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Realistic Transfer Targets Summer 2011


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Comparing Ben Arfa and C.Ronaldo  :mackems:


If Ben Arfa was so good, or had the potential to be so good, do you think he would be at a club like us? There is a reason Ronaldo is classed as one of the best footballers in the world, and Ben Arfa isn't.


Noone was comparing the two talents ya big fanny fart.


I likend Arfa to the young Ronaldo, needed development.


Ronaldo wasn't the complete article when he signed for Man U, fergie had to work with him.

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Comparing Ben Arfa and C.Ronaldo  :mackems:


If Ben Arfa was so good, or had the potential to be so good, do you think he would be at a club like us? There is a reason Ronaldo is classed as one of the best footballers in the world, and Ben Arfa isn't.


Noone was comparing the two talents ya big fanny fart.


I likend Arfa to the young Ronaldo, needed development.


Ronaldo wasn't the complete article when he signed for Man U, fergie had to work with him.


Exactly! That's what I've tried to explain all along.

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Comparing Ben Arfa and C.Ronaldo   :mackems:


If Ben Arfa was so good, or had the potential to be so good, do you think he would be at a club like us? There is a reason Ronaldo is classed as one of the best footballers in the world, and Ben Arfa isn't.


You're completely missing the picture. First :the only reason why we got HBA, was because of his reputation as a difficult player.

Second, do you actually think that as long as you got talent, that is enough? You need proper guidance. Ronaldo received that under SAF.


Step up Alan Pardew.

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Cronaldo and HBA are not at all similar players. Cronaldo learnt to use his strength and power to become more direct and effective, HBA doesn't have that. His game is about pace and close control. He has more of a change of modelling himself after Messi than Cronaldo.


Again, i was not comparing the skill/talent sets of the two players...it was about the devlopement cycle.

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Ronaldo is the best player in the world, in many people's eyes. HBA has some way to go before you can mention the two in the same sentence ...


People are just saying that Ferguson moved Ronaldo from the wing to a centre forward and maybe Ben Arfa could do something similar. They weren't comparing their abilities as far as I can see. ???


its like banging your head against a wall man  :lol:

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Comparing Ben Arfa and C.Ronaldo  :mackems:


If Ben Arfa was so good, or had the potential to be so good, do you think he would be at a club like us? There is a reason Ronaldo is classed as one of the best footballers in the world, and Ben Arfa isn't.


Be at a club like us? What are you implying?


What about Andy Carroll, the eighth most expensive player of all time? We may not like to say it on here but we truly are one hell of a club with tons of supporters and even more importantly tons of potential.


We are not an elite football club. We are one of the biggest in England, but a decent distance from the likes of Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal. Compare that to the world, then there are many clubs way "better" and "bigger" than NUFC. No point in bringing Andy Carroll into this. He left us for a "bigger" club with more success, and he wants his potential to shine at Liverpool.


And as for Punk - Bad behaviour isn't unusual with young footballers. They can still progress at top clubs as the best managers in the world know how to control them. It's laughable that people are saying Ben Arfa could even be anywhere near as good as Ronaldo. Yes he might have the quality to be a good CL player, but he won't ever be as good as Ronaldo whoever is his manager.


Just my opinion of course...

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Kevo: You're indirectly saying that who's your manger has not a significant effect on how you develop as player. You're completely ignoring the importance of being taught by one of the world's best managers. You're attributing every accomplishment of Ronaldo to his internal talent. By so doing you're making the classical attribution error.


Look at how Ronaldo was the first season compared to how he played when he left Man U. Some of that improvement can be attributed to Ronaldo's own hard work. But most of it can be attributed to the fact that he was TAUGHT by some of the best football brains known to man. Accordingly the variables talent and being taught by the right persons are mutually dependent on each other: On the on hand, Ronaldo could have not achieved what he's done today without being taught correctly. But on the other hand,  without the talent, SAF could have soaked Ronaldo in knowledge without getting  results

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Kevo: You're indirectly saying that who's your manger has not a significant effect on how you develop as player. You're completely ignoring the importance of being taught by one of the world's best managers. You're attributing every accomplishment of Ronaldo to his internal talent. By so doing you're making the classical attribution error.


Look at how Ronaldo was the first season compared to how he played when he left. Some of that improvement can be attributed to Ronaldo's own hard work. But most of it can be attributed to the fact that he was TAUGHT by some of the best football brains known to man. That cannot be  underestimated.


Punk, just leave it man.


people read it as"Ben Arfa is just as good as Ronaldo"

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In terms of natural talent there is few better than Ben Arfa. You hear what people like Wenger say about him and the cult following he has in France, it shows just how good he could have been (and still might be) Sometimes players just don't max out their potential because of a number of reasons. Players like Recoba and Adriano fall into the same category.

