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This creation was the product of over seven minutes of painstaking labour influenced by artistic pioneers such as Picasso, Dali and Dave. The violent red of the Santa hat juxtaposed alongside the visage of recrudescent yet tentative optimism on the back of a seminal victory in our season (a relatively comfortable victory) pays homage to the anxious underbelly which belies the felicity of our forum roisterers. It expresses the laudanum under which we currently post.

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It reflects the activity. Been on plenty of sites with out of date shit and horrid layouts, this always seems really fresh, vibrant and up-to-date :thup: small things make a massive difference (like the strip icons on the front page for example)

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Every time I see 'Moderate' across the top I get geet excited and start planning who to ban, then I click it and see:


An Error Has Occurred!


You do not have permission to access the moderation centre.










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