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Newcastle United 1 - 1 Bolton - 26/02/11 - post match reaction from page 17


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We should have been at least two up by the time they scored, which was annoying. The first half at least, every time they had the ball in a decent area it was because of sloppy passes and touches by us.


I need to see the Taylor tackle again because most around me thought it was harsh (albeit stupid). From that point on it was a decent point; Bolton have some good players and are a decent team.

I've now seen it again and still can't believe it was a red card, he overran it and tried to win the ball back, not violent conduct or malicious at all.



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We should have been at least two up by the time they scored, which was annoying. The first half at least, every time they had the ball in a decent area it was because of sloppy passes and touches by us.


I need to see the Taylor tackle again because most around me thought it was harsh (albeit stupid). From that point on it was a decent point; Bolton have some good players and are a decent team.

I've now seen it again and still can't believe it was a red card, he overran it and tried to win the ball back, not violent conduct or malicious at all.


It was definitely a red mate. I think most would agree it wasn't malicious but you just can't dive in like he did.

Perhaps in these soft premiership days yes, but i still don't think it is, games gone soft as there was no intent.
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We should have been at least two up by the time they scored, which was annoying. The first half at least, every time they had the ball in a decent area it was because of sloppy passes and touches by us.


I need to see the Taylor tackle again because most around me thought it was harsh (albeit stupid). From that point on it was a decent point; Bolton have some good players and are a decent team.

I've now seen it again and still can't believe it was a red card, he overran it and tried to win the ball back, not violent conduct or malicious at all.


It was definitely a red mate. I think most would agree it wasn't malicious but you just can't dive in like he did.

Perhaps in these soft premiership days yes, but i still don't think it is, games gone soft as there was no intent.


It was a two footed lunge. That's a red no matter where you are in the world.

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We should have been at least two up by the time they scored, which was annoying. The first half at least, every time they had the ball in a decent area it was because of sloppy passes and touches by us.


I need to see the Taylor tackle again because most around me thought it was harsh (albeit stupid). From that point on it was a decent point; Bolton have some good players and are a decent team.

I've now seen it again and still can't believe it was a red card, he overran it and tried to win the ball back, not violent conduct or malicious at all.


It was definitely a red mate. I think most would agree it wasn't malicious but you just can't dive in like he did.

Perhaps in these soft premiership days yes, but i still don't think it is, games gone soft as there was no intent.


You can't prove intent either way though, the players can only be judged on their actions.

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Guest Stephen927

Definite red. Took a heavy touch, went storming in and last minute went 2 footed when it looked like Elmander would get there first.

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It was one of the most blatant red cards i've ever seen, man.


This. It was a ridiculously bad timed challenge, over the ball, could've had devastating effects had Elmander kept his leg on the ground.


People condem de Jongs tackle, but in my opinion his was less wreckless than this one. Elmander couldve broken his leg ffs.

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I'm pretty sure Best was born offside.


Born in an offside hurricane?


Joking aside he seems to put in a shift. Raylor f'd us in the A today. Shambles of a player. Shame we are so light on RM as the only way we could fill the space today was with a waste of one.

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At the time i was going off it. But me and the lad next to me said we'd reserve judgement until we saw it on the tele.


What annoyed me was it hadn't been a dirty game. Foy hadn't even looked like bringing out a card until then, and to add insult to injury i thought the tackle on Tiote was just as late and bad as Taylor, only difference was he cut across Tiote unlike Raylor who came on straight at him.


Yes it was a red, but Foy was poor. I remember sometime after Raylor's read a Bolton player dived into a tackle and Foy had no intention of booking him until the crowd went rightly mad. I thought Bolton genuinely got away with a lot of persistent fouling. Particularly the left back.

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It was one of the most blatant red cards i've ever seen, man.


This. It was a ridiculously bad timed challenge, over the ball, could've had devastating effects had Elmander kept his leg on the ground.


People condem de Jongs tackle, but in my opinion his was less wreckless than this one. Elmander couldve broken his leg ffs.


de Jong's was less reckless because Elmander could have broken his leg?

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At the time i was going off it. But me and the lad next to me said we'd reserve judgement until we saw it on the tele.


What annoyed me was it hadn't been a dirty game. Foy hadn't even looked like bringing out a card until then, and to add insult to injury i thought the tackle on Tiote was just as late and bad as Taylor, only difference was he cut across Tiote unlike Raylor who came on straight at him.