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Kevo: You're indirectly saying that who's your manger has not a significant effect on how you develop as player. You're completely ignoring the importance of being taught by one of the world's best managers. You're attributing every accomplishment of Ronaldo to his internal talent. By so doing you're making the classical attribution error.


Look at how Ronaldo was the first season compared to how he played when he left. Some of that improvement can be attributed to Ronaldo's own hard work. But most of it can be attributed to the fact that he was TAUGHT by some of the best football brains known to man. That cannot be  underestimated.


Punk, just leave it man.


people read it as"Ben Arfa is just as good as Ronaldo"


I think they are just being difficult tbh.

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Guest MrSundlofer

We are probably looking for players in the leagues of Belgium, England, Holland, France and Spain.. So I did some (Internet) scouting.


Some realistic transfers targets:



Charles N'Zogbia

Tom Cleverley

Christopher Samba

Steven N'Zonzi

Sanchez Watt

Joe Bennett

Ryan Bertrand

Connor Wickham

Jordan Clarke

Nathan Cameron

Nathaniel Clyne



Kevin Gameiro

Michaël Ciani

Youssef El-Arabi

Kevin Théophile-Catherine

Jean-Armel Kana-Biyik

Yacine Brahimi

Younès Belhanda

Anthony Modeste



Björn Vleminckx

Ricky van Wolfswinkel



Álvaro Domínguez

Fran Mérida

Andreu Fontàs




This list includes backup players, squad players and first team players. The list is not 'the players I think' we should buy, it's just some players we probably should have on our radar.



I think Sol Campbell should be offered a coaching-role and join the staff team in the summer = Fabricio Coloccini, Mike Williamson and Steven Taylor = we need one more central defender. My choice: Michaël Ciani or Christopher Samba.



Michaël Ciani



Christopher Samba


I hope José Enrique stays and I think Danny Simpson will be first choice at right back next season = backups = Jordan Clarke and/or Nathaniel Clyne. If we decide to look at a full back in France, why not Jean-Armel Kana-Biyik?


Steven N'Zonzi is a tall defensive midfielder and highly regarded at Blackburn Rovers but he would be useful in our lineup playing away from home or when Tiote is injured or suspended.



Steven N'Zonzi


Youssef El-Arabi has been linked a few times now and I think he's exactly the type of player we should sign as an attacking player. He can play anywhere in midfield and as a striker.



Youssef El-Arabi


Don't think Sanchez Watt will make the progress during the summer he needs to break into the Arsenal first team squad. He will probably be listed for loan. Maybe put in a bid?


It's very easy to say we should sign Kévin Gameiro, but should we? Does he fit our system? I think our priority is a big target man. I couldn't find anyone really. Connor Wickham is still very unexperienced and unproven in a top division league. I'm thinking about Björn Vleminckx or Ricky van Wolfswinkel. Both are interesting players.

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Not the first time i've mentioned it but i reckon we should test Bolton's resolve and stick a bid in for Cahill. I wouldn't go to double-figures but i reckon it'd be a very good signing if we could pull it off. Probably a long-shot but if we finish above them, it could be possible.

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Not the first time i've mentioned it but i reckon we should test Bolton's resolve and stick a bid in for Cahill. I wouldn't go to double-figures but i reckon it'd be a very good signing if we could pull it off. Probably a long-shot but if we finish above them, it could be possible.


They'd want at least £15m for him.

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Not the first time i've mentioned it but i reckon we should test Bolton's resolve and stick a bid in for Cahill. I wouldn't go to double-figures but i reckon it'd be a very good signing if we could pull it off. Probably a long-shot but if we finish above them, it could be possible.


They'd want at least £15m for him.


Probably. English with potential, etc.


Edit: Is his contract not up at the end of next season? Think i read that somewhere but could be totally wrong. Maybe our resident Bolton supporter could clarify before he disappears after the end of tomorrow?

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Not the first time i've mentioned it but i reckon we should test Bolton's resolve and stick a bid in for Cahill. I wouldn't go to double-figures but i reckon it'd be a very good signing if we could pull it off. Probably a long-shot but if we finish above them, it could be possible.


They'd want at least £15m for him.


Probably. English with potential, etc.


Edit: Is his contract not up at the end of next season? Think i read that somewhere but could be totally wrong. Maybe our resident Bolton supporter could clarify before he disappears after the end of tomorrow?


No idea, even so its the same situation as us with Enrique, even more so since he's English. They'll want (and get) double figures even with a year left. Would be a brilliant move, but I think it will be Arsenal in the summer or if Arsenal can't spend out of sheer greed Spuds will being him in to replace Woodgate.

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We are probably looking for players in the leagues of Belgium, England, Holland, France and Spain.. So I did some (Internet) scouting.


