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anyone else think it looks a little bit like owen coyle?




Nowt like him.


Hahahahaha. Fucking hell. Spat me Crunchie al owa me laptop screen. :lol:

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Hi guys.





That is, without a doubt, the most disturbing I ever have, and probably ever will, see.

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Hi guys.






Why did I click on the spoiler!!! :icon_puke_r:


This will give me nightmares. :crazy2:

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

The PUMA lass yesterday said they went for the two stripes as it based off the club emblem only having two stripes. Makes a bit of sense now, but still looks daft.  :lol:

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Picked up my kit this morning at the post office and naturally I immediately had change of clothes. Afterwards I went to the grocery store and there were only like 5 people there, then at the register when I was paying this insanely enthusiastic guy ran across the whole store (even had to jump over some restricted tape thingy) and was like "WOAH IS THAT THE NEW SHIRT?" "What´s your name?" "You on the Icelandic Newcastle Facebook?" "Need to sign up and come on a group trip" etc.

Then we exchanged some dialogue before parting tough he still managed to shout from distance "AND I LOVE THE NAME ON THE BACK OF YOUR SHIRT, HE'LL COME GOOD ONCE HE´S FIT" (37 Ben Arfa).


What a cool guy  :lol:

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Hi guys.






Im now totally disturbed!


Going down stairs to murder my wife then sleep in the wheelie bin.

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I normally get shirts in Large, but christ the length on it is ridiculous. Will probably have to opt for the tighter/shorter Medium.


Risky :( 


Aye av got a large, pretty much covers my arse. Could do with taking up :lol:

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I normally get shirts in Large, but christ the length on it is ridiculous. Will probably have to opt for the tighter/shorter Medium.


Risky :( 


Aye av got a large, pretty much covers my arse. Could do with taking up :lol:


Proper pain isn't it? Look too small or look to big!!! Probs go medium to show off the guns....



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