Yes it was a red, but Foy was poor. I remember sometime after Raylor's read a Bolton player dived into a tackle and Foy had no intention of booking him until the crowd went rightly mad. I thought Bolton genuinely got away with a lot of persistent fouling. Particularly the left back.


And a blatant foul right in front of him, which he wasn't going to give until the bewildered linesman about three times the distance away raised his flag upon realising that Foy wasn't going to blow up for it.

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Was sitting near that stalker bitch some of you lot chat about on here. She was wearing a Simpson shirt and shes grim.


At least it was Ryan Taylor that got sent off, if i had to pick somebody from that starting like up to go it would've been him. Also, why the fuck were the mong-brigrade applauding him off the field and singing his name? What on fucking earth had he done to deserve that? He'd just got sent off like a complete fucking bellend, making it much less likely for us to win. Stupid cunts.

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Was sitting near that stalker bitch some of you lot chat about on here. She was wearing a Simpson shirt and shes grim.


At least it was Ryan Taylor that got sent off, if i had to pick somebody from that starting like up to go it would've been him. Also, why the f*** were the mong-brigrade applauding him off the field and singing his name? What on f***ing earth had he done to deserve that? He'd just got sent off like a complete f***ing bellend, making it much less likely for us to win. Stupid c***s.


I guess people just wanted to support him being supporters and all.  You could see he knew he had done wrong.

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Was sitting near that stalker bitch some of you lot chat about on here. She was wearing a Simpson shirt and shes grim.


At least it was Ryan Taylor that got sent off, if i had to pick somebody from that starting like up to go it would've been him. Also, why the f*** were the mong-brigrade applauding him off the field and singing his name? What on f***ing earth had he done to deserve that? He'd just got sent off like a complete f***ing bellend, making it much less likely for us to win. Stupid c***s.


I guess people just wanted to support him being supporters and all.  You could see he knew he had done wrong.


Sorry but no. The way he got some standing ovation as if he was Sir Bobby back from the dead was abit of a pisstake.

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Was sitting near that stalker bitch some of you lot chat about on here. She was wearing a Simpson shirt and shes grim.


At least it was Ryan Taylor that got sent off, if i had to pick somebody from that starting like up to go it would've been him. Also, why the f*** were the mong-brigrade applauding him off the field and singing his name? What on f***ing earth had he done to deserve that? He'd just got sent off like a complete f***ing bellend, making it much less likely for us to win. Stupid c***s.


I guess people just wanted to support him being supporters and all.  You could see he knew he had done wrong.


Sorry but no. The way he got some standing ovation as if he was Sir Bobby back from the dead was abit of a pisstake.



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It was one of the most blatant red cards i've ever seen, man.


This. It was a ridiculously bad timed challenge, over the ball, could've had devastating effects had Elmander kept his leg on the ground.


People condem de Jongs tackle, but in my opinion his was less wreckless than this one. Elmander couldve broken his leg ffs.


de Jong's was less reckless because Elmander could have broken his leg?


No, that's not what i meant. The fact still remain that a tackle like Raylor will break legs more often than the de Jongs to be honest. I hate those tackles, as a footballer myself I dont find it pleasing when people lung into tackles with their foot up, and i find it even less pleasing when its a two footed tackle with the studs.


It's a ridiculous challenge, and in my opinion a well worth red card. I think de Jongs also a red card, but what I'm saying is a people can't suggest this wasn't a red card and then say de Jong should be banned for life.

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Guest toonlass

Pardew's substitutions were excellent yesterday iyam. The team looked completely deflated after the sending off. Immediately after the red card they were all walking put after a Bolton attack and all had their heads down and shoulders slumped. They seemed to get over that once the subs were made.

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Pardew's substitutions were excellent yesterday iyam. The team looked completely deflated after the sending off. Immediately after the red card they were all walking put after a Bolton attack and all had their heads down and shoulders slumped. They seemed to get over that once the subs were made.


I don't see how his substitutions were excellent when our two ineffective forwards came back out for the 2nd half.

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Pardew's substitutions were excellent yesterday iyam. The team looked completely deflated after the sending off. Immediately after the red card they were all walking put after a Bolton attack and all had their heads down and shoulders slumped. They seemed to get over that once the subs were made.


I don't see how his substitutions were excellent when our two ineffective forwards came back out for the 2nd half.


I forgot we can't move for striking options.

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