Some realistic transfers targets:



Charles N'Zogbia

Tom Cleverley

Christopher Samba

Steven N'Zonzi

Sanchez Watt

Joe Bennett

Ryan Bertrand

Connor Wickham

Jordan Clarke

Nathan Cameron

Nathaniel Clyne



Kevin Gameiro

Michaël Ciani

Youssef El-Arabi

Kevin Théophile-Catherine

Jean-Armel Kana-Biyik

Yacine Brahimi

Younès Belhanda

Anthony Modeste



Björn Vleminckx

Ricky van Wolfswinkel



Álvaro Domínguez

Fran Mérida

Andreu Fontàs




This list includes backup players, squad players and first team players. The list is not 'the players I think' we should buy, it's just some players we probably should have on our radar.



I think Sol Campbell should be offered a coaching-role and join the staff team in the summer = Fabricio Coloccini, Mike Williamson and Steven Taylor = we need one more central defender. My choice: Michaël Ciani or Christopher Samba.



Michaël Ciani



Christopher Samba


I hope José Enrique stays and I think Danny Simpson will be first choice at right back next season = backups = Jordan Clarke and/or Nathaniel Clyne. If we decide to look at a full back in France, why not Jean-Armel Kana-Biyik?


Steven N'Zonzi is a tall defensive midfielder and highly regarded at Blackburn Rovers but he would be useful in our lineup playing away from home or when Tiote is injured or suspended.



Steven N'Zonzi


Youssef El-Arabi has been linked a few times now and I think he's exactly the type of player we should sign as an attacking player. He can play anywhere in midfield and as a striker.



Youssef El-Arabi


Don't think Sanchez Watt will make the progress during the summer he needs to break into the Arsenal first team squad. He will probably be listed for loan. Maybe put in a bid?


It's very easy to say we should sign Kévin Gameiro, but should we? Does he fit our system? I think our priority is a big target man. I couldn't find anyone really. Connor Wickham is still very unexperienced and unproven in a top division league. I'm thinking about Björn Vleminckx or Ricky van Wolfswinkel. Both are interesting players.


Could get these two for very cheap,Coventry board will sell anybody for a decent enough offer. I live in Coventry, was in the year above Jordan at school, top player, good sensible head on him for his age aswell, posted ages ago we should go for him.

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Sell/release all the s**** like Xisco, R.Taylor, Lovenkrands, Routledge and Perch. None of them are good enough. Smith, I'd keep until his contract expires in the summer of 2012. No-one will want him.


Decreases wage bill by around £115,000 a week, £5.9 million a year.


Let's say we raise £5 million from selling that lot ... £35 million in the bank to spend (inc. Carroll sale).


Bid £3 million for Van Aanholt, has familiarity with the club/area, will need someone relatively settled when Enrique is sold/goes on a free.


Bid £12 million for Kevin Gameiro, fast and a good finisher. Bellamy but better, without the attitude.

Bid £10 million for Youssef El-Arabi, depending on how he finishes the season and if Caen go down.


Ideally one of:


Bid £8 million, for Matt Jarvis, can play on either wing.

Bid £13 million for Adam Johnson, emphasise on him being a first-team player. Give the lad something to think about.


We'll need DM cover, someone like Reo-Coker would be adequate, bid of £2.5 million should do it.


Total - £33 million, around £150,000 added to the weekly wage bill - £7.8 million a year (only £2.6 million a year more than now if we can sell some of the deadwood).


All hypothetical of course ...


---------------------------- Harper ----------------------------


-- Simpson -- Williamson/Taylor -- Coloccini -- Enrique


-- Barton -------- Tiote ---------- Nolan ------------ Jarvis


--------------------------- Ben Arfa ---------------------------


--------------------------- Gameiro ---------------------------


Id be surprised if we got that lot for £150k per week


True, probably underestimated the wages a bit. Still;

Gameiro - £50,000

El Arabi - £38,000

Reo-Coker - £25,000

Van Aanholt - £17,000

Jarvis - £27,000


£157,000 a week?


Reo-Coker is on a lot more than that now, will be moving on a free transfer, and will therefore - as there is no fee involved - be looking for a sizeable signing on wedge, and a high wage, much more than 25k.


No-one will pay him more than £30k a week ... saying that aren't Stoke paying all of Carew's reported £50k a week wage?


Gameiro better than Bellamy? Not yet.


He's got the potential to be a much better player than Bellamy.


Bellamy was world class at his best. How much have you seen of Gamerio to make such a massive call?

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Guest levi914

i think bolton would want more money from newcastle then a big club just cos we are competing with them. good news that bolton have been told 10m for sturridge cause i think he is a realistic target and that would be a good price.

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Guest levi914

welbeck will be looking for 1st team football next season and i would love to snatch him from sunderland. but man u would want 7m plus so might be a risk.

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