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Yohan Cabaye


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One thing I've noticed is that if you get him wound up he gets properly wound up and plays horrifically, as we saw versus Brighton and Everton. Needs a bit of work with a psychologist to sort him out.

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This'll go down like a shit sarnie but some of his behaviour this season has been diabolical. Unlike Tiote who picks up yellows for the cause, Cabaye will get them for petulance, nasty tackles and childish behaviour. It's certainly something that doesn't need to be in his game and certainly something i'd like to see less of next season.

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This'll go down like a shit sarnie but some of his behaviour this season has been diabolical. Unlike Tiote who picks up yellows for the cause, Cabaye will get them for petulance, nasty tackles and childish behaviour. It's certainly something that doesn't need to be in his game and certainly something i'd like to see less of next season.


Fully agree with you. Needs to mature-up.


From a footballing point of view though, I fully expect him to have an even better season next year. :thup:

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totally not the reaction i was expecting, oh well.  :lol:


It's hardly a controversial point. :lol:


Personally though I'm sick of playing against teams packed full of cheats, wind up merchants, dirt bastards and general cunts. I'd like to see us have 1 or 2 that can give it back. Don't say Barton - he's just thick as fuck.

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I just put his acts of petulance down to trying too hard and getting wound up a little too easily, plus he has been on the receiving a few times (Derry). Fully expect him to eradicate that side of his game next season.

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Guest Sophie S

The nice thing is that he is not a stupid idiot like Barton or Cattermole. He occasionally goes nasty on the pitch, but with very few exceptions he does that for the team. He seems to get into the game too much. I can live with that, I even think it can be good to have someone like that. If he were to smash cars or peoples faces in his free time, that would disqualify him to me.


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I've noticed him winding oppo players up loads of times, as well as the odd dirty challenge.


It's sometimes too easy for talented players to get kicked out the game by cloggers like Karl Henry. Cabaye doesn't let that happen.


The most important thing now is that Cabaye had finally settled (on the pitch) and I hope he gets off to a good start next year.

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That goal v Manure  :smitten:.I think I prefered it than cisse and Hatems goals even.Such a shame that people can probably  barely remember since we got so many good goals these season.

I'd go along with that.....athough Jones goal was also quite good. :laugh:

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Guest Argileye

On Friday, the French publication Chronofoot (I'm sure you're familiar with it by now) posted this very interesting interview with Yo. Although I am fluent in French, I'm afraid I don't have the time to translate it all by today (sorry mates, I'm at work). But I can tell you briefly what's about: he talks about the great influence the Newcastle fans had during the season, in general. He was impressed by the support showed here (comparing it to France, where you don't generally get more than +15,000 people at a match) and the great atmosphere during matches (best in the UK). He then goes on to talk about how he had to get used to the criticisms from Lille supporters after his transfer and how he managed to impose himself in the EPL. He's confident that the current French team has the quality to take on great rivals such as Spain, Holland or Germany and win. He's aware that the only way of washing away the negative image the Bleus acquired after the 2010 WC is by delivering great results on the pitch. He praised HBA and the fact that he earned his place in the French Euro team. Apparently, Hatem would always push himself and he would work extra every time, at the end of training sessions. About Montpel, he thinks there are many parallels between them and the old Lille team. Finally, about PSG, Yo went on to say that money isn't everything (obviously) and that you can't buy a title. It is important to invest responsibly but that Paris is a great club with a long tradition and that they know what they are doing (so far). He finished the interview by remarking that the 75% tax on revenues over 1 million euros in France will push away many football players and he compared this situation with the UK reality where the high-income tax is of only 45%.


Here's the part about SJP (I love that the French are using the proper name):


Chronofoot: Que penses-tu de ton bilan pour ta première année en Premier League ?

Yohan Cabaye: C'est satisfaisant, surtout avec ce que l'on disait au départ. Dans le football, il faut s'habituer à être critiqué pour ses choix, cela fait partie du métier. Il faut rester ouvert, de la même manière qu'il ne faut pas s'enflammer lorsque l'on est acclamé ou félicité. Ces critiques m'ont motivé encore un peu plus. Moi je suis parti avec confiance et j'avais envie de leur montrer qu'ils s'étaient trompés. Finalement, on a terminé cinquièmes. Personne, pas même au club, ne nous voyait à ce niveau. On a fait une très belle saison, ce qui va nous permettre de jour la Coupe d'Europe. Ce serait d'ailleurs sympa de jouer un club français !


L'ambiance de Saint-James Park a dû te changer du Stadium de Lille...

Le premier match à domicile (face à Arsenal, ndlr) c'était quelque chose ! A Lille, on jouait devant 15 000 personnes et même si le public était franchement extraordinaire, là c'est 52 000 personnes. Le Stadium a aidé le club, mais ce n'est pas un stade de football, ce que ce sera le Grand Stade. Avec lui, les supporteurs pourront s'identifier à une enceinte. A Newcastle, le stade est énorme. Avant que j'arrive, les gens me parlaient de la plus belle ambiance d'Angleterre. Aujourd'hui, je peux le confirmer !


Sorry, I know that there are many people waiting for some inside info on Debuchy, but he wasn't questioned on the topic of transfers. Here's the article, in full: http://www.chronofoot.com/%e9quipe-de-france/yohan-cabaye-montpellier-ne-va-pas-flancher_art31465.html


And here's Yo's sexy pic:



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