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Season Tickets

Guest BooBoo

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http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/System/Terms says:


14.7 Customers wishing to cancel the 10 Year Price Guarantee direct debit payment plan for future seasons must send written notice to the Club to "Box Office, Newcastle United Football Club, St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4ST" by 28 February (or other date as notified by the Club) prior to the commencement of the season in which the cancellation will take effect.No cancellations will be accepted after this date for the forthcoming season.


14.7.1 Customers wishing to cancel the 9 Year Price Guarantee direct debit payment plan for future seasons must send written notice to the Club to "Box Office, Newcastle United Football Club, St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4ST" by 31 January (or other date as notified by the Club) prior to the commencement of the season in which the cancellation will take effect.No cancellations will be accepted after this date for the forthcoming season.


Thanks for that. Do you think it means the cancellation request can't be done via email and must be in the form of a letter?

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http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/System/Terms says:


14.7 Customers wishing to cancel the 10 Year Price Guarantee direct debit payment plan for future seasons must send written notice to the Club to "Box Office, Newcastle United Football Club, St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4ST" by 28 February (or other date as notified by the Club) prior to the commencement of the season in which the cancellation will take effect.No cancellations will be accepted after this date for the forthcoming season.


14.7.1 Customers wishing to cancel the 9 Year Price Guarantee direct debit payment plan for future seasons must send written notice to the Club to "Box Office, Newcastle United Football Club, St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4ST" by 31 January (or other date as notified by the Club) prior to the commencement of the season in which the cancellation will take effect.No cancellations will be accepted after this date for the forthcoming season.


Thanks for that. Do you think it means the cancellation request can't be done via email and must be in the form of a letter?


I definitely did mine via email.


They told me to at the box office.

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http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/System/Terms says:


14.7 Customers wishing to cancel the 10 Year Price Guarantee direct debit payment plan for future seasons must send written notice to the Club to "Box Office, Newcastle United Football Club, St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4ST" by 28 February (or other date as notified by the Club) prior to the commencement of the season in which the cancellation will take effect.No cancellations will be accepted after this date for the forthcoming season.


14.7.1 Customers wishing to cancel the 9 Year Price Guarantee direct debit payment plan for future seasons must send written notice to the Club to "Box Office, Newcastle United Football Club, St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4ST" by 31 January (or other date as notified by the Club) prior to the commencement of the season in which the cancellation will take effect.No cancellations will be accepted after this date for the forthcoming season.


Thanks for that. Do you think it means the cancellation request can't be done via email and must be in the form of a letter?


I definitely did mine via email.


They told me to at the box office.

I suppose as long as I send it in good time and chase them for confirmation (if required) an email should be OK.

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  • 1 month later...

Received news of next seasons S/T direct debit payments in the post today. Seem to be more or less unchanged from this season.

Me and the youngun are in the family bit and we expected to have to pay a lot more or get kicked out next season. She turns 18 at the end of this season and i thought i'd have to shell out for 2 adult tickets. Bonus! I'm assuming we've won a reprieve until next year? No doubt they'll inform us when it is time to pay up or get out.

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Received news of next seasons S/T direct debit payments in the post today. Seem to be more or less unchanged from this season.

Me and the youngun are in the family bit and we expected to have to pay a lot more or get kicked out next season. She turns 18 at the end of this season. Bonus! I'm assuming we've won a reprieve until next year? No doubt they'll inform us when it is time to pay up or get out.


My letter mentions a price freeze scheme (despite the price going up by about £10 overall) so you might be covered by that.

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Received news of next seasons S/T direct debit payments in the post today. Seem to be more or less unchanged from this season.

Me and the youngun are in the family bit and we expected to have to pay a lot more or get kicked out next season. She turns 18 at the end of this season. Bonus! I'm assuming we've won a reprieve until next year? No doubt they'll inform us when it is time to pay up or get out.


My letter mentions a price freeze scheme (despite the price going up by about £10 overall) so you might be covered by that.

Aye, signed up for the 10yr price freeze a couple of seasons ago. I hope you're right, but my understanding was that once my daughter became too old for the family stand (18), we'd move to another area and be charged whatever the  price was for that area at the time of joining the price freeze scheme. If i can pay for a kids ticket for the next 8 or so yrs instead of an adult it'll be the best deal i've ever had. Can't see that happening though.

