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Kicks to the Balls

Guest BooBoo

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Even by the monumental standards this club sets, we've had a nightmare run of late: two consecutive last minute equalisers conceded, an impotent transfer window, culminating in Carroll doing the dirty on us and now, oh yes, a former player who is generally hated by all turns up to score the winner to sink us. Meanwhile, our back up striker Ameobi lasts 15 minutes before breaking his face to leave us with the ridiculous trio of Best, Lovenkrands and Ranger to turn to for goals.


It's an utter joke, makes you wonder whether it's all worth it. You see a club like Liverpool "struggling" with bad ownership, a new rich owner turns up and sets the wheels in motion for recovery. Meanwhile we seem cursed to suffer the whims of Ashley while he continually shafts over the club while we sift through the wreckage.


A rambling mini rant, but it's getting too much. I fear a real hiding off a very in form Arsenal and if that happens, it could all get very nasty at St James' on Saturday. Again. What a contrast to a few months ago when we went to the Emirates and deservedly beat them.



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It isn't a curse.  Bad decisions have consequences.  


Fairly good players over performing and seemingly on course for safety.  So you sack the man responsible for the team spirit, appoint a moron, sell the man scoring the goals, and fail to sign a replacement of any kind.


Injuries aren't bad luck when you don't build a squad.

Even Tiote's suspension can be attributed to a bad decision from  :kinnear: Mk II

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Guest toonlass

I feel utterly despondent after tonight. I had hoped for some kind of show from the lads, some kind of display that would show that the Carroll move wasn't going to stop us. Instead we looked flat, we looked impotent. We lacked any ideas, we looked lacklustre. Only Harper came out of the game looking any good to me. We have serious problems up front tbh and are going to have to depend on Nolan to keep scoring.

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I wish I didn't care. I wish this didn't make me depressed and ruin my week. I fucking wish we were good. It honestly feels like we'll never get out of this Ashley era. :( From Shepherd to Ashley- please, whoever controls these things, be kind to us.


Its all very depressing.

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Morale has to be at a low for the season right now.  And it doesn't help to know they have to play Arsenal next.  Against whom none other than Andy Carroll snatched 2 points.  This is when managers and captains are really critical, so the big test is on them to get us up for the match on Saturday.

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Guest Loven11



I wish I didn't care. I wish this didn't make me depressed and ruin my week. I f***ing wish we were good. It honestly feels like we'll never get out of this Ashley era. :( From Shepherd to Ashley- please, whoever controls these things, be kind to us.


Its all very depressing.


Seems like fucking ages now, I wish it would end.

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Guest Loven11

Totally despondent now as tonights performance is us till the end of the season ,Ashley you and your cronies have f***ed up once again.


Yep, how many times now and how many more times will he fuck up? Such a fucking wanker.


5 year plan my arse.

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Its laughable really. We went down but bounced back thanks largely to Chris Hughton and the goals of Carroll. Ashley must have thought "hmmm can't have this hoo har", and sacked Hughton and sold Carroll.



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Its laughable really. We went down but bounced back thanks largely to Chris Hughton and the goals of Carroll. Ashley must have thought "hmmm can't have this hoo har", and sacked Hughton and sold Carroll.







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