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Newcastle 1 - 3 Man City - 26/12/2010 - Post-Match Reaction From Page 15


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Nile for Tiote please.


Simp Taylor Colo Enrique


Rout  Bart    Nolan  Jonas


           Ranger  Carroll


Tiote off and we will lose five nil.


tiote's been bad.


Even if he's made some mistakes today. A centre midfield with an underperforming Tiote is better than a centre midfield of Barton and Nolan. It sounds like we're overrunning them. I'd like to see Nile on, but for who? Sounds like the team as a whole, bar the first 5 minutes, have been functioning well.

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Guest MrSundlofer

It may be just me but I don't like Pardew's 'very direct stile of football. I like controlled possession stile of football.. and a balanced team. Today is just crazy. Attack when we get the ball, close players down all time and long balls in the box.

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It may be just me but I don't like Pardew's 'very direct stile of football. I like controlled possession stile of football.. and a balanced team. Today is just crazy. Attack when we get the ball, close players down all time and long balls in the box.


There's not exactly much choice mate, we're 2-0 down.

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definitely put Ranger on now, his pace and presence always cause difficulties for defenders, and he'd create more space in dangerous areas for other players. i think he'd do better to outmuscle and outspring the city centre-halves for carroll's knock downs too. nolan can then drift forward more freely, otherwise he doesn't get a real chance and is having to face away from goal to get any touches of the ball.


Problem with that is it leaves us with Nolan vacating midfield all the time, leaving tiote with too much to do, so put Barton half way between CM and the right wing play a very narrow midfield. Routledge hasn't done bad and has a bit more quality than Jonas but with Nolan-Carroll-Ranger basically playing as 3 forwards we'd need Jonas's legs.

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Interested to see how long Pardew takes to make a switch. Hopefully earlier than Hughtons trademark 80th minute sub.


Need to bring on Nile but after his comments on his attitude I don't think that's gonna happen! Big Andy is such a dominant player for us. It's like death certain relegation if Ashley sells him in January

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definitely put Ranger on now, his pace and presence always cause difficulties for defenders, and he'd create more space in dangerous areas for other players. i think he'd do better to outmuscle and outspring the city centre-halves for carroll's knock downs too. nolan can then drift forward more freely, otherwise he doesn't get a real chance and is having to face away from goal to get any touches of the ball.


Problem with that is it leaves us with Nolan vacating midfield all the time, leaving tiote with too much to do, so put Barton half way between CM and the right wing play a very narrow midfield. Routledge hasn't done bad and has a bit more quality than Jonas but with Nolan-Carroll-Ranger basically playing as 3 forwards we'd need Jonas's legs.


we should have started with this team ffs, it wasnt exactly a leap of faith

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We've been the better team. I know City are happier to sit back with their two goals but we've caused enough panics in their box, it just hasn't fallen for us. We're playing pretty direct stuff but Carroll is causing plenty of problems, he's had an excellent half.


Tiote's not been his usual self, need a better performance from him second half.


A goal will make them nervous, it's not over yet.

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By the sounds of it we've been quite good apart from those two costly mistakes. Encouraging to see we still have a bit of grit and determination in us, we could easily of dropped the heads and be down about 0-4 by now.


Really pissed off atm but if we get a goal within the first 10-15mins of the 2nd half then who knows. But by the way things have been going I won't be surprised if we get nowt. Sounds like this is time for Mr. Ranger to show us what he can do, Carroll's a wasted talent if he has no one to feed off his knock-downs...


Howay the lads (stop ruining my Christmas each year!!)

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Think if we'd put even one of our chances away before half time, we'd have had a chance. We're completely dominating the game (albeit, only because Man City have the attitude of a team 2-0 up with an Italian manager).


Looks grim/frustrating as fuck now for the second half. Early goal would be lush. Early conceded goal would be typical.



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The first ten minutes was akin to the Portsmouth game under Allardyce, but we've been playing alright since then. Still ropey as fuck defensively but we're doing okay going forward. I've seen us play like this loads this season. Press and probe and force the opposition back towards their own box, without creating a clear cut chance. Still wonder what this team would be like if we had a Ben Arfa - so fucking annoying.


We're still in this but i can't see us getting anything.

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After the two goals, we've absolutely dominated them. We're doing pretty much everything right, but nothing is falling for us.


I think we need Ranger on to go up top with Carroll, but I wouldn't like to be the man making the decision. Tiote has been poor but is our best midfielder, We need Jonas' legs, Routledge has had a good game and whilst Nolan hasn't exactly set the world alight, you always fancy him to get a goal.


The referee has been woeful btw.

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Guest MrSundlofer

It may be just me but I don't like Pardew's 'very direct stile of football. I like controlled possession stile of football.. and a balanced team. Today is just crazy. Attack when we get the ball, close players down all time and long balls in the box.


There's not exactly much choice mate, we're 2-0 down.




But I saw signs of this against Liverpool as well.

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