Anyone who's been in a similliar position, last season maybe, shed any light on things?

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Received news of next seasons S/T direct debit payments in the post today. Seem to be more or less unchanged from this season.

Me and the youngun are in the family bit and we expected to have to pay a lot more or get kicked out next season. She turns 18 at the end of this season and i thought i'd have to shell out for 2 adult tickets. Bonus! I'm assuming we've won a reprieve until next year? No doubt they'll inform us when it is time to pay up or get out.


I'd be surprised if they ever query it, I'm not exaggerating.

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Got my letter as well. Currently in the 18-21 area but they're all being moved down to level 4 next season, whole of level 7 apart to be family enclosure (apart from away fans ofc).


Can see my ticket going up a bit if I'm going to be sitting in the NW corner.

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Received news of next seasons S/T direct debit payments in the post today. Seem to be more or less unchanged from this season.

Me and the youngun are in the family bit and we expected to have to pay a lot more or get kicked out next season. She turns 18 at the end of this season and i thought i'd have to shell out for 2 adult tickets. Bonus! I'm assuming we've won a reprieve until next year? No doubt they'll inform us when it is time to pay up or get out.

Seems I had false hope.  My price remained roughly the same but my daughter's just came home and opened her letter to reveal a £21 per month increase. £327 each for decent seats in the milburn, which I expected to have to move out of. I thought I'd pay at least £500 each,  so I'm still quite pleased. Maybe it's an 18-21price.

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Got my letter as well. Currently in the 18-21 area but they're all being moved down to level 4 next season, whole of level 7 apart to be family enclosure (apart from away fans ofc).


Can see my ticket going up a bit if I'm going to be sitting in the NW corner.


Good news :thup:


More atmosphere maybe? Pissed off that they refused LC to be moved down there mind, only for them to then fucking move it there 2 years later...

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Guest Sophie S

I used to have £50-odd coming out of my account, now they inform me it's £38 or so. How come?  :hmm:


I like with this price fix that you don't have to show your student card every year you just seem to remain on the reduced price, especially good if you don't have a student card anymore. (Not me, but my boyfriend.)

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Guest Sophie S

If you are on the 10 year (or 9 year) scheme I think you have to write to the box office before the 31st of January. As I have barely enjoyed a single game this season (even the games we've won have usually been painful viewing) I was thinking of jacking my season ticket in. A few weeks ago I decided to base my decision on whether to keep my season ticket or not on January signings and the Reading and Aston Villa results. Today's defeat is a nail in the coffin.

Seeing as you posted that after the Reading game, do you in hindsight regret not waiting another week? Or did you not end up quitting your ticket after all?

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Received news of next seasons S/T direct debit payments in the post today. Seem to be more or less unchanged from this season.

Me and the youngun are in the family bit and we expected to have to pay a lot more or get kicked out next season. She turns 18 at the end of this season and i thought i'd have to shell out for 2 adult tickets. Bonus! I'm assuming we've won a reprieve until next year? No doubt they'll inform us when it is time to pay up or get out.


My wife and son are in the family enclosure and he turns 18 in June. His ticket has gone up from £7 to £27!

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If you are on the 10 year (or 9 year) scheme I think you have to write to the box office before the 31st of January. As I have barely enjoyed a single game this season (even the games we've won have usually been painful viewing) I was thinking of jacking my season ticket in. A few weeks ago I decided to base my decision on whether to keep my season ticket or not on January signings and the Reading and Aston Villa results. Today's defeat is a nail in the coffin.

Seeing as you posted that after the Reading game, do you in hindsight regret not waiting another week? Or did you not end up quitting your ticket after all?

I didn't quit. I had the email drafted and ready to send but the new signings and the win over Aston Villa stopped me from sending the email. We better not get relegated!

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Just got the letter about the renewal for next year on the 9 year scheme. It doesn't tell me how much it costs overall and I can't remember how much I paid last year. So does anyone know the exact amount for a seat in the Gallowgate and how many monthly payments there will be?


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