to be something positive to take from the situation but with this I cannot see where we can go other than down.  The position that Ashley & Llambias have put the club in actually feels malicious rather than the rank stupidity that led us to earlier low points.


I would quite happily see the club go into administration just to get rid of the incompetent, malicious fuckwits running the show at the moment.

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Guest firetotheworks

Definitely the lowest.



It has confirmed the following:


Ashley hasn't learned anything,

Ashley hasn't changed,

Ashley is definitely a cunt,

Ashley is clueless,

Ashley is classless,


We have no future with him in charge,

We have no future for at least a few years,


..and many more negatives.


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:laugh:  It's so bad that it converted me from perpetual lurker to poster.  Not even Souness or Kinnear could do that.


What makes this slightly worse than relegation for me is that we got a get out of jail free card when we won the Championship with style.  I felt that we were in no danger of getting relegated, based on the absolute sh#t in the league.  With just enough quality in the first team, and a strong team spirit, I fully expected us to finish 12-15th.  Take away the good feeling, and replace it with that utter c*nt Pardew, and we have a very good chance of dropping like a meteor.  A perfect chance for redemption, and then this.  2008-2009 could have been seen as just unpolished ineptitude at the time.  This seems much, much more sinister.  We'd be better off if Joe Pesci from Goodfellas ran the club.  Then at least we'd see Llambias hung in a meat locker at some point.  Alan Pardew?  WTF?

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Guest efullerton

My choice for worst moment is a bit odd. For me the worst moment was that moment that Luque pulled his hamstring, in retrospect of course because at the time there was no way of knowing. Here Souness was given 40 some odd million to spend and he bought Luque and Boumsong and other refuse. 5 minutes in and our new big signing comes up lame. That moment sums up the last 7years.


So for me.


1. Luque hammy

2. Relegation

3. Pardew

4. Any of the myriad times the camera would show Owen smiling in s £1000 suit in the stands, hurt again

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